
Page 27

“It’s not pretty,” Aria admitted and her smile didn’t feel as forced.

William and Max laughed as they poked at each other and then snickered at her. She rolled her eyes at them as she fought the urge to kick William’s crutch out from under him. Braith took the empty plate from her hand and slid his arm around her waist. She was a little confused as she stared up at him. Had she just been proposed to, or was he only teasing her as she and William had been teasing him? She didn’t have time to ponder it as he swept her off her feet and actually twirled her out to the dance floor.

Aria was laughing as he eased her back down. “I don’t know how to dance.”

“I’ll teach you.”

She glanced around the room; though the party was elaborate there were few people in the room she didn’t know. A fact she was relieved about. They weren’t staring at her and whispering behind their hands as some of the others in the palace did. Though most of the attention she received seemed more curious than malicious, she was still a little troubled by it, and happy she didn’t have to deal with it today. Today was a celebration, and that was what she aimed to do. There would be no more sadness, she decided firmly. Not today.

He pulled her close against him, wrapping one arm around her waist as he took hold of her hand and pressed it to his chest. “Isn’t there supposed to be some room between us?”

“That’s what they say but I don’t agree,” he told her.

“That’s good.” She rested her head against his chest, closing her eyes she savored in the delicious scent of him and the sense of security that enveloped her. “The people within the palace, and the vampires that fought with us, are curious about me.”

“They are.”

“They don’t understand us.”

“They don’t,” he confirmed. “But it doesn’t matter. We do, and eventually they will too. I have a surprise for you later.”

She lifted her head to look up at him. “What is it?” she asked eagerly.

“It’s not a surprise if I tell you.”

“I’m not very good at waiting.”

“I won’t make you wait long, I promise.”

She was going to hold him to that promise. “A bigger surprise than talk of wedding cakes?”

He lifted her up and spun her around. A small gasp escaped her as for a moment she felt like she was flying. “I meant it too,” he informed her as he stopped spinning her but didn’t place her back on the ground. “I am going to marry you.”

“Aren’t you supposed to ask me first?” she inquired.

“I thought that would be redundant.”

“So you just assumed I would say yes.”

“Of course.”

Well how the hell was she supposed to argue with that, especially with him grinning down at her like that, and a happy sparkle in his vivid eyes? “You’re arrogant.”

“Hmm.” He shrugged as his hands stroked over her back. “And you love it.”

She shook her head as she rested her hand on his chest again. “When I was little, before I gave up thoughts of marriage, I always pictured being married under the banquet tree.”

“The banquet tree?”

“It’s a giant apple tree that William and I discovered. We were the only two that ever knew its location.”

“Then you’ll have it, just tell me where to be,” he murmured against her mouth.

She shivered as thrills of pleasure swept up and down her spine. Her fingers curled around his solid biceps as he continued to dance with her feet off the ground. Closing her eyes, she let the melodious music drift over her as she lost herself to the feel of him against her. They danced through three more songs before returning to where William stood propped on his crutch between Max and Daniel.

“I’ll be right back.” Braith kissed the top of her head and left the room.

She watched him go before leaning against the table. “Where did everyone go?” she inquired as she realized that Ashby, Jack, Xavier and Gideon were no longer present. A cold chill crept down her spine; she stepped away from the table. He’d handled her revelation well, but she knew Braith had been furious when she’d told him about their plan. “I’ll be right back.”

Daniel stepped in front of her. “We were told to keep you here, something about a surprise.”

Was it really a surprise or was he going to confront them? She glanced nervously from Daniel to the door Braith had disappeared through. “Daniel…”

“It’s fine Aria, really.”

“I hope so,” she muttered.

“It’s been over a week since you told him,” William reminded her as he leaned forward on his crutches. “Don’t you think he would have done something by now?”

“Or he’s just let the anger fester.”

“Nice Max,” Daniel said brusquely.

Max shrugged as he picked at some cheese and crackers. Aria twisted her hands before her as she shifted from foot to foot and watched the door. “Getting married soon?” William tapped her calf with his crutch to get her attention.

“I think so,” she muttered.

“Becoming a vamp soon?”

The three of them became quiet as they exchanged a look. She had a difficult time meeting William’s gaze. It would kill him if she decided to try and make the change and didn’t survive. The thought of it caused a hard lump to form in her throat. “I don’t know,” she admitted. “I was going to wait till after our birthday before deciding anything.”

William nodded, his gaze traveled to the cake. “Who knew we’d be hoping that we actually did have vampire blood in us.”

Aria chuckled softly. “Not me. Do you still have Daniel’s drawing?”

He shook his head; sadness crept over his features as he hesitatingly met her gaze. “No, dad saw it one day, he asked me for it. He, uh, he really liked it.”

“Oh.” The sudden pressure in her chest made it difficult to speak.

William squeezed her arm. “I’ll give you away you know, I’ve been trying to do it for eighteen years now.”

She managed a small laugh as she clasped hold of his hand.


Braith ran the key Ashby handed him over his fingers. “It’s all set up like you asked for it to be.”


“Are you going there to change her?” Jack inquired.

“I’m not sure about anything when it comes to that,” he admitted.

“She is stronger and more impressive than any other human I’ve ever met,” Gideon said.

Braith glared ferociously at Gideon. “We believe there is a reason for that. Xavier, if you would please tell them.”

Xavier’s dark eyes were reproachful as they scanned over Ashby, Jack, and Gideon. In his firm, even tones, he told them exactly what he had told Braith, and what Braith had in turn related to Aria. Gideon and Ashby’s mouths dropped, Jack seemed to have an, ah-ha moment as he placed his hands over his face and began to nod.

“It makes so much more sense now,” Jack muttered. “There were so many things…” Jack broke off as his hands fell away. “I should have suspected something like this. The four of them were always so talented with weapons, so fast. We’ve all seen the way Aria moves through the trees and she helped to bring Caleb down. You’ve never seen Daniel or David on a horse though, they’re amazing, and William may very well be the fastest human I’ve ever seen when he runs.”

“That completely explains the bloodlink,” Ashby breathed in awe. “And your eyesight. You were able to link because she has vampire blood in her, and I am certain of that, even if you’re not. Your eyesight came back when she appeared, because something inside of you recognized her as your link, and you had to be able to see her in order to claim her as your soul mate and link.

“The minute I saw Melinda, I knew my life would never be the same. Because you were blind you weren’t able to find her immediately, so something inside of you made it possible for you to do so. It makes sense you would have such a reaction to it considering she isn’t a vampire, but does contain some of the genetics. The sharing of your blood, and the increasing intensity of your bond, has improved your vision, and for all we know may one day cure it completely. Your bloodline is the most powerful and the purest; your father was the oldest vampire ever. We’ll never know what he may have been capable of, and we may never know what you are fully capable of, especially when it comes to her.”

“How did we miss this?” Jack demanded.

“You were too busy plotting how to take her away,” Braith snarled. He had promised Aria he wouldn’t break anything, had promised her he wouldn’t lose complete control, and he meant to keep that promise, but he hadn’t promised he would simply let it go. His gaze fixed pointedly on Gideon. “Or even killing her.”

Ashby took an instinctive step back as Braith pressed closer to them. Braith’s hand shot out, he seized Gideon by the throat and shoved him into the wall. Gideon remained immobile as he stared unblinkingly at him. “Braith be reasonable,” Jack urged.

“I am being reasonable Jack, he’s still alive.” Gideon’s hazel eyes narrowed. “For once I am not simply just reacting, right Gideon?”

“You have to admit Braith you backed us all into a corner,” Gideon grated.

“I admit it, and because of that, I’m not going to kill you. I swear on her life that if you ever go behind my back again, if you ever think of hurting one hair on her head, I will do things to you that even my father would have been jealous of. Do you understand me Gideon?”

Gideon’s eyes were hooded as he stared at Braith. “I understand. It’s not like I actually wanted to kill the girl, and she came to me.”

Braith jerked his hand away before he accidentally snapped Gideon’s neck. “I know she did.”

“If any of you had come to me, this never even would have been an issue,” Xavier admonished. Ashby had the grace to appear chastised, Jack and Gideon wouldn’t meet Xavier’s gaze.

Braith’s hands fisted, he stared down the hall as his stomach twisted. “There will be no more plotting, not amongst us, and not if we are to have any chance of making it a better world than my father did.”

“Agreed,” Gideon murmured.

“If she does agree to the change what are you going to do if she dies Braith?” Ashby inquired.

“Survive,” he muttered.

“Braith,” Ashby’s eyes flickered briefly over the others. “I don’t know if that’s possible.”

“It has to be possible. I promised her I would, and I will keep that promise no matter what happens.”

“I don’t envy your position,” Jack said.

“No one would.”

“Perhaps someone else could do it if she decides to try,” Ashby suggested. “Jack even, he’s your brother.”

Jack’s mouth dropped as he shook his head forcefully. “No,” Braith said firmly.

“For you to be the one that causes her death is a different kind of monster,” Ashby persisted.

Braith turned as Aria stepped into the hall; he should have known her brothers wouldn’t be able to keep her away for long. Apprehension etched her features, she stared at him for a moment before her gaze flickered over the others and her delicate eyebrow shot up questioningly. “It will be me,” he informed them, unable to take his eyes from her. “No one else will touch her in such a way again.”

They exchanged a disconcerted look before Jack turned to him. “I’ll be by tomorrow.”

“Don’t destroy the kingdom while I’m gone Gideon,” Braith told him.

Gideon laughed as he rubbed his reddened throat. “Don’t destroy our future queen, Braith.”

“You’re an asshole,” Braith hissed as he shoved past him.

“So I’ve been told.”

Braith didn’t look back as he hurried down the hall toward her. “Is everything ok?” she demanded.

“Fine. Are you ready for your surprise?”

She glanced at the men behind him and nodded. He smiled reassuringly as he held his arm out to her and waited for her to take it.

Chapter 20

“Where are we going?” she demanded laughingly.

“I told you, it’s a surprise. Keep your eyes closed.”

It was impossible to see anything anyway. Braith didn’t seem to trust her not to peek as he’d placed his hands over her eyes to ensure her blindness. They were in the woods, and though she couldn’t see the leaves, she knew they were beginning to turn as the smell of them hung heavily in the crisp air. Keegan pressed close to her side for a moment, she felt the goodbye in the gesture before he slipped away. She knew they would see the wolf again, but for now he was returning home to his family.

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