Seduced By Fire

Page 12

He swore his erection grew another inch every time she called him “sir” and he knew he’d do damn near anything to hear her call him “Master.” How long had it been since he collared a submissive? Had someone wear the symbol of his dominance, proclaiming for all to see that her submission was to him alone? Years? It was so easy to picture Julie kneeling, naked, and waiting for him to claim her with his collar.


He fisted his hands by his side. “Move up the bed. I want you on your back, knees spread and held to your shoulders.”

She scooted up the bed, wincing slightly as she brushed her butt against the sheets.

“Sore ass?”

She situated herself the way he asked. In the requested position, she was open to him, and he could see the result of his handiwork.

“I asked you a question, Julie.”

“Yes, sir. It’s sore.”

He moved between her legs and took hold of her hips. He teased her with the tip of his cock. “Feel how hard you make me. What you do to me.”

He slipped his hands beneath her, so he could feel the heat of the spanking he’d given her, but more importantly, so she could.

“I’m going to f**k you so well, you won’t remember your ass.”

She whimpered and tried to press him closer.

“Not yet,” he said. “Take a second to anticipate it.” He rubbed himself against her slit. “Think about how good it’s going to be when I sink into you. Fill you up. Stretch you.”

“Please, sir.”

“I love it when you say please.” He pushed just his tip in and pulled out, making her moan. “Say it again.”

“Please, please, please.” She trembled under him.

“Since you asked so nicely.” He tightened his hold and thrust deeply into her.

He wasn’t sure which one of them shouted; probably it was both. He took a second to relish the feel of being buried inside her tight, wet body before allowing his instincts to take over.

He unleashed his primal nature and pounded into her over and over. “Feet on the mattress,” he ground out through clenched teeth.

She shifted, positioning herself so he could grab on to her h*ps better, aligning their bodies so she could take him deeper.

“Fuck, yes,” he panted, as he started thrusting rhythmically.

Her back arched and he rocked into her harder. She was panting, too, but in time with his thrusts, and pushing to take more of him. She was close. A good thing, because he didn’t think he would last much longer.

He slipped one hand to brush her clit. “Come hard for me, Julie.”

One more hard thrust and stroke of her cl*t and he held still as she cl**axed around him. Her head dropped back and she groaned with relief and satisfaction.

But when she tried to drop her hips, he stopped her.

“Not quite yet. It’s my turn.” He pulled out. “On your hands and knees and make it fast, or else I spank you again instead of giving you another orgasm.”

She moved to all fours, ass in the air, and he swatted her pink flesh.

“Just because it’s so spankable,” he said, positioning himself behind her. With one swift thrust he entered her and started a rhythm that drove him closer to his own release.

Greedy Dom that he was, though, he wanted another one of her orgasms, so he slipped a hand between their bodies and circled her clit.

“Come again for me. One more time.”

When she cl**axed the second time, he allowed himself to follow. Finally sated, he pushed deep and held still as he exploded into the condom.

Not wanting to crush her, he pulled her into his arms and rolled them so she lay on top. Her breathing was heavy and her body shook slightly. He ran his hand down her back. “Are you okay?”

By his standards, it had been a mild scene, but it had been her first and her response was an unknown. Some women cried, others shut down. Then there were those who slept or talked incessantly. What response would Julie have?

She stirred, pushing up to look at him. “Okay is an understatement, sir.”

He hushed her by putting a finger to her lips. “Much as I enjoy hearing you call me ‘sir,’ you can use ‘Daniel’ now.”

“No more play?”

Her softly asked question caused his c**k to stir. Whatever responses he’d imagined, having her ask for more wasn’t one of them. He gently brushed her backside and noted her flinch.

“I think you’ve had enough for one night.” At her frown, he added, “Trust me, if you want more, I’ll be happy to oblige another time.”

Her head dipped. “I’d like that.”

He took her face in his hands. “Look at me. You did great. I’m so proud of you.”

“Really?” She propped herself up on her elbow. “There’s so much I don’t know.”

The way she’d situated her body exposed her br**sts. He realized he’d been rather neglectful of them. He circled the nipple of one with his finger. “Knowledge will come if you want it. What you did tonight was yielding to me. Turning control over to another. And you did it beautifully.”

“It felt . . .”

He circled the other nipple. “Yes?”


Yes, if nothing else, that was what he wanted. For her to discover how good a submissive felt in a Dom’s hand.

“There are so many ways I can make you feel good.” He gave her nipple a gentle flick and grinned at her moan. “So many ways I can play your body and make it sing.”

Her eyes were wide with desire and he knew he needed to get out of bed or else he’d take her again. Even knowing that, however, he stayed where he was, playing with her br**sts until he was once more hard and she writhed against him.

He rolled them to their sides. “I want you again. Will you have me? I’ll be gentle.”

It would probably damn near kill him to be gentle, but he’d make himself for her. He could go slow and easy.

He hoped.

“Yes,” she replied, and then, with a wicked grin, added, “Please.”

“Naughty,” he said. “You know what it does to me when you say ‘please.’” He reached into the bedside table and got another condom. But looking down at it, he thought twice, then put it back in the drawer.

Julie looked crestfallen when he turned back to her.

“I’m afraid that sweet pu**y of yours will impede my resolve to be gentle,” he said. “So I’m going to f**k your mouth and if you’re good, I’ll return the favor.”

Since she was already on the bed, he had her roll onto her back. He straddled her face, keeping a grip on the headboard for support. Looking down, he lined himself up with her mouth. Her lips parted and he slid inside her warmth.

He started with short, shallow thrusts. He didn’t know if she could take all of him in her throat, and he didn’t want her to choke trying to find out. Her tongue circled him as she tried to suck him deeper.

“So good,” he panted, speeding his thrusts up a bit. “Your mouth feels so damn good.”

Typically, he could hold out for a long time during oral sex, but he felt his release building quicker than normal. He looked down and watched his c**k f**king her mouth. Watched as it slid in and out.

She reached up and cupped his balls. He knew then it was a lost cause.

“I’m going to come,” he panted, still thrusting. “If you don’t want—”

She must have understood where he was going, because she clamped her arms around his h*ps and pulled him close.

“Fucking yes, swallow what I give you.” He pumped a few more times, then held still as he shot his release in her mouth and down her throat.

From his position above her, he watched as she licked her lips when he pulled out. He swore he almost came again.

“Oh, Julie,” he said, sliding down her body, trailing kisses as he went. “That was so good.”

He pushed her legs open and knelt between them, careful of her pink backside. Very lightly, he nibbled on her sensitive flesh, pausing a few times to lick her clit. He swirled his tongue around her opening, teasing, and then plunged inside her with a long lick and a gentle suck.

Her h*ps bucked upward, but he kept her legs firmly spread, and repeated the actions again. Over and over, he licked and nibbled until her legs trembled and her heavy breathing became cries of pleasure. Only then did he focus his attention where he knew she desired him most, sucking hard. Her body shook his with the power of her release. He gave her one last lick and her legs trembled as if an aftershock hit her.

He crawled up her body, suddenly exhausted. She was still panting when he took her into his arms and kissed her softly. There was so much to say, so much to discuss, but she kissed him back, snuggled deeper into his embrace, and fell asleep within seconds. Unable and unwilling to do anything else, he closed his eyes and joined her.


Julie jerked awake immediately the next morning and looked around in confusion. Where was she? Sunlight poured in through a nearby window and she was in the middle of a huge bed.

Daniel’s bed.


She rolled to her side and found him awake and watching her.

“Good morning,” he said with his charming smile.

“Morning.” She looked around the room, and the scattered clothing and tousled sheets brought back memories of the night before. Had he really spanked her? And then she spent the night at his house?

He pushed her hair back and kissed her cheek. “What has you looking so troubled so early in the morning?”

“I didn’t plan on staying last night.”

“Is there someone you need to call? Will they have the police out looking for me?”

“No, I don’t have a roommate, it’s just . . . I didn’t bring a change of clothes. And I don’t want to be an imposition.”

He pulled back and gave her what she was coming to recognize as his Dom stare. The one no smart person would argue with. “You aren’t an imposition. Don’t think of yourself like that. Besides, I’m glad you stayed last night.”

“You are?”

“Yes, now I get to fix you breakfast.”

“Can I help?”

He gave her a truly wicked grin. “Sure. Do you want to cook n**ed or should I see if there’s a spare T-shirt sitting around?”

She threw a pillow at him. “I’m not cooking naked.”

Before she could blink, she was on her back with him looming over her. “Careful now, you’re still in my bed. And you’re quite naked.”

Her butt still ached slightly from his spanking the night before and there was a delightful soreness between her legs. She knew she’d think about him just about every time she moved. And she wondered when they could do it again.

He nibbled her ear. “Is someone thinking naughty thoughts?”

“Yes, she is. You’re turning her into a wanton woman.”

“Just the way I like my woman to be.”

His woman. Is that what she was? She rather liked the sound of it. She had so many questions about submission, especially submission as it applied to him. But before she could decide which one to ask first, her stomach rumbled.

“Guess I better feed you before we go much farther on that wanton trail.” He gave her a quick kiss and then rolled out of bed. He strolled about the room, unconcerned with his nakedness. She scooted back up in bed so she could admire him better. His body would make a sculptor weep; his ass alone was enough to make her want to suggest they skip breakfast.

He slipped on a pair of sweatpants and brought her a long-sleeved tee. “I’m afraid the pants are too big.” He pointed to a door off to the side. “Bathroom’s in there. I’ll go start breakfast.”

Fifteen minutes later, she stepped into the kitchen, which already smelled of bacon. She wore his shirt, though she’d had to push up the sleeves and the hemline hung almost to her knees. She stepped beside Daniel and took over making scrambled eggs while he cooked the bacon.

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