Shaded Vision

Page 16

Smoky and Iris were at the dais now, and rather than trifle with her dress, Smoky gently reached down and lifted her in one swift move onto the platform, then stepped back, moving to sit in the audience beside Shamas, Vanzir, Nerissa, Hanna, and Morio.

Iris stepped forward, her train trailing behind her, and stood beside Bruce. They turned to face Camille. She smiled at them, her expression suddenly wise and knowing. I’d seen her work magic before, but tonight she was wearing the cloak of a priestess, and her aura crackled like lightning.

Menolly discreetly stepped forward and took Iris’s bouquet, then returned to her place.

Camille waved the wand in a circle over their heads. “We are here, my friends, to witness the handfasting rites of Iris Kuusi, Priestess of Undutar, and Lord Bruce O’Shea, of the Eire O’Sheas. Marriage among the sprites is a lifelong commitment, spurned only in the case of abuse or of infidelity…or of the mutual parting of ways where there is no healing the heart. Oaths are binding, broken only by dishonor or mutual agreement. These rites are the reminders of rituals from long past and are to be respected and honored.”

Iris and Bruce both murmured, “We do stand before you.”

“Do you recognize me as your priestess, as the one who will hold you to your oath—the sacred vows made, not to be broken?”

Again, their answer came in unison. “We do accept you as our priestess.”

“Let all witness, the parties come freely, of their own will, to be joined in the sacred marriage.”

Guided by a rehearsal before we started, the audience, still standing, intoned, “We do act as witness,” and then sat down.

Camille waited, then, drawing a long breath, said, “Iris Kuusi, Priestess of Undutar, daughter of the ice floes, by mist and snow I bless you. By fire and flame, I bless you. By gale and boreal wind, I call the spirits to take your oath.”

She turned to Bruce. “Bruce O’Shea, Lord of Eire, the son of the Rainbow, by sweet grass and meadow, I bless you. By stream and the wild sea, I bless you. By gale and boreal wind, I call the spirits to take your oath.”

They knelt before her as she picked up the dagger. “By blood, these oaths will be sealed, by your heart they will be kept. By the gods they will be heard.”

Iris held out her left palm, taking Bruce’s right hand in hers. They held up their hands, offering them to Camille.

Camille motioned to me and I moved to the altar, where I picked up a thin braided cord of blue, silver, and white. I wrapped it around their entwined hands and wrists, loosely knotting it, then returned to stand beside Menolly.

“Your hands are bound, as is the way, and all oaths you take are bound within this cord. Sacred will be your vows, and to ignore them is to bring dishonor and shame upon your household.” She turned to Bruce.

“Bruce, do you accept Iris into your life as your wedded wife, as your spouse and your love, to cherish and honor, to respect and to serve? Will you keep and protect her and any children that come of this union till you depart for the Summerlands? Will you take on the mantle of husband and keep-lord? Will you honor her goddess, even as she honors yours?”

Bruce inclined his head. “I do so vow before the gods, with all my heart.”

Camille turned to Iris. “Iris, do you accept Bruce into your life as your wedded husband, as your spouse and your love, to cherish and honor, to respect and to serve? Will you keep the household, and nurture him and any children that come of this union till you depart for the Underworld? Will you take on the mantle of wife and keeper of the keys? Will you honor his goddess, even as he honors yours?

Iris looked almost dizzy. She glanced at Bruce, her eyes shining. For a moment I thought she wasn’t going to answer, but then her voice rang clear and firm. “I do so vow before the gods, with all my heart.”

“Then seal the pact in blood and with a kiss.” Camille reached down and neatly slit a fine gash on Iris’s right palm, and Bruce’s left. They reached over, clasping hands, joining their wounds so their blood mingled freely, as Bruce met Iris’s lips with his own, kissing her long and deep.

As they pulled apart, I unobtrusively wrapped Iris’s hand with a bandage to prevent the blood from touching her wedding gown. Bruce’s friend did the same for him. Camille lifted her hands toward the sky again.

“In the sight of the gods, in the sight of this gathering, under the watchful eyes of the Moon Mother, I do pronounce you husband and wife. May your lives be long and joyful, and fruitful with a fine family.”

And with that, Camille burst into tears, smiling as she leaned over to hug the bride and groom. She unwound the handfasting cord and gave it to them for their family trunk, and then they turned, and everyone stood and clapped, cheering. Iris took her bouquet and—as was the tradition of not separating out the women from the men—tossed it into the audience.

The tightly wrapped flowers took a surprising turn midair—Iris was laughing and waving her hand—and landed right in Nerissa’s lap. As Nerissa bundled them to her nose, smiling, Iris blew her a kiss.

And then it was time for the party. As Nerissa and Hanna led Iris off to pose for pictures, I glanced at Camille, thinking that it was over. Iris was married. She would still be here, with us, but she would be having her baby and be raising her own family.

Camille wrapped her arm through my elbow. “We have a date with the photographer, too, so let’s get moving. You okay, Kitten?”

As Menolly joined us—unfortunately she would not appear in the photographs—I closed my eyes for a moment. All I could see was Iris’s radiant smile and Bruce’s deer-in-the-headlights look. “Yeah, I am. I’m fine.” And I meant every word I said.

The tents were set up by the time we’d all changed into clothes better suited for dancing and partying. As Shade and I stripped out of our finery and I laid out a nice pair of jeans, a sequined tank top, a sparkling belt, and a pair of stacked-heel boots for my party gear, he was musing.

“Iris certainly looked happy, though I thought she might be having cold feet. She paused there for a moment.” He grinned, winking at me as I flashed him my boobs. “Okay, enough talk about Iris. Come here, you wanton pussycat.”

I danced my way over to him. “You going to shake booty with me tonight?” Chase hadn’t been much for dancing, but I loved it. I loved to feel my body move. All three of us—Menolly, Camille, and I—did. We all had our own styles and music preferences, but we could shake up the dance floor.

“Of course, you know I love to move with you.” He wrapped a lazy arm around my waist and slid one knee between my legs, dancing dirty and low and hot. As I settled into his arms, grinding softly against his leg, he whispered, “I love to move inside you, too, babe. You’re my sweet pussy, my wildcat.”

I caught my breath as the fire of his presence swept through me. Like Hi’ran, Shade ran the same passionate intensity, pulling me deep into his world, dragging me into the shadows where my panther stirred. My skin sparked when he touched me and I could sense how much he wanted me. All I could think of was stripping and fucking his brains out. But they were waiting for us.

A glance at the clock sealed my decision. “We have time for a quickie.”

“You sure you don’t want long and leisurely?” His lips pressed behind my ear and I gasped, a shiver rippling down my body. My nipples stiffened at the touch of his tongue on my neck.

“We don’t have time. Just fuck me. Now.” Suddenly so hot I could think of nothing but his sweet, thick cock filling me up, I fumbled for his zipper as he backed me up against the door.

Shade was wearing a pair of cargo pants and a mesh tank top, and the ripple of his muscles through the mesh set me aflame all over again. As I lowered his zipper, I realized he was going commando. I grabbed him by the neck of his tank and yanked him toward me.

“Oh gods, you’re hot. So. Damn. Hot. Get over here and get up inside me. Now.” As I leaned back against the wall, he reached around, cradling me by the butt. I wrapped my arms around his neck and lifted one foot to brace against the desk.

“As you wish, my sweetness.” Shade pressed toward me, sliding his cock deep inside as I let out a little groan. And then he was moving, rocking my butt back against the wall with each thrust. As the sensation spread through me like the warm feel of honey, I tugged at his ponytail and his hair came loose, spreading over his shoulders. His eyes flashed, rich and dark, and he buried his face in my neck, nipping lightly on the skin.

Every nerve in my body began to sing, from toes to nipples to head, and the feel of him jostling for position sent me reeling. I slid my hands under his shirt, running my fingers over the rippling muscles, over the scars, over the smooth flesh, then encircled his waist, drawing him deeper inside me.

His hips swiveled against mine, the friction increasing as his gaze took on a determined look. As he increased the pace, his lips traced their way around my neck and, with one hand, he reached down and began to stroke me, stirring a chain of little explosions that drove me toward the edge.

My breath ragged, I let out a cry as my nipples rubbed against the material of his tank in the most irritating sensation. And yet I liked it, in a perverse way. The annoyance set me on edge, heightening the tension.

A flutter began in my stomach as Shade became more aggressive. With one deep thrust, he held me against the wall. His voice rough, he grabbed my hands and pinned them above my head. “You’re mine. You’re my woman. You’re my love. You’re my passion. Do you hear me?”

I held my breath. Something was happening, and I wasn’t sure what it was. And then he grabbed me up and tossed me on the bed, leaping between my legs. And as he plunged back inside me, there was a shift—that’s the only way I can describe it—and I found myself soaring, but I wasn’t alone.

Can you hear me? Can you feel me? The whisper of thoughts filled my mind. I began to drift on the current…my body rocking, every nerve tingling, and then I realized I wasn’t just feeling my own response, but Shade’s, too. And then, someone else was there with us.

Hi’ran. Hi’ran was there, caught up in the passion, his autumn fires shrouding us with the scent of smoke and soot and the dark, pungent tang of autumn. I turned to see him leaning over us on the bed, and he reached out to trace my cheek with his hand. Shade glanced at him and a feral smile crept across his lips as he kissed Hi’ran’s index finger when it came near his face.

“My Lord.” Shade acknowledged him, even while he kept fucking me.

Hi’ran leaned down and pressed his lips to mine. And once again, he sucked my breath out of my body and I went spiraling out of my body, finding myself standing between the spirits of both Shade and the Autumn Lord. Shade took me in his arms and began to run his hands over me as a slow drumbeat played in the background. Hi’ran came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist, his fingers tripping over my body. We were all naked and entwined together, and I wasn’t sure who was touching me where, but it was so delicious, so hot, that I didn’t care. And then, someone was in me—or were they both? The heat was so thick that I could barely breathe, but I knew I never wanted it to stop, never wanted this delicious ache to end.

And then the energy of my shadow walker and my liege came tumbling in on me and I could hold back no longer. As Shade cried out, I went spiraling into orgasm, my body one long chord singing in the night as I hovered between heaven and hell.

As I opened my eyes, Shade was sitting by my side, patting my hand. “Delilah, are you all right?”

I blinked, sitting up. “Fuck, what time is it? What happened? Did I pass out?” I grabbed my clothes and began to dress.

He nodded. “Briefly. I think the energy was almost too much for you. Our master is a powerful lord, and he can forget how fragile mortals are. But…did you…Are you…”

I caught his hand up in mine and rubbed it against my cheek, my heart still racing from the orgasm. “I loved it. More than you can know.” And then a thought hit me. “Oh no, I’m not—he didn’t…” The idea that I might be pregnant at this point in the game suddenly scared the crap out of me.

“No, not yet. But it was a test, to see how well you can handle the energy of the Autumn Lord using me as a conduit. I think you passed.” He grinned and leaned down to kiss me. I savored his lips.

After a moment, I pushed my way out of bed and began to dress again. “I never thought I’d enjoy two men at once…but this was…this was different.”

“You never know what you might like until you try it.” Shade zipped his pants and turned to me. “He won’t be with us every time, but we know now that it can work—he can ride me, and touch you in the process. I wasn’t allowed to tell you because he feared you might psych yourself out if you knew. If you showed signs of being overpowered, he was ready to vacate instantly. He would never hurt you. Please know that.”

I nodded. “I understand. I do. I’m…not the little girl I was a year ago. I’ve grown up. And I like the woman I’m becoming. I feel stronger. I’m ready to shoulder my share of responsibility.”

“I love the woman you’re becoming. You know, don’t you, that he had his eye on you from the moment you were born? This—you belonging to the Autumn Lord—was in the hands of fate all along. You were born to be a Death Maiden.” Shade wrapped an arm around me, and I leaned into his embrace.

A shiver of recognition ran through me. “I think I knew. When I saw Arial in the temple of Haseofon, I knew we were both chosen. I still don’t know why she’s there, but…”

“Perhaps you’ll find out soon. Now come, they are waiting for us.” He stood and held out his hand, pulling me up. “And put on your dancing shoes because I intend to wear you out on the dance floor.”

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