Seduced By Fire

Page 10

“Well, maybe if you’re good . . .”

She punched him. “You know what I meant.”

He caught her hand and brought it behind her back, stepping close, and trapping her. “I know exactly what you meant. And I want you to know it delights me that you know what the bed is, and if you’re interested in seeing it after dinner, I’ll be more than happy to show you.”

She twisted out of his grasp, just because she felt like teasing him. “Promise?”

“Fire, Julie. You better be careful.”

His words warmed her body and intensified the needy ache between her legs. She thought back to the previous weekend, how his body pounded into hers. The way her cl**ax overtook her. The weight of him, satisfied and sated, heavy against her.

“Why? Will you burn me, Daniel?”

“Only if you don’t consume me first.”

• • •

They took their time talking over dinner, while eating the seafood stew Daniel had made. He kept the conversation light, talking about learning to cook from his grandmother, and how his sister was teaching her daughter how to make bread. What he didn’t talk about was anything related to sex, the meeting two days before, or the playroom under their feet. She eventually realized he was waiting for her to start.

“How was the party last night?” she finally asked.

“Since I didn’t have to throw anyone out, I would call it successful.” He didn’t show any surprise at her question. He simply leaned back in his chair, calm and relaxed.

“Do you often?”

“No, not often, but more times than I’d like. We have rules in place, not only to protect our privacy, but also to keep our members safe.”

She took a swallow of her water. Now or never. “I read the checklist. A lot of it sounds dangerous.”

“It’s not just the obvious things like edge play. It could be as simple as having a submissive tied too tightly, in the wrong position, or not realizing how deep they are in subspace.”

“Sounds like a lot of responsibility. Makes you wonder why . . .”

“Why anyone would be a Dom?”


“I can’t speak for every Dom, but for me, having a submissive give herself to me completely, to grant me the right to control her pleasure, to allow herself to be used by me—it’s the greatest turn-on there is.”

“And those who say you’re just in it for the power trip?”

“Don’t understand the absolute devotion a Dom holds for his sub. How he protects her and holds her above all.”

When he put it in those terms, and looked at her the way he was, his blue eyes so piercing, yet so gentle? It made her insides melt.

It also made her want to give herself to him. Completely.

She knew Daniel wouldn’t push her, wouldn’t make the first move. She just wasn’t sure she was ready to strike the match.

“The other thing I wondered,” she said. “In your relationships, do you expect submission all the time?”

“Do I want a twenty-four/seven submissive?” At her nod, he continued. “No, for me personally, I want obedience in the bedroom or playroom only.”

“But last weekend?”

“Was wonderful.”

“Yet I wasn’t kneeling, or calling you ‘Master,’ or anything.”

At once, his eyes grew dark and unyielding. “Think back, Julie. Remember. Was it a negotiated power play scene? No. But was it, perhaps, somewhat more than the sex you’ve experienced before?”

Well, when he put it like that.

“It was certainly something else,” she admitted. She took another sip of water and wished for just a second that the glass contained something stronger. Finally ready, she met his gaze. “One last question.”

“Ask me anything.”

“Will you show me your bed?”

• • •

He didn’t ask her if she was sure and he didn’t clear the table. He simply nodded, rose to his feet, and held out his hand. Likewise, she stood and placed her hand in his.

As he led her through the house, he talked of the bed: where he found it, how he transported it, and the custom bedding he had to have made. She was thankful because it gave her something to think about besides what she’d just asked for. Even still, her mind couldn’t focus on the details of the house.

Up the stairs and down a hall he guided her, all the while holding her hand. The room he led her to contained the most massive and beautifully made bed she’d ever seen. It was huge, with two hand-carved posts at the foot and a wooden canopy overhead. The delicate woodwork begged you to run a finger over it and she could only imagine the time it took the carpenter to create such a masterpiece. She was awed just thinking about how many centuries it’d seen.

“Wow. It’s exquisite.”

“Yes,” he said, but when she looked at him, his eyes weren’t on the bed. They were on her.

She felt very small in the midst of his room, next to his huge bed and him. His eyes were intense with desire and his voice was coarse when he spoke again.

“Stay with me, Julie.” His arms came around her and his breath was hot against her ear. He nibbled her earlobe. “Let me show you the pleasures of my world.”

His erection pressed hard and heavy against her and chills shot down her back just from imagining what he wanted to do. She’d known by asking to see his bed, she’d be taking a step into a place she’d never been. To be dominated, was that who she was? Who she wanted to be?

“I don’t know.” She took a deep breath, filling her lungs with air and taking in the all-male scent of the man whose arms surrounded her. “I’m . . . I’m a bit scared.”

His arms moved to her shoulders and he tenderly turned her to face him. “Look at me.”

His voice was gentle, but firm, and left her no choice but to look up and meet his eyes. “Daniel, I . . .” But she didn’t know what she wanted to say.

He slipped a finger under her chin, keeping her head steady and her eyes focused on his. One look at his firm, unyielding expression was all it took for her to remember Sasha’s claim that women dropped their pants after simply looking at him. She no longer doubted her.

“Nothing will happen tonight that you don’t want,” he said. “If at any point you want me to stop, just say ‘red.’”

A safe word. She remembered from what Sasha had told her, that’s what it was called.

Holy hell, she was actually going to do this.

“Will you hurt me?” She couldn’t reconcile what she knew of Daniel with him inflicting pain on her. On purpose. But he was a Dom, wasn’t that what they did?

His thumb stroked her cheek, traced her lips, and a soft smile crossed his face. “No, not tonight. For now, I only want to show you the pleasure I can bring us when you trust me with your body.”

His words turned her knees to jelly and she swayed into him. Us. Funny how that made a difference. She felt wanting. Aching. Needy. She nodded.

“I need to hear the words, Julie.” His tone was firm, tinged with a hint of desire. “Say, ‘Yes, sir, tonight I’m yours.’”

Her throat felt dry, and she wasn’t sure she could speak. She licked her lips.

He waited, the epitome of patience, but somehow looking as though he knew she wouldn’t do anything other than what he asked.

“Yes, sir,” she finally whispered. “Tonight I’m yours.”

Joy, desire, and possibly relief flooded his expression, and then he pulled her gently to him. “Thank you. I’m humbled and pleased at your trust in me.”

His lips traveled from her ear, nibbled across her cheek, and came to rest against hers. The kiss started slow and easy, and she let him lead. Simply enjoyed the feel of him exploring her lips, enjoyed tasting him as he slipped inside. As the kiss deepened, she knew that while she’d been kissed many, many times before, never had anyone kissed her with such authority.

All too soon, he pulled back, and she nearly moaned at the loss of him.

“For the rest of tonight, unless told otherwise, you only speak when told to. Unless, of course, you need to say ‘red.’” His eyes had turned to blue steel once more. “Do you understand? You may answer.”

She nodded. “Yes, sir.”

A look of complete pleasure crossed his face and she knew she’d do damn near anything to keep seeing that expression. She felt herself swell with pride, knowing she’d addressed him correctly.

“Very nice,” he said. “Move to your knees.”

Her heart pounded so loudly, she was certain he could hear it. This is nothing, she told herself; you’ve given bl*w j*bs on your knees before. But deep down, she knew it was nothing like she’d ever done before. Somehow the bl*w j*b she was about to give was completely different.

“Now, Julie.”

She scurried to drop to her knees in front of him, gulping huge deep breaths of air as she did. I can’t do this. I can’t do this. I can’t do this.

“Look at me,” he said, and she realized she’d been staring at the floor.

The same pleasured expression filled his eyes and she felt herself calm under his steady gaze.

“You’re doing great,” he said, and an odd joy swept over her. “Are you okay? Shall we continue? You may answer.”

“Yes, I’m okay.”

The slight tilt of his head told her she’d done something wrong.

“Yes, sir, I’m okay,” she mumbled out, ashamed at how quickly she’d forgotten how to address him.

“Much better,” he said. “I can’t wait to feel that sweet mouth around my cock.”

Hot and damn. When he spoke like that, she couldn’t wait to take him in her mouth. But did she take his pants off or wait for him to tell her? She really wasn’t ready for this. How did women do it?

When you’re with a good Dom, an experienced one, Sasha had said, it’s almost like he can read your mind. Downright freaky.

Daniel’s hands came to rest on her head. “You’re thinking too much. Let yourself go. Trust me to take us where we both want to go.” His fingers rubbed her scalp and it was as if he hypnotized her with his words. “Empty your mind until I’m the only one who fills it. Just me, Julie. For this moment in time, I’m all that matters.”

She focused on the gentle tug of his fingers, the pull of his hands. Little by little, her worries and fears were swept away by his simple actions.

“That’s it.”

Ever so slowly, his hands dropped. She watched, mesmerized, as he undid his pants and pushed them and his boxers down, then stepped out of them.

She hadn’t had time last week to look at him closely. Not so much a problem now, when his rather impressive erection stood inches before her. He looked longer and thicker than she remembered and she wondered briefly if she could actually take him.

“Suck it, Julie. Put my dick in your hot little mouth and suck.”


His words turned her on and she wanted nothing more than to do as he commanded. She licked her lips and leaned forward, easing her mouth around his tip, and took him deeply. Above her, he inhaled, his hands fisted her hair.

His h*ps thrust gently at first, a slight push and pull. She sucked him as he withdrew and swallowed when he pushed in. Ever so easily, he worked himself farther and farther into her mouth. She had a slight moment of panic when he bumped against the back of her throat. She’d never learned how to deep throat and didn’t want to gag. Especially her first time with him.

He sighed and his h*ps stopped. “Much as I’d like to come in your mouth, I have other plans.”

He took a step back and lifted her head. “I need you to answer me, are you okay?”

How did his eyes grow so intense? Had they been like that before?

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