Seduced in the Dark

Page 25

He leaned down and spoke to her, “You embarrassed me earlier. Should I strip you and return the favor in front of all these people?”

Kitten muffled a cry by pressing her mouth against his leg. She shook her head fervently, “No, Master,” she managed to say.

“I would certainly like to see that,” Rafiq interjected. “At the very least it would prove you haven’t gone completely soft.” Caleb spared a glance for his mentor and raised an eyebrow. “At least she’s addressing you properly.”

Caleb laughed, ignoring the way some of the other guests glared at him. He wasn’t interrupting Celia. She was much too focused to notice him, or anyone else that wasn’t the slave at her feet for that matter. “I would, but I know she isn’t ready. She’d only cause me more embarrassment.”

“Well then, perhaps you should allow me,” he said, in English.

Suddenly, uproar spread throughout the room and both Caleb and Rafiq craned their necks to see beyond the other guests blocking their view. Caleb gasped and unwittingly, his lengthening c**k brushed against Kitten’s cheek.

Celia, the exotic little vixen, had stepped into a harness, and jutting out from her bare pu**y, stood one of the largest dildo’s Caleb had ever seen. She let the crowd admire it, waiting for the noise to die down before she went any further.

Kid, still blindfolded, was rigid with apprehension. He was trying, unsuccessfully, to ball himself up tighter; as if he could crawl so deep inside himself he would disappear. All he succeeded in doing was building the collective lust of his voyeuristic audience.

“Push him back. I want him sitting on his heels,” Celia said and the men eased the boy back.

Kid’s face was bright red and wet with tears. His chest, unlike his back, bore only one raised, red stripe from the flogger.

“Open your legs, Slave,” said Celia.

Kid sobbed harshly, his chest shaking with the effort, but he complied.

“You’ve been such a good boy, Slave. I think you’ve earned a gift.” Celia trailed the flogger slowly across Kid’s c**k and balls. Kid’s breath stopped all together and didn’t return until after Celia had made a few passes with the soft leather.

Slowly, his c**k began to stir, growing despite his shame and humiliation. Despite the fact his audience watched with bated breath for the moment Celia would unleash her dildo on him. Despite the fact he couldn’t possibly know what was going to happen next.

Celia continued to coax Kid’s erection, going so far as to lower herself to her knees and stroke him with her bare hand. Kid groaned as his sensitive flesh was expertly caressed. He’d seemingly forgotten about the flogger, didn’t know about Celia’s cock, and his body swayed toward her slowly. Forward and back, following her fingers and whimpering when they didn’t come back fast enough to suit him.

“Greedy, slave,” Celia said. “I’m greedy too and I don’t think you’ve earned your present yet.” She stood and Kid held his breath again. Slowly, Celia put her plump nipple to Kid’s lips. It was brave, considering the boy could bite her, but Celia seemed unconcerned with such things. “Suck.”

Kid opened his mouth and accepted Celia’s nipple. He groaned, loud and unabashed. His c**k jerked in midair. The pain seemed to be a memory to him as he latched on and suckled Celia in long, hungry pulls that had her gasping and pulling his mouth closer.

“Yes!” Celia yelled, and it required no translation on Felipe’s part. “Suck harder.”

Kid obliged, only pulling his mouth away to breathe and occasionally switch br**sts, which Celia took great relish in.

Finally, the moment had arrived and she forced Kid’s head away with a loud pop. Her ni**les were bright red and fat from having been sucked so hard, but she didn’t seem to take notice or care. She grabbed her rubber c**k and brought it to Kid’s mouth. “Now, suck this.”

Kid, obviously sensing something foreign, reared back and turned his head, “No, Celia. Please, no.”

Celia didn’t bother to respond, she raised the flogger and struck him across the chest with so much force there was a collective wince in the room. Kid tried to double over, but the men held him up.

Caleb wondered what it would be like to let a woman whip him. Aside from Rafiq, no one had dared strike him and lived after Tehran. Yes, Rafiq, had punished him in the very early years, when Caleb still needed it to remind him he had survived. It had been well over a decade, since Caleb had been on the submissive end of any encounter.

“Suck it!” Celia repeated. This time, Kid opened his mouth and let Celia f**k his mouth with the enormous phallus.

The room was filled with the occasional chuckle whenever Kid choked, but even then, they were apparent in their lust. A look around the room would reveal some of the master’s had decided to make use of their slaves mouths, mimicking Celia’s movements and thrusting their very real cocks into the ravenous mouths of the slaves at their feet.

Caleb looked down at Kitten. She had abandoned her quest to not see or hear what was happening around her and was openly watching as others fornicated around her. Caleb reached for her hand and gently pressed it against his erection. His c**k leapt when her wide eyes darted to his. He expected her to try and snatch her hand away, but he felt her fingers tighten around him through the fabric of his pants.

“She seems to like you just fine. It must be me she doesn’t care for,” said Rafiq rather wryly.

“Unlike some, she has taste,” Caleb countered. He slowly lifted his hips and pressed deeper into Kitten’s hand. He remembered the shower, the way she had eagerly wanted to please him. He wanted that again. He wanted Livvie. The thought jolted him back into the moment and he stilled Kitten’s hand on his erection. She looked up at him.

Did I do something wrong? Her eyes asked. Caleb shook his head, but drew her hand away.

“Shy, Caleb? Really? You of all people,” said Rafiq, mocking.

“Fuck you,” Caleb said, his tone pleasant.

“Let him loose,” Celia said and once again, drawing both him and Rafiq back to the scene in before them. As the men worked to unbind Kid, Celia shimmied out of her strap-on and seemed to brace herself.

The room was tense as Kid eagerly tried to get loose even faster. Still, once he was free of the locks, he remained on his knees and blindfolded in front of Celia. His c**k was still hard, which was impressive given the circumstances.

“Do you think you were good, Slave?” Celia’s voice had dropped to a whisper that Felipe mimicked as well as he could.

“Yes, Celia?” replied Kid.

“I agree. You were very good, for your first time. Would you like to f**k me?” Kid jolted when Felipe repeated the words for him to understand and though he didn’t seem capable of rendering a verbal response, the crowd witnessed his c**k bobbing up and down as it filled completely. Precome wept copiously from the tip. “Well, Slave. Do you want to f**k me or not?”

Kid nodded and stammered through his reply, “Y-y-yes, Celia.”

Celia stepped in front of Kid and lifted his arms to put them around her. Kid let out a needy sound and greedily mauled the flesh offered to him. “Then f**k me,” Celia said.

Without further ado, Kid leapt on top of Celia, tossing her to the ground with brutish force. Celia cried out in abandon, but made no attempt to stop Kid from doing what he wanted. His hips tilted back for only a moment and then he thrust forward, savagely, into Celia’s pu**y. He whimpered as he rutted against her.

Celia moaned, arching her back and spreading her legs as wide as she could, surrendering to the man pounding away on top of her. “¡Sí, mi amor! Es todo para ti. .”

Yes, my love. It’s all for you.

Kid sought Celia’s nipple blindly and finally pulled one into his mouth. He suckled Celia in rough, bruising pulls. His hips, moved like a piston. Indeed, the boy seemed violent in his need to come and by the way he gripped Celia, it was obvious he would fight anyone who attempted to stop him.

Finally, Kid let out a sound best reserved for a dying animal and thrust into Celia one final time. As the crowd applauded and cheered, the boy shuddered and collapsed on top of Celia.

Caleb quickly made his excuses, helped Kitten to her feet and left the room in desperate search of the butler and his room.

Chapter Ten

Matthew swallowed past the dryness in his throat. If he didn’t know better, he would suspect Olivia of having some sort of telepathic ability. He sat still in the uncomfortable chair and tried not to draw attention to the raging erection he was sporting.

Olivia’s eyes were fixed on him, but her stare seemed to move through him and beyond to some place he couldn’t see. Her eyes were brimmed with tears, but for whatever reason, Matthew doubted they had much to do with the story. In fact, she had told it with some fondness which he found disturbing given the situation.

Unbidden, the image of a young woman, dressed in white leather and wearing an enormous dildo flashed into his mind and right on its heels, he wondered what it might be like to be forced to suck it in front of a room full of strangers. Matthew’s erection throbbed angrily and not for the first time, he was ashamed. He sighed, disappointed with himself, and crossed his ankle over his knee to better hide himself.

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