
Page 34

Brian and Gray Brannon know what Zack is up to. They were thrilled he wanted to propose at the party in front of the entire Cold Fury family.

Zack and Ben walk over to where Kate is talking to Sutton Crossman, who is married to Alex, and Olivia Case, who is dating Garrett Samuelson. I imagine Garrett and Olivia will be getting engaged soon, although they’re more likely just to elope. I suspect Olivia is the one who is taking her time, as she is just coming up on her one-year mark since her cancer went into remission. It’s a big milestone for her, and once she reaches that, I’m betting they’ll be married quickly and babies will be popping out.

Brian ends up calling out over the crowd, trying to get everyone’s attention. Finally, Gray puts her fingers in her mouth and gives a shrill whistle that gets everyone’s attention, giving her dad a grin after doing so. He just shakes his head and puts his arm around her shoulders.

“Everyone…this is normally the time of the evening where I’ll let you all know how much I appreciate your dedication to this organization. I hope you know how I truly feel about each and every one of you. But tonight…we’re going to do something a little different.”

Brian turns to Zack and gives him a nod. Zack swallows hard, wipes his hands on his pants, which indicates they’re a wet, clammy mess, and turns to Kate. I can tell by the look on her face she has no clue what’s going on, but when Zack clears his throat, she realizes with utter clarity that there can only be one reason Zack is the one talking in front of the entire organization.

Poor Zack…his voice comes out almost in a croak, and besides Kate, I may be the only one who understands how monumental this is to Zack. How important the sanctity of marriage is to a man like him, and how Kate is truly his soul mate.

“Kate,” he rasps, then gives a cough as he takes her hands in his. “I’ve been trying to do this forever now, and something always seems to happen. I was going to propose when we went to the Bahamas, but I dropped the damn ring down the bathroom sink right before we left.”

Everyone laughs, because no one really knows about his failed attempts other than me. Kate’s eyes go wide before crinkling with amusement, and then fill up with warmth and love as she tilts her head to the side as he continues to talk.

“Then that balloon ride,” Zack says as his gaze lowers for a moment. “The words marry me had been mown into an old cornfield, but then we got blown off course.”

“Oh my God,” Kate says with a laugh. “Are you serious?”

Zack looks up and nods at her with a smile. “I wanted to do something big. I didn’t want there to be any doubt in your mind how much I want you to be my wife. How much I want you to be Ben’s mother…officially, that is.”

Kate looks like she’s going to melt into a puddle of goo. I slide my eyes over to Gray and I’m stunned to find her watching me. It’s a safe enough move, because all eyes are pinned on Zack and Kate. She lowers her face shyly with a subtle smile, then raises it right back up a bit to take another peek. I give her a return smile and then turn my attention back to the main attraction.

Zack drops to one knee. “So Kate…beautiful, adorable Kate…who was put on this earth just for me. Will you be my wife?”

Zack slips his hand into his pocket to grab the ring and Kate appears poised to shout yes. We all wait for it, when suddenly Zack’s hand comes out and he says, “Shit! There’s a hole in my pocket.”

Ben’s eyes go round. “Daddy…that’s a bad word.”

Zack surges up, gives Ben a quick apologetic look, and then starts rummaging in all of his pockets, trying to find the ring. Everyone watches with bated breath and a healthy dose of concern in their eyes.

Not Kate, though…her eyes are twinkling with suppressed laughter.

Ben tugs on his dad’s suit jacket, but Zack is so frantically looking for the ring that he ignores him.

“Daddy,” Ben says, tugging again.

“Not now, buddy,” Zack mutters. “Daddy’s in the middle of screwing up this engagement again.”

Several people chuckle and Kate’s hand comes up to cover her mouth to stop from laughing. But for the panicked look on Zack’s face, it would be outright hilarious. My heart starts to really go out for the guy, but then Ben finally turns to Kate because Zack won’t look at him. He reaches into the pocket of his little khaki pants that were paired with a light blue button down and navy jacket—fucking adorable actually on the little dude—and pulls the ring out.

He hands it up to Kate. “Here. Dad bought this ring for you because he wants you to marry him.”

Zack freezes, one hand stuffed deep in his pants pocket, the other stuffed inside his suit jacket. Kate reaches out a wobbly hand and plucks the ring from Ben’s hand, who turns to his dad. “I found it on the living room floor before we left so I kept it for you.”

“Jesus,” Zack huffs out with relief, and then pulls Ben into a quick hug. “Thanks, buddy.”

As Zack takes the ring from Kate and slowly slides it on her finger, I turn my back on them. I don’t need to see or hear the rest to know that she’s saying yes at this very moment. I’m so happy for them, but I knew this was coming and it was a foregone conclusion in my mind that she’d accept his proposal. While everyone surges forward to congratulate the couple, I head for the bar, where Brannon hired three bartenders to keep the drinks fresh.

After I’m replenished, I move myself off to the edge of the crowd and people watch as the Christmas music starts playing. I’ll make my way over to Zack and Kate soon, because I’m ready to leave after this drink.

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