
Page 4

I returned to find Cooper and Allie sitting at our table. Cooper’s arm was resting possessively around the back of Allie’s chair and I wondered if that was something he did often or if it was because Mr. Sex on a Stick was sitting with us.

“You okay?” Jessie whispered when I sat next to him and Claire.

“Yeah, I’m good,” I lied as I gave him my best faux smile. It was weird how Jessie had fallen into the role of my protector. He was like a big brother to me, only much more. The guy I once regarded as a tatted up Collinsville skank was now my best friend too.

He leaned over so no one would hear him. “I don’t believe you.”

What was I supposed to do? “I have to get over them being together because they’re an item and it doesn’t look like that’s going to change anytime soon. I can’t keep pretending I have to leave every time I see them somewhere.”

Claire leaned over to be part of the conversation. “Will you tell us if you change your mind and want to go?”

I rolled my eyes. “Yes, Mother. Yes, Father. I’ll tell you.”

‘Single Ladies’ came on and a flock of girls headed for the dance floor. I usually begged Claire to dance with me, but tonight was different because I didn’t have my usual good mood or a drink in my hand.

“It doesn’t matter if it’s your turn to drive tonight. I don’t want you to worry about it because I’ve got it covered. I want you and Claire to have a good time,” Jessie offered. “What do y'all want to drink?”

I don’t know if it was the tats or what, but Jessie never got carded anywhere and he always got us as many drinks as we wanted. Claire ordered her usual Cosmopolitan and I thought for a second before I knew the only cure for what ailed me.

“I’ve got hers,” Nick announced from across the table as he stared at me. “I’ll get you anything you want.”

It felt more like a challenge than an offer. Was I imagining his underlying tone or was he simply offering to buy me a drink? I finally answered, “A Long Island.”

I didn’t mistake the big brother look Jessie shot me. “Are you sure that’s a good idea? You know it doesn’t take much for those to put you on your ass.”

“I haven’t forgotten and that’s what I’m shooting for.” He didn’t give me any further argument, but I knew he would be watching me like a hawk the rest of the night.

The guys returned with our drinks and Nick chose to sit in the chair next to me instead of across the table. “Your drink, Milady.”

“Thank you,” I politely said before I took a long suck on the straw.

Nick watched me suck down a quarter of my Long Island. “I believe you are looking to be on your ass or your back tonight.”

I immediately became defensive with the mention of me on my back. “Well, I won’t ever be on my back for you. Sorry if that’s why you bought me the drink or why you came with us.”

I could tell that took him back. “I came because I was invited by a friend, one I’ve known longer than you have, I might add. I also just won a lot of cash so I wanted to celebrate. As for the drink, I bought it for you out of courtesy. I was trying to be a chivalrous gentleman.”

“Well, thank you no matter your motive,” I said dryly.

Nick leaned a little closer to me. “What have I done to make you question my motive?”

I was thankful the music was loud enough that Jessie and Claire couldn’t hear the conversation between me and Nick. “Oh, I don’t know. Maybe it was the way you tried to blackmail me into going out with you or maybe it was the way you tricked me into making a bet to quote spend one night with you unquote. I’m not sure I even know what one night with you means. It could even be the way that girl was all over you at ‘The Strip’ like she knew every inch of your body or maybe it was the way you grabbed me around my waist and pulled me against you like you had done it a million times. Maybe it was the way you so expertly whispered against my ear to bring chills all over my body.”

That lopsided grin returned. “So you liked it when I pulled you close against me and whispered in your ear?”

Hell yeah, I liked it, but I wasn’t telling him that. “I think you’re hearing what you want to hear.”

“Maybe I am because I definitely want to hear that you liked being close to me, but I’m also hearing that you’re jealous of Samantha.”

This guy was unbelievably arrogant. “Now, you’re really dreaming,” I scoffed.

“We were supposed to get together after the race, but I ditched her to come here with you.” He said it so matter of fact, like he deserved some kind of reward for ditching the girl with a mattress tied to her back.

“Sorry. I didn’t mean to mess up you getting laid tonight,” I said sarcastically.

He looked at me seductively before he turned his beer up for a gulp. “Don’t worry. You didn’t.”

What was that supposed to mean?

Cooper and Allie headed back to the dance floor and Claire leaned over as Jessie stood up. “Our song is playing so we’re going to dance if you think you’ll be okay.”

They always had to dance to that sappy song. “Sure, take your time.” I nodded toward Nick. “I have the Jedi here to keep me company.”

I expected Nick to ask me what my Jedi crack was all about but he didn’t. He leaned back in his chair. “So, they’re in love, huh?”

I put my straw to my lips and took another big gulp. Three-quarters down and all was still well. I was going to have to drink faster than this. “Yep, they’re in love and it’s the real thing. I predict that they’ll be Mr. and Mrs. within two years.”

And I was going to be the ceaseless third wheel. I wondered if they’d invite me to go with them on their honeymoon. I put my drink to my lips and finished it off.

“Want another?” Nick offered.

“Umm, yes please,” I said as I reached for my purse to get some cash since I had gone by the ATM on the way to the club.

“Nope, I’ve got it covered. Another Long Island?”

I gave him a friendly smile because I felt like I owed him that much. “Yes, please. Thank you.”

“Depending on who makes it, you know Long Islands are almost all alcohol, right?”

I called off the ingredients. “Vodka, Rum, Gin, Tequila, Triple Sec, Sour Mix and a splash of Coke, depending on who makes it.”

He smiled as though he was thoroughly entertained. “Hmm. Something else I didn’t expect to come out of your delicate mouth. You’re just full of surprises.”

“If you knew me, you wouldn’t be the least bit surprised.”

He studied me like I was some kind of ancient mystery and I wanted to ask him what he was thinking but I didn’t because I was afraid he might actually tell me. When the awkward silence and stare passed, he got up from the table. “Be right back. Don’t go anywhere.”

I sat at our table waiting for Nick to come back with our drinks and watched the couples on the dance floor. When Jessie and Claire’s song ended, another sappy love song replaced it and I knew the lovebirds wouldn’t be coming off the floor before it was over.

Like a guard dog, Jessie monitored me closely from where he danced with Claire. He took notice of me sitting alone and gave me his questioning thumb up signal. He seemed satisfied by my nod and reassuring smile so he returned his concentration to my best friend in his arms.

Nick had been gone for a while, so I looked toward the bar to see if he was still waiting in line for our drinks and I saw him talking to a girl in a revealing halter top with her boobs all pushed up. He was buying her a drink and I caught myself huffing as I thought about how he was such a Playah. It oozed from his every pore the way he stood leaning onto the bar and then it hit me. He really wasn’t kidding when he told me that I wasn’t getting in the way of him getting laid tonight.

I turned my head in disgust and a few minutes later Nick returned to our table with our drinks. “Here’s your deuce.”

I don’t know why, but it pissed me off that he was lining up an appointment to get laid while he was buying a drink for me. The more I thought about it, the more pissed I got but I didn’t say anything because this guy didn’t owe me monogamy.

I simply put my straw to my lips and began to suck down my second Long Island.

I saw Nick watching my glass. “Hey, you might want to take it easy there or some guy might be getting a drunk dial later tonight.”

I wasn’t sure if it was me or if the alcohol was beginning to talk, but I didn’t have Claire here to be my filter. “Why would you care if I drunk dialed some guy? Jealous?”

“I mind because you’re mine tonight and I don’t plan to share you with anyone.”

4 Truly Madly Deeply


There. Let’s see what she thought about that.

I managed to shock her and I enjoyed her mixed expression of anger, excitement and bewilderment, but my amusement was short lived because she didn’t hesitate in her retaliation.

“I don’t understand you. Why would you want to waste your time with me because it’s clear that you plan on adding yourself to Miss Black Halter Top’s list of suspects for her next pregnancy scare? Is collecting your debt really that important to you?”

Miss Black Halter Top? Oh, she was talking about my brother’s girlfriend, Gabbi. I opened my mouth to explain, but didn’t get the opportunity because the two deliriously happy couples returned to our table from the dance floor.

Jessie looked at Payton and then gave me what I recognized as a warning. “What’s going on here?”

“Absolutely nothing is going on here,” Payton quickly answered as she watched my eyes for a reaction. She lifted her drink and gave her straw another big suck and I noticed she was over half finished with it. She was definitely drinking to forget something or somebody and I wanted to know which.

Jessie leaned over to say something to his girlfriend and I took the opportunity to straighten Payton out about Gabbi. “Funny, I sort of thought something was going on here and I don’t mean with my brother’s girlfriend, the girl wearing the black halter top.”

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