
Page 36

Calista and Gideon lit the torches and tossed them into the graves. Braith didn’t care to see the end result; he didn’t want Aria there for any longer than necessary. “If they’re still in their graves does that mean that you wouldn’t survive a stake?” she quietly asked as he led her through the woods.

“I don’t know. It may have been my father’s age that allowed such a thing to happen, it may have taken more time for them to rejuvenate, or it may have simply just been my father’s bloodline.” Aria nodded as she leaned against his side. “Are you sure you’re ok?”

Her hand absently fluttered to her neck, her eyes darkened as she nodded briefly. “I’ll be fine. The darkness Braith, I don’t know how you handled it.”

He kissed her temple briefly, inhaling her sweet scent beneath the hay, blood and sweat. “Because of you.”

“Yes, because of you,” she murmured.

“I understand the darkness Aria. It will never rule you though; you don’t have to fear that.”

She glanced at him from under lowered lashes as he squeezed her shoulder. “Unless something happened to you.”

“That’s not going to happen,” he assured her. “Apparently there’s a chance I might be even harder to kill than any of us thought.”

A small laugh escaped her. “Apparently.”

He fought against the waves of anger that suffused him as he brushed the blood from her neck. “This will never happen again.”

“I hope not. If he comes back from a beheading I think we can just give him his crown, throw him a party, and admit defeat.”

“Thankfully that’s not a possibility.”

“Good, there are only so many shocks my heart can take, beating or not.” He chuckled as he kissed the top of her head and they reentered the town.

Chapter 26

Throughout the repairs, and rebuilding, the golden chains were salvaged from the wreckage of the town and placed where the stage had once stood. That night, after taking some time to recuperate and consume some blood from the donation center, Braith gathered all occupants of the palace, towns, and forest together to burn the chains with the remains of his father. The sun was beginning to set as he lit a torch and handed it to her. “I thought you would like the honors.”

The flames heated her cheeks as she twisted it within her hands. She smiled at him before stepping forward and tossing it onto the pile of kindling. She’d never seen anything as satisfying as watching all of those chains, and the king’s remains, spark and catch fire. Braith reached into his pocket and pulled something out. She leaned over him as he opened his hand to reveal the signet ring that symbolized the House of Valdhai he’d worn when she’d first met him.


“It’s a new beginning all the way around Aria.” He stepped forward and tossed the ring into the flames. Sliding her arms around his waist, she rested her head on his chest and savored in the moment. The fire spread throughout the vast amount of wood and rose higher. Sparks shot and leapt into the air as smoke curled high into the darkening night. It had been an awful day, but this moment made it all worthwhile.

A large cheer erupted from the crowd as the last symbols of oppression from the old regime turned to ashes. Food and alcohol were brought forth, music began to hauntingly twirl through the air as the crowd of vampires and humans laughed and danced in celebration.

There was still a lot of work to be done, still a long way to go before trust was fully established, but as the heat of the flames beat against her skin, and Braith twirled her into the merriment, she knew they could do it. That together they could conquer anything, that they could make a world that neither of them had envisioned, but that both of them were willing to sacrifice anything for.

She thought of the darkness that had threatened to drag her under earlier, but instead of being afraid of it, she found strength in the power she knew coursed within her now. A strength that would help her get through the days and years ahead. Days and years she couldn’t wait to experience with him.


The next day, Aria agreed to give Melinda her undivided attention until the wedding and coronation ceremony was over. Melinda bombarded her with endless details, and Aria was reaching her breaking point when Maggie strolled into the apartment with an armload of dresses. “I asked her to come,” Melinda whispered in Aria’s ear.

It took Aria a moment to get over her surprise at seeing Maggie again. “You don’t have to wait on me.”

Maggie grinned at her as she placed the dresses on the arm of the sofa. “I’m not here as a servant. I came willingly.”

“Every queen requires a lady in waiting,” Melinda said flippantly. Aria was even more uncomfortable with that prospect. Melinda started pawing through the dresses that Aria now realized were actually wedding dresses. “I’ve ordered the tailor to come up also.”

Aria winced at the prospect. She knew she had to start adjusting to these things if she was going to spend an eternity within these walls, but even so, she couldn’t help but dream about escaping with Braith to their tree house again soon. Maggie watched in amusement as Melinda held dresses up to Aria, shook her head and tossed them aside with rapid precision.

They were almost to the end of the pile when Melinda seized hold of one that caused Aria to lurch forward. She pulled it closer to her as she gazed at the beautiful dress in awe. “This one. This is the one.”

Melinda’s grey eyes twinkled as she grinned at her. “I knew you’d like it. Didn’t I tell you this would be the one she chose?” she demanded of Maggie.

“You did,” Maggie agreed.

“Let’s get it on you before my brother decides to snoop.”

Aria helped them to maneuver her into the striking dress. Standing before the mirror, she was unable to believe it was actually her as she gazed at herself in amazement. It was the only dress she’d actually loved, and not only could she not wait to wear it, but she didn’t want to take it off.

Melinda fluffed out the bottom of it and took a step back to examine it carefully. A radiant smile lit her beautiful face as she nodded approvingly. “You’re not the most conventional queen, but you can pull off a dress when it’s necessary.”

Aria laughed as she twirled in front of the large mirror. Feeding on Braith had added curves to her that hadn’t been there since her first captivity within the palace. His blood had given her a glow of health that brought a rosy blush to her skin. She was amazed by the drastic change her life had taken. As a motherless, wild child, she never would have dreamed that she would one day be standing here, a fatherless vampire, surrounded by more loved ones than she had ever dreamed of having, and marrying a king.

Though it took all her self control, she managed to stay still, and not fidget, as the tailor made a few adjustments before nodding his approval.

Melinda clapped her hands enthusiastically together as she eyed Aria with approval.

“Are you ready to get married?”

“More than ready.”

“Good. The wedding is tomorrow.” Aria gaped at her as Melinda smiled mischievously and shared a pointed look with Maggie. “I’ve told Braith to stay away for the night, as we have a lot of plans to make, and also because I just like to torment him.”

“It’s too soon for such a big wedding,” Aria protested.

“Not the big one Aria, tomorrow will be your wedding. The one that you dreamed of. That other one can wait till the end of the month.”

Tears burned her throat and eyes as she threw her arms around Melinda. Her future sister was nearly her exact opposite, but in that moment Aria couldn’t have asked for a better friend. She hugged Maggie afterward; grateful to see the young girl that had been the closest thing to a friend she’d had while a blood slave. She’d never been so nervous and excited in her life but she couldn’t wait to be a queen.


William grinned at her as he grasped hold of her hands and held her arms out before her. “Might not be wearing heels, but the dress alone is worth it.”

Aria rolled her eyes as she slid her arm through his and smiled. “Don’t get used to it.”

“I don’t plan on it,” he assured her. “You look beautiful by the way.”

“Did you just offer me a compliment?”

His eyes sparkled as he squeezed her hand. “Don’t get used to it.”

“I don’t plan on it,” she told him laughingly.

“Are you ready for this?”

“I’m pretty sure this is the smallest step I’ve taken recently.”

“Yeah but you’ll be a queen after this one, that seems a little more intimidating than dying.”

Aria burst into laughter as she leaned against his side. “I think you might actually be right about that.”

His expression became sober as he studied her. “You’ll be good at it though.”

“I hope so. You’ll do well also, with Jack.”

He shrugged as he anxiously pulled at the edges of the light green tunic he wore. Though it was of finer quality than the clothes they’d worn in the forest, it was the same style. “I’m looking forward to it.”

“I’m going to miss you,” she could barely get the words out through the sudden constriction in her throat.

“I’m not so sure your future husband will.”

Aria laughed again as she shook her head. “He’ll miss you too; I’ll annoy him enough for the both of us though.”

“Of that I have no doubt.”

She leaned forward as she tried to peer out to where Braith waited with the others by the banquet tree. She was nervous about the larger ceremony at the end of the month but pure excitement filled her over this one.

Today was just for them.

William pulled her back and shook his head reprovingly. “No peeking.”

Aria frowned impatiently but resigned herself to waiting a little longer. Though most of the leaves were still in the trees, they had started to flutter down. The clearing was alive with the swirling oranges, yellows, and reds that floated lazily toward the ground. The air was crisper, but she didn’t feel the cold as acutely as she had when she was human.

She shifted the simple bouquet of pale yellow roses and orange baby’s breath in her grasp. Max approached from where the others waited for her, he was smiling and handsome in the same shirt that William wore. Amusement gleamed in his eyes as his gaze ran over her and he nodded approvingly.

She’d been blessed with eternity, but it had come at a price. She was reminded of this fact as she looked between Max and her brother. One day, she would lose them, but for now she was going to savor in the small moment of perfection she’d found in a life she’d never expected to be blessed with.

“They’re ready if you are,” Max informed her.

She grinned at him as she nodded enthusiastically. She’d never been more ready for anything in her life. “Completely,” she replied as she happily slipped her arms into Max’s and William’s.

Someone, she suspected Melinda, had instructed that the colorful leaves be gathered and spread out to serve as the aisle she would walk down. There were no decorations except for the splendid color of the fall day surrounding them as she stepped onto the makeshift aisle. Gideon, Xavier, Saul, Calista, Adam, Frank, Ashby, Melinda, and Maggie were adorned in simple garb as they stood beside the makeshift aisle, but her eyes were immediately drawn to Braith with Jack at his side.

Pride bloomed in her chest; love swirled and built within her as tears burned her eyes. He was magnificent with his dark hair brushed neatly back and his hard jaw shaved clean. The dark green tunic he wore fit perfectly over his large frame. She had to admit that she enjoyed him in such simple clothing; he appeared more at ease in the attire of the forest people. And that smile, well she’d never get tired of that smile as it lit his face and sparkled in his eyes.

Max and William stepped aside when they arrived at the end of the aisle with her. Braith couldn’t stop himself from smiling as he held his hand out and took hold of hers. She was beautiful, with a glow of happiness and love that radiated from her as she stared up at him with tears of joy shimmering in her eyes.

She hated dresses, he knew that, but the simple gown she’d chosen was ideal for her. The cream color was flattering against her sun kissed skin. Woven across her stomach, through the dress, were subtle strands of gold and orange that accented her slender waist. More strands of color ran throughout the form fitting bodice, and the off the shoulder sleeves. Her hair fell about her shoulders in deep red ringlets that had been interwoven with tiny yellow and gold flowers.

She was a vision of fall and earth, and she was his.

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