
Page 18

“That’s what she said,” Mia said in a low voice.

“I’m going to address this tomorrow. If I have to fire every single employee, I’ll do it. I refuse to have people I can’t trust working for me.”

Mia closed her eyes. This was the last thing she wanted to happen. All she wanted was for Gabe to be aware so he could be more careful. Maybe even consider not housing personal, damning information in his office.

And then Gabe’s hand closed around hers, squeezing reassuringly. “You don’t have to worry, Mia. You said they had no knowledge of your presence in the bathroom. She won’t know you told me. She’ll think one of her officemates betrayed her.”

“It still doesn’t bring me any comfort knowing I’m responsible for someone losing their job,” she said quietly.

“You’re too softhearted, Mia. If she betrayed me in such a fashion, she doesn’t deserve to work under me. I don’t tolerate disloyalty of any kind.”

Mia supposed that was true, but she wished it wasn’t her who’d had to tell Gabe.

The car pulled to a stop outside Gabe’s apartment building, and they got out. Gabe retrieved her boxes from the store and they headed up to his apartment.

As soon as they were inside his door, he tossed down the boxes and herded Mia into the living room and onto the plush, thick lambskin rug.

“On your knees,” he said brusquely.

Disconcerted, she did as he ordered, sliding to her knees on the soft rug.

He began to unfasten his slacks, opening the fly and pulling out his semi-erect cock. He stroked, up and down, watching her all the while, his eyes fastened greedily on her mouth.

She watched in fascination as his erection stiffened and became engorged, rigidly hard and long. His hand over the length, pleasuring himself, was beautiful and erotic. The bite of anticipation was sharp in the air. She could feel his excitement, the edgy desire coiling through his body.

His hand slid to the head, squeezing lightly before pulling back toward his groin, making the distinction even more apparent of just how large he was. She knew, even before he spoke, what he would command her to do. It was all she could do not to squeeze her thighs together to quench the overwhelming ache. Her mouth watered in anticipation of having him on her tongue and tasting him.

He’d told her she’d get her chance. Now it was time.

“Today was all about you, Mia. Now it’s all about me. Open your mouth.”

She barely had time to process his demand before he was sliding, hard and deep, into her mouth. The shock of the contrast of hard and velvety soft brought her to greater awareness. She inhaled deeply, savoring his scent and the taste of him on her tongue. She ached for him, wanted him, wanted this possession. She couldn’t get enough of him.

His hands tangled in her hair, gripping her head, holding her as he withdrew and then pushed into her mouth again.

“Ah, Mia. Your mouth is so sweet. I’ve been dreaming of this. Of fucking those pretty lips and coming all over your mouth.”

She closed her eyes, her entire body quivering as his movements became more forceful. She was by no means an expert at giving head, but she wasn’t a complete newbie when it came to oral sex either, and she was determined to make Gabe forget about any other woman who’d ever had her lips around his cock.

She sucked and licked, allowing him to slide in and out of her mouth as she lavished attention on his rigid length. His moan filled her ears, satisfying, fueling her confidence as she took the initiative and sucked him deeper.

“Goddamn,” he groaned. “That’s it, baby. Take me deeper. Harder. Love the feel of you. Love the way your throat convulses around my dick. Take it. Take more. All of me. That’s it.”

His fingers curled more tightly in her hair, until it was impossible for her to move. She realized he wanted control. He wanted to drive the action. And so she acquiesced and let him have his way.

Relaxing, she tilted her head back so she could take him deeper, and forced herself to take whatever it was he wanted to give her. She wanted him to be satisfied. She wanted to rock his fucking world.

He thrust, forcing himself deeper than before, and then he held himself at the back of her throat, her nose pressed into his groin. Just when she would have struggled for air, he released her, withdrawing and allowing her time to breathe.

Then he guided himself back to her mouth, still holding her hair tightly in his grasp. He rubbed his cock over her lips and then thrust hard and deep.

“Jesus, what you do to me,” he said in a ragged voice. “Just kneel there, Mia. I’m going to come in your mouth and I want you to swallow every drop.”

Already she could taste precum on her tongue, and she knew he was close. His entire body bristled with tension, a sign of his impending orgasm. This was no slow, sensual dance to completion. It was down-and-dirty, quick pleasure.

He began to thrust fast and hard, wet sucking noises echoing in her ears as her cheeks hollowed with each surge forward. Even though she knew his release was imminent, the first jet of semen still caught her by surprise.

Hot and salty, it spilled into her mouth, filling it as he continued his frantic pace. She swallowed, trying to catch up, but he kept coming and coming, the forceful jets hitting the back of her throat just before the head of his cock did. His hand tightened in her hair to the point of pain, but she ignored it. Then he lifted up on tiptoe, pushing into her until she was nearly overwhelmed by the depth of his entry. For a long moment, he held himself there as the last of his release pumped into her mouth. Finally his grip on her hair eased and he slowly allowed his cock to slide from her mouth.

She swallowed and coughed and then swallowed again, her eyes watering, but she forced her gaze to him, wanting to see his satisfaction. His approval.

But his eyes were filled with regret when he reached down with gentle hands to lift her up. His hands smoothed up and down her arms, from her wrist to her shoulders as he stared down at her.

“There’s no hope for me with you, Mia. I make you promises I can’t keep. I’m not myself when I’m with you. I’m not even sure I like myself right now. But I can’t stop. God, even if it makes you hate me, I can’t stop. I won’t stop. My need for you consumes me and it’s not going away.”

Shocked by the frank admission, she could only stare up at him, her heart pounding at the implications. He touched her cheek with a gentle caress, regret still a shadow in his blue eyes.

“Go now and get dressed for tonight. We won’t stay too long and then we’ll go out for a late dinner.”

Chapter fifteen

Gabe was silent and brooding as they rode to a jazz club in the Village where the cocktail party was being hosted. Mia kept sending him seeking glances, and he could see the uncertainty in her eyes, but he couldn’t bring himself to offer her reassurance. How could he?

He was unhinged. It embarrassed him how little control he exerted around her. With no other woman had he ever shown such a lack of restraint. His actions and responses were always precise. With Mia, he had none of the calm and distance that had been a part of his life since he was a teenager.

Hell, he’d all but mauled her. He’d raped her mouth, for God’s sake. He’d hurried her into his apartment, shoved her onto her knees and then forced himself down her throat. His self-loathing knew no bounds, and yet he couldn’t regret it. Worse, he knew he’d do it again. And again. He was already itching to get home later so he could have her in his bed, underneath him.

He’d been furious over the lack of respect shown to Mia in the office by the other employees, but he was a huge hypocrite. He’d shown her a far greater lack of respect by treating her like the whore she feared she was. Not that he ever, even once, considered her any such thing. But his actions hadn’t mimicked his thoughts so far. His dick was doing all his thinking for him and it didn’t give a fuck that he wanted to slow down and not overwhelm her from the start. His dick wanted more. His hands and mouth wanted more. His lust for her was all consuming and it hadn’t shown any sign of waning thus far. If anything, it increased every time he made love to her.

Made love. He wanted to laugh. That was a much softer term for what he’d done. Maybe he thought it in an attempt to make himself feel better. He’d fucked her senseless. He’d danced a very thin line in brutalizing her, and yet for all the remorse he felt, he knew that next time wouldn’t be any different no matter his intentions. He could say one thing all he wanted, but he was a damn liar and he knew it.

“We’re here, Gabe,” Mia said, softly touching his arm.

He pulled himself from his thoughts to see they were parked at the corner by the club. Recovering quickly, he got out and then went around to open Mia’s door and helped her from the car.

She looked fucking amazing, and he had a sinking feeling that no matter the fact he’d chosen clothing for her that was purposely unrevealing, there would be no less attention than if she’d shown up in the dress she’d worn to the grand opening.

Mia was a beautiful woman, and there was something special about her that drew people to her. She’d even stand out in a crowd wearing a burlap sack.

Cupping her elbow in a casual manner, he guided her toward the entrance. It took every bit of his restraint not to haul her into his side and put his stamp of possession on her for the world to see, but he wouldn’t embarrass her, and he wouldn’t threaten her relationship—or his—with Jace. Knowing she was his behind closed doors was enough. But he’d be damned if he watched other men fawn over Mia tonight either.

As they reached the entrance to the room reserved for the cocktail party, Gabe put a respectable distance between himself and Mia. Every instinct screamed to have her close, to put the invisible hands off to any other man, but he forced himself to remain cool and distanced. She was here in a business capacity. Nothing else. She wasn’t here as his date, his lover, his woman. Even if they both knew differently.

As soon as they walked in, Mitch Johnson saw them through the crowd and nodded before making his way toward where Gabe and Mia stood.

“Showtime,” Gabe murmured.

Mia did a quick survey of the crowd and then focused in on Mitch, who was nearly to them. She put a genuine smile on her face and stood attentively at Gabe’s side as they waited.

“Gabe, glad you could make it on such short notice,” Mitch said, extending his hand.

“I wouldn’t miss it,” Gabe said smoothly.

He turned to Mia. “Mitch, I’d like you to meet my personal assistant, Mia Crestwell. Mia, this is Mitch Johnson.”

She extended her hand with a warm, inviting smile. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Johnson. Thank you for having us.”

Mitch looked delighted with Mia, a fact that made Gabe want to scowl, but he forced his composure to remain intact. Mitch was happily married. He wasn’t the type to stray. But he was looking at Mia, and it pissed Gabe off.

“The pleasure is all mine, Mia. Please do call me Mitch. Can I get you two drinks? Gabe, there are several people I’d like you to meet.”

“Nothing for me,” Mia murmured.

Gabe shook his head. “I’ll get something later, perhaps.”

Mitch gestured toward the crowd. “If you’ll come with me, I’ll make the necessary introductions. I’ve been speaking with several business colleagues. They’re very interested in your California venture.”

“Excellent,” Gabe said in satisfaction.

He and Mia followed Mitch through the crowd and Mitch took them to meet various parties, made introductions. The entire time business was discussed, Mia stood at Gabe’s side, her expression one of interest. She was good. This had to be boring as hell for her, but she didn’t let on if she was.

She completely surprised him when, in one of the conversation lulls, she looked at Trenton Harcourt and said, “And how is your daughter doing at Harvard? Is she enjoying her studies so far?”

Trenton looked taken aback and then beamed. “She’s doing very well. My wife and I are very proud of her.”

“I’m sure business law is a tough curriculum, but think of how useful she’ll be to your own endeavors when she graduates. Always nice to have connections within the family,” Mia said, a twinkle in her eye.

The group laughed and Gabe felt a surge of pride. Apparently she had studied up.

Then he watched as she took over the gathering, addressing personalized comments to the other men present. She maintained a steady flow of conversation and had the men completely in her thrall. He watched closely, waiting for any inappropriate look or remark, but the men were courteous and seemed utterly charmed by Mia’s sweetness.

“Are you any relation to Jace Crestwell?” Mitch asked, when the conversation paused.

Mia went still but maintained her composure. “He’s my brother.” Her tone was almost defensive, just an edge that Gabe caught, though he doubted the others picked up on it.

“I got her first,” Gabe said lazily. “She’s smart and perfect for the position as my PA. I don’t mind fighting Jace for who brings her into the business.”

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