
Page 33

The entire evening was somewhat of a blur to her. Dancing. Drinking. Dancing some more. Or maybe it had been drinking some more.

“Want to brush my teeth,” she mumbled.

“Are you sure you can stand up for that long?”

She nodded.

“I’ll go get your bed ready so you can lie down,” he said.

Gabe left the bathroom, anger still a tight knot in his gut. More than anger, however, had been fear. A sensation that still gripped him right by the balls.

If she weren’t so damn drunk, he’d tan her ass right here and now. Of all the irresponsible, idiotic things to pull.

He pulled back her covers, fixed the pillows and then arranged the sheets so he could slide her into bed. If she wasn’t so sick, he’d haul her over to his apartment right now and she’d stay there until they left for Paris.

He walked back toward the bathroom, frowning when he heard nothing but quiet.

“Mia?” he asked as he stepped to the doorway.

He shook his head at the sight that greeted him. Mia was sitting on the floor in front of the toilet, her arm propped on the seat. Her head was resting on her arm and she was passed out cold.

With a sigh, he bent down and lifted her into his arms. He carried her into her bedroom and laid her on the bed so he could undress her. When she was naked, he stepped back long enough to undress to his boxers, and then he climbed into bed next to her, arranging her so she was comfortably resting against his body, her head pillowed on his arm.

They were going to have a long damn talk in the morning whether she had a hangover or not.

Chapter twenty-six

When Mia opened her eyes, it felt as though someone put an ice pick right through one of her eyeballs. She groaned and turned from the source of light shining through her window only to see Gabe standing in the doorway of her bedroom.

He was dressed in jeans and a T-shirt, his hands shoved into his pockets as his gaze trailed down her body. She didn’t know if it was because she rarely saw Gabe in jeans that she reacted so strongly to the sexy-as-hell sight or if he just looked incredibly hot in denim.

“Feels like shit doesn’t it?”

She didn’t pretend to misunderstand what he meant. She nodded, the motion hurting her head all the more.

He pushed off the doorway and walked to the bed, settling on the edge next to her.

“The car is waiting out front. Get dressed so we can go.”

Her brow furrowed. “Where are we going?” She didn’t want to move. She wanted about another six hours of sleep. Maybe then she’d wake and her head wouldn’t hurt so badly.

“My apartment,” he said shortly. “You have five minutes. Don’t keep me waiting.”

Her lips turned up into a snarl as he moved away and disappeared from her bedroom. If he was only going to give her five minutes, then he couldn’t expect her not to look like death warmed over. She needed a hot shower and time to put herself together.

Hell, she still didn’t even know what bug he had up his ass from last night. For that matter, she didn’t even remember getting to bed. All she remembered was brushing her teeth. And then waking up.

Gabe had spent the night, but had he slept?

She pushed herself out of bed, groaning as she trudged to her closet. She yanked out a T-shirt and a pair of jeans, not even bothering with bra or underwear. It wasn’t as if Gabe liked her wearing panties anyway.

She did pack a quick bag with a few changes of clothes along with the things she’d forgone—bra and panties—and then she went into the bathroom to throw her toiletries in the bag.

When she walked into the living room, she saw that Gabe was standing by the window staring out. He turned when he heard her.

“You ready?”

She shrugged. She wasn’t really, but whatever.

He pulled her into his side and then put his hand to her back as they headed out of her apartment. A few moments later, he bundled her into the waiting car and got in beside her. As soon as the car took off, he motioned for her to come to him.

He tucked his arm around her, and she sighed as his warmth seeped into her body. She nestled her head on his chest and closed her eyes. She’d expected him to lecture her. Or rant about whatever he was pissed at her for. But he’d been surprisingly quiet, almost as if he knew just how badly her head hurt.

His mouth brushed over her head, and he kissed her hair as he smoothed the strands with his hand.

“When we get to my apartment, I have something you can take for the headache,” he murmured. “You need to eat something as well. I’ll make you something that isn’t hard on your stomach.”

A thrill began low in her belly and worked its way into her chest. It was so easy to lose herself in the fantasy of being with Gabe because he made it easy. He took absolute care of her. He saw to her every need. Was he demanding? Hell yes, but he wasn’t selfish. He took. He was ruthless in his demands. But he gave her back so much. Not just materially but emotionally, though he’d likely deny he did any such thing.

She was nearly asleep when they rolled to a stop in front of Gabe’s building. Gabe got out, and to her surprise, he reached in and lifted her into his arms, carrying her through the doorway to the elevator.

She burrowed her head underneath his chin and enjoyed the strength of his hold on her. He carried her into the elevator and had her insert the card to get to his floor and then they rode up, her nestled solidly in his arms.

In his living room, he lowered her onto the couch, and then went to get pillows and a blanket from his bed. He tucked her in and then went into the kitchen a moment. He returned with a glass of milk and a pill. She frowned when she saw it and raised her gaze in question.

“It’ll help your head,” he said. “But drink some milk first. It will make you woozy and it will be worse if there’s nothing in your stomach.”

“What is it?” she asked suspiciously.

“Take it, Mia. I wouldn’t give you anything that would harm you. And since I can assure you that you won’t be randomly drug tested at the office, you’re perfectly safe to take it.”

She smiled as much as her headache would let her and then took the pill. She drank half of the glass of milk before swallowing the pill, and then she drank down the rest, handing the glass back to him.

“Get comfortable. I’ll make us something and we’ll eat in here,” he said.

Content to let him wait on her hand and foot, she tugged the blanket up to her chin and then laid her head in the nest of pillows he’d arranged. If this was going to be her treatment every time she pissed him off, she’d have to make sure she did it more often. Not that she even knew what he was angry about.

She was just starting to feel the effects of the medication he’d given her when he walked back in carrying a breakfast tray. The pain had eased and in its place warm euphoria sludged through her veins.

“Feeling better yet?” he asked in a low voice as he sat beside her.

“Yeah. Thanks. You’re very good to me, Gabe.”

Their gazes locked and held for the longest time. Then his lips thinned. “You likely won’t say that after I tear into you for that stunt you pulled last night.”

She sighed. “What did I do? Granted I don’t remember much, but when I got to my apartment you were there and you were pissed. Why?”

He shook his head. “I can’t believe you’d even have to ask that.” When she tried to speak again, he held up his hand. “Eat, Mia. We’ll discuss the matter once you’ve finished and are feeling better.”

He handed her a plate with a toasted bagel and cream cheese and a small bowl of diced fruit.

She stared dubiously at it, unsure whether her stomach would take anything at this point. She took a tentative bite of the bagel, deciding dry bread would be more appealing than the moist fruit.

As soon as she took that first bite, her stomach roared to life. She hadn’t eaten the evening before and then all that alcohol on an empty stomach? No wonder she’d been so trashed.

“Starving,” she mumbled.

He sighed impatiently. “Did you even eat last night before you drank that much alcohol?”

She shook her head, bracing herself for his reaction.

“Damn it, Mia.”

He looked as though he wanted to say more, but he shut his lips together in a firm line and then directed his attention to his own breakfast.

She was honest enough with herself to admit she took her sweet time eating even though she wanted to consume everything in one bite. The longer she took to eat, the longer it would be before Gabe tore a strip off her hide.

“You may as well finish up,” Gabe said. “You’re only delaying the inevitable, Mia.”

She grumbled under her breath, and then leaned forward to put the plate on the coffee table. “I guess I don’t understand what you’re so pissed about. So I had a little to drink. I’m sure you’ve done the same a time or two.”

He put his own plate down and then sat forward so he could stare into her face. “You think that’s what I’m pissed about?”

She shrugged. “Either that or because I went out to the club with my friends. Either way, your reaction seems extreme.”

“Extreme.” He sucked in his breath, simmering with anger. He shoved a hand through his hair and shook his head. “You have no clue, do you?”

“Enlighten me then because I’m lost.”

“I knew you were going out, Mia. Why you couldn’t have just told me the truth to begin with I’m not sure. Did you think I wouldn’t allow you to go? I know you have friends.”

“Is that why you’re angry? I don’t know why I didn’t just say exactly what I was doing, Gabe. Maybe I did worry you wouldn’t want me to go.”

“Hell no that isn’t why I’m furious,” he bit out. “I get a call from my driver because he was never called to pick you up. Nothing. You weren’t at your apartment so I could only think you’d taken a cab. You and your friends, out to a club. No protection. Getting into some cab with God knows who and then coming home drunk off your ass, alone, in a cab, at two o’clock in the damn morning.”

She blinked in complete surprise. That wasn’t at all what she thought he’d say.

“This isn’t about me controlling you or you needing my permission to go out, Mia. It’s about you being careful. It’s about me being worried out of my mind because I had no idea where you were, if you were safe. You weren’t answering my calls or texts so I couldn’t even send the driver to where you were to wait on you. Hell, since you weren’t answering my calls or my texts, I was imagining you dead in a dumpster somewhere!”

Guilt hit her hard. Damn it, he was right. He’d been worried—really worried about her—and she’d been out drinking and having a good time while he worried about her being hurt—or dead. Ugh.

“I’m sorry,” she said softly. “I didn’t think. I mean, it didn’t even occur to me.”

He frowned. “And you came home by yourself. What if I hadn’t been there, Mia? Would you have even made it to your apartment or would you have fallen and passed out on the sidewalk?”

“Caroline went home with someone else,” she said quietly. “He got me the cab.”

“Well at least he did that much,” Gabe said in disgust. “You should have called me, Mia. I would have come to get you no matter how late it was.”

Warmth filled her heart. There was genuine worry in his eyes along with the anger and frustration. He’d been worried about her. She leaned forward putting her hands to his face. Then she kissed him.

“I’m sorry,” she said again. “It was thoughtless of me.”

He slid his hands up her neck and into her hair, holding her there just inches from his mouth. “Just don’t let it happen again. I assigned a driver to you for a reason, Mia. It doesn’t mean he just takes you to work and back when you aren’t with me. If you need to go somewhere—anywhere—you call him. Understand? If you ever find yourself in a situation like that again, you call me. I don’t give a fuck what time it is, you call me. If you can’t reach me then you goddamn better well call your brother or Ash. You understand?”

She nodded.

“We both need a nap,” he said, stroking her face with his hands. “You didn’t sleep well and I didn’t sleep. Right now I want to take you to bed and hold you while we rest. When you’re feeling better I’ll redden that pretty ass for worrying the hell out of me.”

Chapter twenty-seven

Mia sat cross-legged on Gabe’s bed, devouring the pizza he’d had delivered. It was oh-my-God good just the way she liked it. Extra cheese, light sauce and thick crust.

He watched her in amusement as she licked her fingers clean before sinking back against the pillows with a sigh.

“That was wonderful,” she said. “You’re spoiling me, Gabe. There’s no other word for it.”

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