Skin Deep

Page 9

“You okay there, sunshine?” Luke asked, laughing softly.

I nodded.

“My turn again, then.” Luke poured another shot and grabbed the salt shaker before leaning in close to me again. He jerked his head in the universal motion for ‘come here’ before tilting my head to the side with his hand on the nape of my neck. I felt his warm breath bathe my skin just before his lips closed over the sensitive skin of my neck, right at the curve where it meets my shoulder. My breath shuddered out as he gently suckled before flicking his tongue against my skin.

He pulled back and sprinkled salt sparingly over the dampness he left behind before grabbing the shot and placing another lime wedge between my lips. I waited for what was coming, holding my breath, surprised when he reached up with his free hand and pulled out the clip holding my hair up in place. My hair tumbled down in waves around my shoulders. I glanced up at Luke, watching in fascination as his eyes darkened before he tangled his fingers roughly in my hair at the back of my neck, and then, pulling my head sharply to the side, he licked the salt off my skin, and downed the shot. Then, with his fingers still tangled in my hair, he took the lime from my lips, again leaving behind the tart and tangy flavor of lime and tequila. After taking the lime out of his mouth and tossing it to the table, he brought his lips back to mine, kissing me deeply. His tongue swept inside my mouth, tangling with mine, stealing my breath with the intensity.

Luke used his fingers, still entwined in my hair, to thrust my head back, exposing my throat to him. He licked across my full bottom lip, sucked it between his teeth, and nipped at it sharply. A surprised sound escaped from me at how good that felt; the perfect combination of pain and pleasure. I felt his other hand slide up my thigh, skim my ribs and cup my breast, his thumb finding and circling my nipple with sure strokes.

I moaned into his mouth and he dragged his lips down my cheek to my neck, kissing, sucking, and licking every inch of my skin along the way. His fingers left my hair and both hands then cupped my breasts, palming the soft firmness of my flesh. I arched into his hands, my thighs squeezing together restlessly, trying to alleviate the ache building between them.

“Emma,” Luke whispered.

I opened my eyes, gazing at him through a haze of desire.

“Sugar, watching you wrap your lips around your fork, licking chocolate off your lips, and hearing you moan all night…I’m about two seconds from ripping your clothes off and fucking you senseless on your couch. Baby, you have to tell me to stop now if you don’t want this. Otherwise, I’m gonna slide inside your hot, wet body, inch by inch, until I’m buried so deep between your thighs…” his words cut off on a harsh breath.

Stop? Tell him to stop? Is he insane? I mean, don’t get me wrong. I’m not that kind of girl; I hardly kiss on the first date, let alone jump into bed like my thighs were spring loaded and ready to part. But there was something seriously wrong with his brain if he thought for one second that I would ruin what was shaping up to be the single most satisfying, screaming orgasm inducing, hottest sexual encounter of my life.

My cha-chi was quivering with excitement, screaming, ‘Hallelujah, the desert days are over, girl! Bring on the rain!’

My voice was breathy when I said, “No, Luke. I don’t want you to stop. Please…”

Luke growled low in his throat before grasping my legs behind my knees, pulling me down and my legs out, kneeling between my now outspread thighs. I moaned at the feel of his hardness pressed against my aching softness, and then he was over me, thrusting against me, sliding his hands under my shirt and devouring my mouth in a furious kiss.

And then it happened. No, no…I don’t mean It. If that would have happened, I wouldn’t be sitting here hornier than a horny toad, glaring at the object of my fury. Well, objects, plural. And boy was I pissed!

Just when we were getting to the good part, my legs wrapped around Luke’s waist, his hips flush against mine, his hands tugging my shirt up, a noise broke through my daze and I raised my eyes over Luke’s shoulder. Standing there, faces red with suppressed laughter and shock, was my brother, Calland, and my younger sister, Leah. Calland had his hand slapped over Leah’s mouth but I could still hear her muffled snorts of glee.

I scrambled out from under Luke, tugging my clothes back into place and throwing a mumbled ‘sorry’ over my shoulder when I inadvertently elbowed him in the stomach in my mad dash to get away. He got up painfully and perched on the edge of the couch, trying to hide his condition from my family but it wasn’t working.

I glared at Calland. “What the hell are you doing? Don’t you know how to call first?”

He chuckled, finally removing his hand from Leah’s mouth. She immediately let loose with a loud hoot of laughter, throwing her head back and gripping her stomach, leaning so far back that she lost her balance and fell on her ass. Wonderful. She’s drunk.

Calland looked behind me and grinned before saying, “Hi! I’m Calland, Emma’s brother. Apparently she has forgotten her manners or she would have introduced us by now. But I guess she was pretty preoccupied…” his words trailed off in laughter.

“Again,” I said between clenched teeth, “What are you doing here and why didn’t you just call?”

“I did call. Four times. You didn’t answer, but now I can see why.” He grinned unabashedly at me. “Leah called from the bar, said her date was a douche and she needed a ride. Cant take her home like this, so…tag! You’re it!” With that, he gave Luke a two fingered salute, nudged Leah off of his foot where she had landed, and took off towards the front door.

“Calland!” I yelled. “Get your ass back here, you stupid son of a motherless goat!” I let out a scream of frustration before remembering that Luke was still sitting there, taking everything in.

I blew out a breath, knowing that my night of debauchery was now out of the question. Leaving Leah where she lay on the carpet, I moved to stand in front of Luke, who had now risen from the couch.

“Luke, I’m sorry,” I said quietly, my voice filled with regret.

Luke grinned and said, “I’m not,” before drawing me into his arms and pressing his lips to mine lightly. “Don’t worry, sugar. We’re gonna fuck. Just not tonight.” With that said, he kissed my lips softly once more and then was gone.

I stood there gazing longingly at the door for a minute until an animalistic snore broke through my reverie. I walked over to my sister, nudging her with my foot, telling her to get her drunk ass up. Leah is the youngest of us kids, just barely 25. She had a natural perkiness that had served her well as the captain of the cheerleading team in high school, long, dark, wavy brown hair like mine, and the jade green eyes that we all shared. She was tiny like Jenna, worked as a hairstylist in a shop by the mall, and had men follow her around in droves, all hoping to be on the receiving end of her bright smile.

I reached down and grabbed her under her armpits, hefting her up into a sitting position. She opened her eyes blearily and blinked at me before saying, “Emma? ‘Zat choo?”

“Yeah, Leah, its me. C’mon, lets get you to bed.”

It took some finagling, but I finally got her up, down the hall, and safely tucked into my bed before crawling in beside her and falling into a deep sleep. My last thought before it was lights out was, “Calland is going to die.”

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