
Page 13

His hips flexed.

The buzzing in her anus was driving her crazy, but the slow, rhythmic press and retreat of his cock into the entrance of her pussy began to replace the burning pleasure in her ass.

She cried out his name, gasping, nearly incoherent with the sensations as she felt him slowly making his way inside her. The anal plug filled her, Ian overfilled her. Retreat and thrust, retreat and thrust, stretching her as her cries turned to screams, her pleas to wordless, incoherent gasps as the pleasure and pain combined. Teasing. Taunting. Each stroke went deeper inside her, fueling the already flaming pulses of hunger erupting inside her.

She could feel every inch of his heavily veined cock invading her pussy as her fists curled, her wrists still locked in his as a heavy sheen of sweat covered his face, his chest. His breath was sawing in and out of his chest, the fight for control apparent in the baring of his teeth.

“You feel so good, Ian,” she whispered against his lips, her fingers curling against his hold in her need to touch him. “So hot and hard. Like heated steel.” She lifted against him, a moan rippling from her chest at the caress of his cock, barely penetrating her. “Take me, Ian. Take all of me.”

His eyes narrowed. They blazed.

“When I watched you,” she panted in excitement. “With my maids. I would watch you take them, so slow, so easy, as they screamed beneath you. And I heard you…” She saved her closest secret for the most important battle. “I heard you cry my name as you fucked them.”

He jerked against her. Fury flared in his eyes, his muscles tightening with his anger, his lust, as he stared back at her. His hips flexed, his cock forcing inside her with a hard, sharp thrust, burying him in another scant inch before his control reasserted itself. Barely.

She smiled slowly.

“I dare you to fuck me,” she taunted him then, gasping at the sensations tearing through her.

“I swear to God, I’m going to gag you.” He retreated, pushed back, but the tension was growing. The threads of his control unraveling.

She licked her lips, tightened the muscles of her vagina and moaned in nearing rapture.

“Gag me,” she cried hoarsely. “Let me scream, Ian. I need to scream for you. God, please, I’m fucking dying for you.”

Her head thrashed as he retreated again before moving back, forcing more of the straining width of his erection inside her. His expression was tight, savage, his breathing harsh as perspiration dripped from his brow and a savage grimace tightened his lips.

“More…” She could barely form the words. “So close…Ian… Please. Let me come. Let me finally come…”

“No, damn you…” His voice was rife with tortured hunger.

“Fuck me, Ian. Fuck me hard. Make me scream for you… Just for you…”

His head lowered to her neck, a curse ripping from his throat as he suddenly surged inside her. Hard. Deep. Filling every portion of her pussy as the control he prided himself so deeply on, broke.

Nothing could have prepared Courtney for what was to come.

His hips began to move with a powerful flex of his muscles as he began to fuck her, shafting inside the tender channel with strokes that parted, stretched and burned the delicate tissue of her cunt.

His hold on her was tight, his hand gripping her hip, the other leaving her wrists to burrow in her hair, pulling at it, kneading her scalp with exciting tingles of sensation as she felt his cock thrusting strong and deep, rasping the delicate tissue already tormented by the vibration of the plug in her ass.

The dual sensations were hedonistic. The most sensual experience she could have imagined.

“Lift your legs. Wrap them around me.” His hand slid to her thigh as she obeyed the hoarse direction.

His cock went deeper, her pussy became tighter.

She chanted his name as her arms curled around his neck and she hung on for dear life. With each hard thrust into the clenching channel, he sent a wildfire of pleasure-pain coursing through her body as she arched to him.

“God, yes,” she moaned, nearly insane with the sensations pouring through her senses. “Fuck me, Ian. Fuck me harder.”

Each stroke, though hard and deep, was measured, controlled. She had thought she had stripped him of his restraint, but it was still there, he was still torturing her, tormenting her with the orgasm that pulsed just out of reach.

“My game,” he growled as his lips moved to her neck, his teeth scraping, nipping at the sensitive flesh. “My way, Courtney.”

He surged to his knees, pulling her legs further, gripping them, spreading them as his gaze went to the center of her body.

“Look,” he commanded her roughly. “Watch as I fuck you, baby. See how tight and wet your sweet pussy is.”

Dazed, consumed with need, her gaze dropped along her body as she cried out at the eroticism of what she saw. Her hips were elevated by the position of her legs, the glistening bare flesh of her cunt in full view as his cock slowly retreated.

The dark, bulging flesh gleamed with a thick coat of her juices as the moist sound of his retreat echoed around her. Then he was sliding in again. Slowly. So very slowly.

“Feel it, Courtney,” he snarled then. “How tight your cunt is. My cock is filling you, stretching you. Does it burn, baby?”

She screamed at the pleasure-pain, her hands clenching in the sheets as she bucked against him.

“Is this what you want, sweetheart,” he growled as he retreated again. A second later he thrust into her, hard, fast.

“Yes!” She screamed her answer. “More.”

“More, baby?” The abrupt stretching, the sensation of being overfilled, the rasp of his heavily veined cock over nerve endings so sensitized they were nearly painful, was stealing her mind.

Every cell of her body pulsed in the need for orgasm.

“More.” She arched as he surged inside her again, before crying out brokenly as he retreated.

“I can give you more, baby,” he crooned, his voice harsh as he slammed inside her again.

The blend of pleasure and pain increased, wrapping around her, blending together in a force that sent the tension building in her womb, her clit, her aching pussy, to an explosion that had her screaming his name, wailing her pleasure. The muscles of her pussy tightened further, the strokes of his cock creating greater friction, sending another powerful blinding orgasm ripping through her.

She bucked beneath him, shuddering, violent tremors of release echoing through her nervous system as she felt him tense above her, a muttered oath escaping his lips as the sudden, fiery blasts of his semen began to spurt into the rippling depths of her pussy.

Satiation slowly began to fill her as Ian collapsed over her, breathing harshly, his cock still trapped snugly within her. The harsh, shuddering effects of her release began to ease, and languor began to overtake her.

“I knew you could make me come,” she whispered drowsily as he slowly pulled from her and collapsed on the bed beside her.

Her eyes opened drowsily, a smile tugging at her lips as he turned her to her side, his fingers releasing the inflation of the plug still filling her rear and disengaging the vibration before tugging it easily from her tender rear.

“Sleep now,” he whispered as he rose from the bed, staring down at her, his eyes no longer wild, no longer filled with the raging hunger, but still gleaming with lust. “While you can.”

She watched as he moved to the bathroom, listened as water ran. Minutes later he returned, returned the toy to its drawer and thankfully, moved back to the bed beside her.

Cuddling against him, she let sleep take her. Finally.

Chapter Six

Well, that hadn’t exactly gone as he had planned.

Ian had a feeling it had gone exactly as Courtney had planned though. The scheming little witch.

A smile threatened to tug at his mouth as he acknowledged the fact that she had done as no other woman had managed in more years than he cared to remember. She had made him lose control.

He should be angry at her, hell, he should be angrier with himself. He hadn’t even remembered to don a condom.

He grimaced at the thought of that added, forgotten protection. He knew she was on birth control, but that was no excuse. He rarely allowed himself the freedom of sex without a condom. Kimberly had been the first in recent memory. And now Courtney.

He sighed wearily, turning from the sight of her sleeping form and pacing to the window to stare into the night with a frown.

His flesh prickled with the memory of the pleasure he had found in releasing his own control. It was a bittersweet memory, tinged with regret. If he was going to carry through with this abrupt change in the relationship he shared with Courtney, then he was going to have to be very careful. A hell of a lot more careful than he had been thus far.

The woman was enough to make a saint crazy, he admitted to himself. From the moment she had walked through the door to his home she had tempted, teased and pushed her way past his defenses.

Any other woman would have been out on her ass weeks before. But this was Courtney. And he had admitted that some part of him had known exactly what she was up to when her father had called, expressing her desire to visit for a while. He had known and he had allowed her to arrive anyway.

This rested on no one’s head but his own.

What now?

He rubbed his hand over his face as he snorted mockingly.

Dane would of course kill him. It was just a matter of time before the other man found out that Ian was fucking his sweet, precious little girl. And Ian couldn’t even blame him. If he had a daughter, he’d lock her in her room until she was a dried-up old prune to keep her from entering the life he lived.

For the first time since he had entered the sexual, carnal atmosphere of sharing his women, Ian felt a pang of remorse. Remorse because he knew he could never truly be happy, sexually, without the excesses he had come to enjoy. And because he knew innocence such as Courtney’s could never survive within it.

Sighing wearily, he picked his pants from the floor and pulled them on over his underwear quickly before fastening them. Jerking his shirt over his shoulders seconds later, he strode to the door and opened it silently before leaving Courtney’s room.

It was too late to go back, and he knew it. Hell, he didn’t want to go back. Fucking her had been more pleasure than he had imagined it could be. Seeing her uninhibited response had spiked his arousal further. The challenge she presented kicked his sexuality into overdrive.

She had won this round.

He had lost control.

He smiled coldly as he entered his own room and headed for the shower. The next round would be his though. She thought emotion was the basis for sex. For her, it always would be. He had learned years ago though, to never allow emotion to interfere with the sensual side he possessed. The potential for pain was just too great.

He could enjoy a woman, pleasure one and be pleasured by them. His sex drive was, at times, all-consuming. It was his greatest hunger. And somehow, Courtney had managed to tap into an area of that sexuality that he had been unaware of. His affection for her and his knowledge of her innocence was a heady aphrodisiac for some unknown reason. He couldn’t figure out why, had never been able to understand why she could make him so hard, so damned fast and so hungry for her that even his fantasies became filled with her.

As the hot, soothing water of the shower pelted over his skin, he closed his eyes, remembering her hands, her mouth, the wickedness in her eyes. There was so much he could show her, so many ways to pleasure that he could teach her, without stealing the innocent joy he saw in her gaze. He didn’t have to share her. There was no need to dim that purity with his more extreme desires.

For a moment, the memory of her dark, laughter-filled brown eyes was replaced with hazel, staring sightlessly, accusingly up at him.

His jaw clenched.

Opening his eyes he hurriedly finished the quick shower before drying and padding back to his bed. He wanted nothing more than to join Courtney in her bed. To pull the warmth of her body close and hold her as he slept.

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