Skin Deep

Page 18

Nope. Uh-uh. Not talking to him later. I didn’t reply, instead calling Allie to see how her night ended, and to see if Brandon had told her about the drama at the tattoo shop.

She sounded half-asleep, mumbling, “ ‘lo?”

“Morning, sunshine!” I said brightly. “Sleep well?”

“Ugh…Emma…why are you calling so early?” Allie groaned.

“Early? Allie honey, its almost two in the afternoon! Get your lazy ass up!”

“Two? Seriously? Holy mother of batman, I haven’t slept this late since college!” Allie sounded wide awake now.

“Get dressed,” I told her. “I’m coming over and we’re having sundaes. We need to talk.” I heard a car pulling up outside, looked out and saw Leah getting out and heading towards the door. “And Leah’s coming, too.”

“Alright. See you in ten,” Allie replied before hanging up.

I wrenched open the front door before Leah could touch the knob, told her, “We’re going to Allie’s,” and ran into the kitchen to grab the makings for our sundaes.

“Oooh, we’re having Special Sundaes?” Leah asked.

“Yup. Let’s roll.”

We got into my bug and headed out. A few minutes later we pulled up at Allie’s little cottage, where she was standing on the porch, waving at us. Leah and I grabbed everything and headed in.

We made sundaes and carried them out to Leah’s back deck, sitting in the sunshine.

“Okay,” I said to Allie, “Spill.”

Leah looked at me and raised her brows questioningly. I filled her in.

“Allie and I met at Griff’s last night, had some drinks with Luke and Brandon. Brandon is Luke’s brother, Luke you remember. Or, maybe not, you were pretty toasted that night! Anywho, we drank, went to the show at Shimbots, and then split up. I went home to wait for Luke, and Allie went back into Griff’s with Brandon. So, Leah, now you’re caught up, Allie, talk.”

Allie rolled her eyes at me and started talking. “Brandon and I had just gotten our drinks and were sitting down talking. Well, more like arguing because I swear that’s all we do, but Brandon got a call from Luke and said some shit went down at the shop. He didn’t go into detail, but apparently Luke had it under control, so we had a couple more drinks. I tried to get him to dance, he wouldn’t, so I did without him. Then, we said goodnight and left. That’s it, the end.”

I wasn’t buying it. Sober Allie has a hard time resisting finding someone to warm her bed, Drinking Allie finds it impossible.

“Not the end. I know you, McCormick. What was it? All the way? Third base?” I asked.

Leah chimed in, “Yeah, Allie, even I know that wasn’t the end. Who are you trying to kid?”

“I’m serious! That was it…except maybe I kissed him.” She mumbled the last bit, but we still heard.

My face broke into a huge grin and I smacked her arm. “I told you! So? I had to tell you all the sordid details with Luke, now its your turn!”

“It was a good kiss.” Allie smiled softly at the memory. “It just happened. We were walking out of the bar, he walked me to my car, we said good night, and before he turned away, I just grabbed him and laid it on him. He kissed me back after a second, and we left it at that. Now, Emma, its your turn!”

Leah turned to me, bouncing in her seat. “Yeah! I gotta hear this! You finally get some?”

Allie sold me out, crowing, “Hell yeah, she did! The other night and last night, too, if everything went as planned!”

I glared at Allie, rolled my eyes, and started talking. I filled them in about waiting for hours until he showed, told them what happened at the shop (I’m still kind of wondering how that would work) and finished with our fast and furious sex on the hallway floor and subsequent weirdness. Then I told them about the texts.

Allie and Leah just sat there, staring at me in silence, jaws slack, eyes wide. Then Allie said, “Wait. So these people were fucking while he was actually giving a tattoo? That’s…interesting.”

Leah nodded in agreement.

“Focus, people!” I shouted. “What am I going to do about Luke?”

Leah spoke first. “I think you should go for it. I mean, he’s into you, Em. And if he’s good in bed?” She made that a question, and I nodded emphatically. “Well there ya go. Hot, good in bed, and into you. What more do you need?”

Allie nodded before adding, “Yeah, Emma. He told you literally that you were his. He’s staked a claim on you, and I wouldn’t be running from that if I were you!”

“But guys, that’s just it! He staked a claim! Who does that? We’re not in the ice ages again, and I’m not going to date a caveman that expects me to just roll over and do whatever whenever. If I wanted that, I’d have stayed with that douche bag, Brad. He’d grunt and expect me to not only come running, but to know what that meant without asking. FUCK. THAT. Been there, done that, and I’m not going back!”

“Em, I don’t think Luke is like that,” Allie interjected. “I get the feeling that he’s just very confident in himself and gets what he wants. And what he wants, babe, is you! Go with it!”

“I agree with Allie, Emma. You should go for it. It’d be nice to see my sister settled down finally,” Leah said.

“Leah, you have a sister that’s settled down. And since when do you care about my relationship status?” I asked.

“I care,” she huffed. “Frankly, I just don’t want to be known as the girl related to the dumbass who dumped that hot ass tattoo guy. You know, I’ve been wanting a tattoo…” she trailed off thoughtfully before giving me a look that plainly said, ‘you don’t go for him and I’m gonna get him.’

“Leah,” I growled.

Allie broke in, trying to prevent the argument brewing. “Leah, cut it out. You wouldn’t do that to your sister, and its just mean trying to provoke her like that. Emma, you’re stuck. Deal with it. And enjoy it, honey!” She grinned, waggling her brows at me.

I sighed, clearly not getting anywhere in this conversation. My phone beeped and I looked at it. It was a message from Luke, asking where I was.

Out. We’re done, remember? I typed and hit send.

I took a big bite of my sundae, then tipped the bowl up and took a big gulp of strawberry daiquiri. Allie and Leah were talking about some dress Allie had at her store that she thought Leah would look good in. My phone beeped again.

No. We’re not. Where are you?

I sighed before responding: I said I was out. Luke, you can’t just barge into my life and take over. You cant just get it into your head that I’m yours, either. We fucked. That’s it.

You know, for such a cute little thing, you’re a real pain in the ass. Where are you, Emma?

“OH MY GOD!” I shouted as I read his last text and then growled low in my throat.

Allie reached over and yanked my phone out of my hand. She looked at me, shook her head, and then started typing.

“Allie! Don’t you dare, you interfering little witch!” I yelled.

“Too late!” she said, handing my phone back to me.

I heard my phone beep again, almost immediately. Shooting a death stare at Allie, I opened the message.

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