
Page 20

He swallowed as he leaned closer to her, almost afraid to hope. “What are you saying Aria?”

She pressed her palm to his cheek. “They didn’t rape me Braith; they were waiting for you for that.” She tilted her head as her thumb brushed briefly across his bottom lip. “I wouldn’t have hated you if they had.”

“I didn’t come for you. The other things they did to you.” His gaze focused on her finger and the lingering bites.

“You did, when you could, and you came straight for me. Getting yourself, and everyone else killed for me, would have been foolish Braith. I’m glad you waited.”

“I know you have nightmares.” She recoiled slightly, but he pressed her hand to his cheek before she could pull away completely. “I see the way you are now in the dark.”

Her haunted eyes flitted away from him. “I didn’t like being in the caves, and the dungeons…” she shuddered as she bit her lip. “They were awful. I’d like to say that I’ll get over it one day, but I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to be in enclosed spaces like that again. Maybe one day we can turn the bathroom light off though.” She managed a tremulous smile as she dropped her cheek to her knee.

“The worst thing they did…” Her nose scrunched up, disgust filtered over her features as her mouth pursed. “The king forced his blood into me, to keep me alive. To punish me and try to break me, but he didn’t. There may be lingering nightmares but I’m sure I’ll eventually stop having them. I’ll learn to deal with my fear of entrapment and the dark, and time will eventually erase the taste.”

He fought to keep his face impassive even as something malicious coiled through his gut. The dark, he hadn’t realized that it bothered her until now. She had insisted that he leave the bathroom light on at night, but he’d just assumed that was because she no longer slept. The dungeons had left a lingering impression on her; one he suspected was even more profound than his father or Caleb.

She closed her eyes and for a moment she looked so young, so vulnerable that it took everything he had not to snatch her up and firmly declare that she was never going to leave his arms again. It was a foolish thought though, impossible, and one she would only resent.

“His blood was so different than yours. It was awful; I’d never tasted anything so vile.” Then she was looking at him again, her eyes clear and questioning. “Why was it so different?”

“Because you belong with me.” It was the most simple, basic, and truthful answer that he could come up with.

“I do don’t I?”

“Yes.” He hadn’t meant it to but the word came out as a low growl.

She smiled at him as her fingers flitted over his arm. “I could feel my body rebelling against his blood, fighting against its intrusion into my body. It’s intrusion into you. Even my body knew that only you belonged there.”

She’d rendered him speechless. Emotion entwined so firmly in his chest that he thought he might actually cry. He didn’t think he’d ever done that in his life. It was rage that drove him, an ardent drive to keep her safe, and an overwhelming urge to possess her in every way. This though, this was different. He loved her, he’d die for her, but he realized now that their relationship had been mostly driven by fear. Fear of her blood slave status, the fear that came of losing her, fear of failing in this war, fear of Caleb and his father.

However, at the heart of it, at the very center of everything they had accomplished was the two of them, and this simple miraculous gift they’d been given, his love for her, and hers for him. It had driven them both to do things they’d never imagined they could do, and in the end they’d won. He didn’t know what their future held, but he knew that no matter what, this gift had been worth every nightmare it had brought to them, and every nightmare it may continue to bring.

He was astounded by the love that flared through him and pushed aside his enduring hatred toward his father and brother. They were his past, and sitting before him was a future more promising and beautiful than any he’d ever dared to hope for.

“Even if they had done more to me, I would still be glad that you hadn’t come. You did the right thing Braith. It may have taken me time to heal, but they wouldn’t have broken me. I’m not breakable, I may be shaken right now, but I’m not broken.”

She was right, she was grieving, she was trying to come to terms with the abuse she had suffered and the loss of her father, but she wasn’t broken. “You’ll make a remarkable queen Arianna.”

She became rigid, her dusky eyes widened as she stared at him. “Braith, I’m aware of the fact that they won’t accept me as a human.” He pushed the long strands of her dark auburn hair behind her ear. He relished in the silken feel of her skin beneath the palm of his hand as he lingered on her cheek. “And I know you don’t want to change me.”

“It’s not that I don’t want to change you Aria, I would love nothing more than to spend eternity with you.”

“But you’re frightened I won’t survive the change.”

“There are some things we must discuss, when you’re feeling better.”

Her forehead furrowed. “What things?”

“Later Aria, for now take some time to heal. We have time now, enjoy it.”

“We do, don’t we?” she replied with a small smile. “I miss him.”

“I know.”

“I wish he had survived to see us succeed.”

“He knew.”

Her eyes drifted closed as she rested her cheek on her knees again. He continued to hold her until the water turned cold, and he helped her out. She stood, shivering slightly as he dried her off with a towel and helped her into a robe. As they entered the sitting room Aria took a sudden step back at the sight of Jack on the couch with his legs leisurely crossed at the ankles. Braith wasn’t the least bit surprised to see his brother though.

“I brought the food.”

Aria eyed Jack warily as she circled around him to the tray of food he’d placed near the window. Keegan lifted his head to watch her for a moment before yawning and dropping his head back to his paws. “Thank you,” she muttered.

Braith was reminded of the fact that he’d suspected something off between them before she’d been abducted. He hadn’t had time to think of it after, but the tension between them was obvious as they stared at each other. His brother wasn’t so foolish as to think he could take her from this palace again without Braith destroying him, or was he?

“Why are you here Jack?” Braith inquired brusquely.

“They would like to have a meeting tonight to decide what will be done with the remaining soldiers.”

Aria placed the piece of bread she had been picking at down. “What do you mean what is to be done with them?” she inquired.

“They worked for the king Aria,” Braith reminded her.

She shook her head as she glanced between the two of them. “I know that, but are you going to kill them because of that?”

“That is not my decision to make.”

“I know you expect to establish this democracy type of government, but to start with this type of slaughter is to create a government founded in blood. I know that it started with a war, but what happens from here on out will shape the future.”

“There are times when blood is necessary,” Jack said.

There was a fire in her gaze that hadn’t been there for the past few days as she glared at his brother. “Death is not the answer here.”

“Then what would you suggest?” Jack demanded. “We turn them loose to gather a rebellion against us? There are men loyal to my father who could easily instigate another war. Is that what you would like, even more death?”

The color drained from Aria’s face, her hands fell limply into her lap. Braith took a step toward his brother as Jack threw up his hands and leapt to his feet. He cautiously edged away from Braith and toward the door. “I didn’t… I wasn’t thinking; I’m sorry Aria. You know how much your father meant to me too.”

“Get out Jack,” Braith grated.

Jack was just as pale as Aria as he managed a quick nod. “Wait.” Aria pushed aside the tray as she rose to her feet. “I know you didn’t mean anything Jack, and more death is the last thing I want, but there must be another option. The soldiers were just following orders; some of them must be worth saving.”

“I’m sure some of them are,” Jack agreed as his gaze shot warily to Braith. “But there are others that must be destroyed, you have to understand that Aria.”

“Does my opinion even matter?”

“Your opinion has always mattered to me and there are many who admire and respect it also,” Braith informed her. Her brow furrowed as she stared at him. “You helped to take down not only an aged, powerful vampire, but also a king.”

Her jaw clenched as she glanced away. “I don’t like to be admired for death, no matter how awful Caleb was.”

“I know that Aria, but you’re also admired for your bravery.”

Her face colored, she looked uncomfortable with the notion as she shifted uneasily. “I understand that the men and women most loyal to your father have to be put down. I know the way of the world, and the repercussions of war, but some of those guards had no other choice. Some of them were simply doing their jobs in order to take care of their families, in order to survive. We’ve all done things we didn’t want to do in order to stay alive; you can’t punish them for doing the same.”

“Would you like to come to the meeting to state your opinion?” Braith inquired.

“I would.”

Jack’s eyes darted worriedly toward him. “There is something else you must know first.” She quirked an eyebrow as she studied him. Braith didn’t really want to tell her this, but he couldn’t hide it from her and he wasn’t about to lie to her. “Gwendolyn is one of the prisoners.”

For a moment confusion marred her features and then her eyes widened as her mouth dropped. “Your fiancée?” she blurted.

“Ex,” he growled.

She blinked as she shook her head. “Yes, ex, whatever. What is she doing there? Here?”

“She was an aristocrat Aria; she resided within the town and was amongst those captured. Lauren will be there also.” Her nose wrinkled as her lip curled. Keegan rose and pressed against her legs as he sought to offer her comfort. “I would still like for you to attend.”

Aria was quiet for a moment. Braith thought she might refuse, that she might retreat back into the world of despair that had clamped its teeth into her. Instead, she turned toward him and nodded firmly. “So would I.”

He couldn’t help but smile at her as relief filled him, his Aria had never retreated from anything.

Chapter 16

On the way down Aria had been terrified that the meeting would be held in the throne room. It was the king’s room after all and the largest room in the palace. Braith’s room now, she reminded herself, still marveling over the fact that they had won, and that the man walking so proudly at her side now presided over them. He was the man that would lead them into a new time, a new rule, a new form of government, and if anyone could make it work it would be Braith, she was certain of that.

She was relieved when Braith guided her in the opposite direction of the throne room though, and into a private solar off the main hall. Thankfully not the one her father had been kept in either. It was nowhere near as big, or as elaborate as the throne room, but it was more than enough for what they required, and didn’t house anything threatening or cruel. It fit Braith far better than his father’s monstrosity of a throne room would have.

Everyone had already gathered in the room, they rose as Braith entered, but she was well aware of the fact that their eyes tracked her as she moved through the room. Daniel stood at the side of the table with William and Max behind him. They all smiled at her, but she sensed their surprise over her presence. William was still on crutches, his impaired leg propped out before him as he gave her a thumbs up.

The massive chair at the head of the table was obviously Braith’s, but as he strode toward it he snagged another chair with one hand. He shoved the larger chair to the side and placed the smaller one next to it. He held it out for her, a look of defiance on his face as he raked the table with his steely gaze.

It was only then that she realized he hadn’t worn his glasses in awhile. She studied his magnificent profile, and the short black hair that fell about his forehead in waves. Holding his gaze, she had to fight back the tears of love and pride that filled her eyes. He’d been born for this, he excelled at it, and he desired for her to be at his side.

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