Shopaholic Takes Manhattan

Page 25

My head jerks round in astonishment, and, I don’t believe it. A man in uniform is approaching the desk, holding my huge, battered Special Express parcel, which I’d honestly given up for lost. All my things, at last. All my carefully chosen outfits. I can wear anything I like tonight!

But somehow… I don’t really care anymore. I just want to go off somewhere and be on my own and think for a bit.

“That’s me,” I say, managing a smile. “I’m Rebecca Bloomwood.”

“Oh right!” says the man. “That’s nice and easy then. If you could just sign here…”

“Well, I mustn’t keep you!” exclaims Alicia, eyeing my parcel amusedly. “Enjoy the rest of your stay, won’t you?”

“Thanks,” I reply. “I will.” And, feeling slightly numb, I walk away, clutching my clothes tightly to me.

I go up to our room, dump the parcel on the bed, and sit down next to it, trying to keep perspective on this. OK, let’s just go over the facts. Luke’s making plans to move to New York. And he hasn’t told me.

Yet. He hasn’t told me yet.

As I think this through, my numbness starts to melt away. Of course. He’s probably planning to tell me everything this evening. Waiting for the right moment. That’s probably why he brought me here in the first place. He couldn’t know that Alicia would stick her oar in, could he?

Feeling better already, I reach for a complimentary packet of biscuits, tear it open, and begin to munch one. It’s like they say, don’t run before you can walk. Don’t cross bridges before you come to them. Don’t do… that other thing you shouldn’t do.

I’ve just finished my third biscuit and have switched on the television to watch Ready Steady Cook, when the door opens and Luke comes in. His eyes are sparkling and he seems full of a suppressed energy. I stare at him, feeling a little weird.

I’m sure he’s going to tell me. He wouldn’t just move to America without saying anything.

“Did your meetings go well?” I say, my voice feeling false.

“Very well, thanks,” says Luke, taking off his tie and throwing it on the bed. “But let’s not talk about that.” He smiles at me. “Did you have a good day?”

“Fine, thanks!”

“You want to go for a walk? Come on. I haven’t seen you all day.” He reaches for my hand, pulls me up off the bed, and puts his arms round my waist. “I’ve missed you,” he says against my hair, and his arms tighten around my body.

“Have you?” I give a little laugh. “Well, you know… perhaps I should come to your meetings, and hear what they’re all about!”

“You wouldn’t enjoy them,” says Luke, returning my laugh. “Come on, let’s go out.”

We head down the stairs and out of the heavy front door and start walking over the grass toward a group of trees. The sun is still warm, and some people are playing croquet and drinking Pimms. After a while I take off my sandals and walk along barefoot, feeling myself relax.

“Are you hungry?” says Luke casually as we get near a large oak tree. And I’m about to reply, “No, I’ve just had three biscuits,” when I see it, waiting for us in the long grass.

A red-and-white checked picnic blanket. A little wicker hamper. And… is that a bottle of champagne? I turn toward Luke in disbelief.

“Is this… did you…”

“This,” says Luke, touching my cheek, “is in some small way to make up. You’ve been so incredibly understanding, Becky.”

“That’s all right,” I say awkwardly. “If it was for something as important as…” I hesitate. “As… well, whatever amazing opportunity this might be…”

I look at Luke expectantly. This is the perfect moment for him to tell me.

“Even so,” says Luke. He moves away and reaches for the champagne bottle and I sit down, trying not to give away my disappointment.

I’m not going to ask him. If he wants to tell me he can. If he doesn’t want to… then he must have his reasons.

But there’s no harm in prompting him, is there?

“I love the countryside!” I exclaim as Luke hands me my champagne. “And I love cities, too.” I gesture vaguely in the air. “London… Paris…”

“Cheers,” says Luke, raising his glass.

“Cheers.” I take a sip of champagne and think quickly. “So… um… you’ve never really told me much about your family.”

Luke looks up, a bit surprised.

“Haven’t I? Well, there’s me and my sister… and Mum and Dad…”

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