Shalador's Lady

Page 21

“Which means Theran will end up paying those bills from the treasure Lia hid for the family.”

“No, Theran told the merchants all of Kermilla’s expenses would be covered by the town’s tithe to the Queen.”


“Kermilla spent more in a day than Cassidy spent in all the weeks she’s been here.” Powell paused. “The merchants wanted confirmation that they could deduct Kermilla’s purchases from the tithe. I told them I would let them know as soon as I had a chance to discuss this with the Queen. The merchants who remained in Grayhaven are well aware of the dangers of dealing with a Queen. By not giving immediate confirmation, I’ve warned them to be wary of further transactions.”

Talon prowled the room for several minutes while Powell packed up the maps he’d been gathering for Cassidy.

“We’ll concede the town of Grayhaven,” Talon said. “Theran can have fifty percent of the tithe to use as he pleases. The other half goes to the treasury to pay the guards’ wages and maintain the town. I’ll clear it with Cassidy, but I’ll ask her to accept my decision and give up that much.”

“In exchange for what?” Powell asked.

Talon shook his head. In exchange for nothing. At least, nothing he was willing to discuss with Powell.

He felt a respectful tap on his first inner barrier. “Ranon is on his way down. The boy cleared out his room fast.”

“He wants to be gone.” Powell rubbed his left hand. “So do I.”

Talon sighed. “I raised Theran, taught him as best I could. Tried to hold on to the Old Ways even when I could feel them slipping away with each generation. I fought to keep him safe. I killed to keep him safe. You don’t know how much it hurts to see him giving himself to Kermilla. I can’t decide if protecting him from the twisted Queens all his life has made him blind to the kind of woman Kermilla is, or if he senses that something isn’t right but is defending her because he can’t admit he might be wrong about her. I can’t decide—but tonight I’m wondering if men wasted their lives by defending the Grayhaven bloodline.”

He shook his head and raised a hand, indicating he didn’t want a response.

A moment later, Ranon walked into the room—and Talon walked out.



*Talon,* Cayle said. *We’ve got the horses loaded in the livestock Coach. Haele and Burne are at the station. Everyone else is gone.*

*Then go,* Talon replied. *I’m last man out.*

*See you in Eyota.*

*Yes, you will. May the Darkness embrace you.*

Standing outside the Grayhaven mansion, Talon watched the sun rise—and felt the light begin to drain the power from his demon-dead flesh. Smarter to stay here until sundown, but once he delivered his message, it would be best for all of them if he left. He’d need fresh human blood, not yarbarah, by the time he reached Eyota, but now he knew how to ask for it without feeling shame for what he was taking from the living.

He walked the hallways, delaying the moment when he would reach the family wing. Servants were already stirring. Dryden and Elle would be in the kitchen with Maydra, having a simple breakfast while the three reviewed the day’s schedule. Birdie, who mostly looked after the rooms of the Queen, Steward, and Healer, gave him a sleepy smile as she passed him in a hallway. She was shy as a rabbit when she first came to work here a few weeks ago, but was getting braver because the Queen she served treated her with respect.

“Birdie,” he called before she disappeared around a corner.

“Prince Talon?” She returned, looking uncertain since he’d never asked her for anything before.

He called in a half sheet of paper and the stub of a pencil, and wrote, “The Queen’s residence has moved to Eyota, a village in the eastern Shalador reserve.”

He folded the paper into quarters and handed it to her. “Give that to Dryden.”

“Yes, sir.” Birdie started to leave, then hesitated. “Sir? Do you think Maydra should make up a tray for Lady Cassidy? The Lady’s stomach has been a mite tender, and maybe a peaceful breakfast would help.”

A stab of guilt. The Warlords and Warlord Princes who had lived in the Tamanara Mountains had swept into villages to get supplies, visit friends and family, and hunt down the men who willingly served the Queens they viewed as enemies. Then they swept out again, back to their guarded camps in the mountains, leaving the villagers behind to endure the Queen’s grace.

What would being at Kermilla’s beck and call do to a girl like Birdie?

“Lady Cassidy won’t need a tray this morning,” he said. “Don’t forget to give that to Dryden.”

“No, sir. I’ll do it right away.”

He watched her go, a spring in her step. There was no spring in his. He needed to finish this task and get out.

When Theran answered the sharp rap on the bedroom door and blocked the view into his room, Talon wondered if there was someone with him—and who it might be.

“The Queen’s court is no longer in residence,” Talon said. “The Queen’s court now resides in Eyota.”

Theran’s eyes remained sleepy and blank a moment too long. And that moment too long told Talon everything he needed to know about Theran’s loyalty to Cassidy—and also confirmed another truth that had been hidden under his own strength and the Grayhaven name: Theran didn’t have that subtlesomething that made a man a true leader.

Theran’s face darkened with anger. “Why should we move there and inconvenience everyone?”

“Everyone being your guest?” Talon asked with a mildness that hid heartache and anger.

“Kermilla, yes, but the court as well. Why should we have to pack up just because Cassidy is acting like a spoiled child?”

Talon snarled. “Be careful what you say, boy. You’re talking about the Queen.”

“So you expect me to leave my family’s home and go live in a Shalador reserve?” Theran snapped.

“You’re not welcome there.” He said the words because they were true.

Theran’s eyes widened. He looked stunned, hurt.

“This is how it’s going to be, Theran. Trust that I mean everything I say.” No response but wariness. At least the boy had sense enough to be wary. “You will remain as First Escort so that the court remains intact. You promised to serve Cassidy for one year. That promise was witnessed by the most powerful men in all the Realms. But they aren’t here. I am, and I will hold you to that promise. What you do the day after that contract is fulfilled is your own business, but you will do nothing to break this court. If you do, I will kill your whore.”

“Kermilla isnot a whore!”

“In exchange for keeping your oath of service, you will rule the town of Grayhaven on the Queen’s behalf. All the tithes from the town will be your income to do with as you please. Half should go to the treasury, but no one is going to ask for an accounting of your expenses.”

“Talon, you’re making a mistake.”

He heard a hint of panic in Theran’s voice. Good. The boy was finally understanding that he no longer had the support that had always guarded his back.

“While she stands on Dena Nehele land, Kermilla will be confined to this town,” Talon continued. “The Queen ordered Kermilla out of her Territory. You disregarded that command and made her your personal guest. The shame is on the rest of the First Circle, and especially me, that we let you do that. Because the fault is ours as well as yours, we will not raise a hand against Kermilla while she remains in Grayhaven. However, by sunrise tomorrow, every Warlord Prince in Dena Nehele will know she is considered an enemy of the Queen and tolerated only so long as she remains in the town under your rule. The moment she steps beyond that line, we will deal with her as we have dealt with every other enemy.”

Theran looked shocked. “Kermilla is the Queen we should have had. She’s the one who should have been here from the beginning, not Cassidy. I know you have to fulfill your contract with the court, and I respect that, but don’t turn your back on the Queen you can serve next spring.”

Sadness filled Talon. He’d faced this moment before with friends, but he had never felt this bitter. And now that he felt the bond that drove a Warlord Prince to serve a particular Queen, he finally understood why good men had served bad Queens—and had become twisted because of that service. He could only hope that the bond Theran felt broke before something in Theran did. “Kermilla is your Queen, isn’t she? Something about her calls to you to cherish and protect.”

“She’s the right Queen for Dena Nehele. For all of us. If you’d just take the time to get to know her . . .”

“She’s not my Queen, Theran,” he said quietly. “She never will be. I look at her and see the same kind of Queen I fought against for three centuries. Nothing is going to change that, boy. We’re standing on opposite sides of a line now. I’m sorry for that, but that’s the way it is.”

“You’ll regret this,” Theran said urgently. “A year from now, Kermilla will be the Queen of Dena Nehele, and she may not forgive you for treating her this way.”

“That may be. If she does take control of Dena Nehele . . .” Talon shrugged. “I’ve spent most of my life as a rogue in the Tamanara Mountains. If it comes to that, I’ll finish my life the same way.”

“You don’t mean that. Youcan’t mean that.”

“I mean every word. Don’t tell yourself otherwise.”

They stood in a doorway, both feeling something break between them that would never truly mend.

“May the Darkness embrace you, Theran.” He hesitated, then felt he had to say one last thing, try one last time. “I’ve taught you what I could about honor, about the Invisible Ring. The day may come when you have to make a choice, so I want you to remember this: it is better to break your own heart than to break your honor.”

“When did you ever make that choice?” Theran asked bitterly.

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