
Chapter Nineteen

July 27, 9531 BC

Styxx paused in the garden of the Agriosan-the sacred temple of Bet'anya Agriosa, the Atlantean goddess of misery, wrath, and the hunt. She was said to be the right hand of Dikastis, their god of justice. And she was the goddess the Atlanteans prayed to whenever they'd been wronged. The one who meted out justice and retribution. Testament to their belief in her were the numerous katadesmoi-curse stones and tablets and lead sheets-that littered her altar and gardens. Each katadesmos held the specific action the invoker wanted the goddess to take against the person they felt had done harm to them.

The harsh curses outlined in Atlantean in extremely vivid detail made him wonder how many katadesmoi Ryssa had inscribed for him at home in Didymos.

Unwilling to speculate on so great a number, he frowned at Bet'anya's statue at the end of a large outdoor atrium pool that reminded him of Athena's in Didymos. The Atlantean goddess was tall and slender, dressed in a sheer peplos that showed the outline of a perfect body while running. She held a shield decorated with a winged horse in one hand, and a spear in the other, angled over her shoulder as if she was about to throw it. A mop of unruly curls spilled out from beneath an Atlantean helm that had been pushed up on her head to expose her beautiful features. At the opposite end of the pool was the statue of a fierce male soldier who faced the goddess.

Dressed only in a chlamys that fell from his left shoulder, he stood proud and defiant in a helm very similar to the one Styxx wore. His long hair spilled just past his right shoulder. He held a xiphos in his right hand while his left held a quiver of arrows.

"Is there something I can do for you, Highness?" a priestess asked nervously.

Styxx turned slightly to see the tiny woman who barely reached mid-chest on him. He offered her a slight bow. "Forgive me, priestess, I meant no disrespect to your goddess or you. The temple door was open and I was curious about the city's patron."

His army had defeated the Atlantean city of Bettias two days ago and were awaiting reinforcements to hold it before they continued onward to the mainland. Since their occupation began, they'd been bringing wounded Atlantean soldiers to the temple next door that belonged to the Atlantean god of healing. Styxx had overseen the last of their wounded deposited into the priests' care just a short while ago, and as he'd started back for their camp, he'd spied this temple.

For some unknown reason, he'd been drawn to it.

"Are you familiar with our gods?" she asked.

"I have limited knowledge, but no real understanding. Such as the two statues here. I assume she's the goddess the city's named for, but I have no idea who the soldier is."

"It's a wise man who admits what he does not know and who doesn't pretend to know something he's ignorant of." The priestess smiled. "Theirs is a tale of supreme heartbreak, Highness. And it's why Bet'anya's the goddess of wrath and retribution. Before Dikastis was consecrated to our pantheon, Bathymaas was the original goddess of justice and order. The daughter of Chaos, she was born from the light powers to balance out her father and to keep him on the side of good. During the first war of the Chthonians, Bathymaas assembled a team of seven warriors called the Ēperon."

"As in �ԦЦŦѦ��Ҧ�ί�Ʀ�?" he asked. Ēperaspizo was the Greek word for "vindicate" or "defend."

She nodded. "The Ēperon was made up of two humans, two Apollites, two Atlanteans, and a demon who trained and led them. Theirs was a sacred band charged with protecting the intelligent species of the earth from all threats. Hand-selected by Bathymaas, each one was the epitome of courage, strength, integrity, and decency. The best of their species. And during the Chthonian war, they fought in defense of the innocent."

Styxx studied the male statue. "Was he the demon who led them?"

The priestess shook her head. "He was the greatest hero of the war. Indomitable and intrepid. It was said no army could defeat him and no hero could kill him. Not even the collective Mavromino-the darkest of all powers. And in honor to the goddess he served, he took a vow of virginity. His heart and soul belonged to Bathymaas alone."

Frowning, Styxx was confused by her story. "I don't see where the heartbreak comes in."

The priestess pulled a handful of herbs from her pouch and dropped them into the flames at the goddess's feet. "Our virgin goddess fell in love with her hero, even though it was forbidden, and that it'd been foretold that should she ever know a man carnally she would be punished severely.... All she could think about was how much he meant to her. They kept their relationship secret until one day, an enemy discovered it. Jealous and angry, their enemy spread word to all of what the two lovers had done. To protect his lady's honor, our hero challenged their betrayer to combat. But before he had the chance to battle and restore the goddess's good name, a jealous god who'd wanted Bathymaas for himself tricked her into shooting an arrow of lead into her beloved's heart. He died in the arms of his goddess, swearing to her that if it took him ten thousand lifetimes, he'd return to her and that he'd never love anyone save his precious Bathymaas."

Styxx flinched in sympathetic pain. He well understood that sentiment and would do the same for his own lady.

"When he died," the priestess continued, "he took her heart with him to his grave. She, who had been a goddess born of light, embraced the darkness with everything she had, and she went after the god who'd taken her hero from her. That was the moment when ruthless retribution was first born. Yet she couldn't kill the god-not without destroying the world. And even though the other gods warned her of this, she didn't care. She refused to stop until justice had been served and she bathed in the blood of the god she hated."

"I take it, since the world is still here, that they stopped her."

She nodded. "With no choice, the other gods banded together to kill her. They chased her deep into the desert where they cornered her, but before they could take her life, her father, who was a primal god, stopped them. He removed one half of her broken heart-the part that had belonged to her hero-and had her reborn as Bet'anya, which means House of Misery. It is said that she will be a goddess of darkness until the day her Aricles is reborn and makes her heart whole again."

Styxx frowned at the familiar and unexpected name. "Aricles?"

The priestess inclined her head to him. "He was the brother of the prince who founded your royal lineage. After he died, his younger brother took his name to honor him."

That baffled him even more. "And so you honor a Greek hero in the temple of your Atlantean goddess?"

Her eyes flared with indignation. "Atlantis has never honored any Greek."

But if that was true ... "Are you telling me I'm Atlantean?"

"Didymos was our outermost island at one time."

Strange ... he'd never heard that before and he wasn't sure if he should believe it.

"If you doubt me, Highness, there are maps still in existence in the city's capital building that show it."

Fascinating. "When did we become Greek?"

"Twelve hundred years ago, the king married a Greek princess. His heir was just a babe when he died and the queen invited her brother to rule until the child was old enough for the throne. Her brother immediately began converting the Atleantean temples to your gods, and the child grew up with them and their ways, thinking himself Greek. His mother never told him differently. Didymos has belonged to Greece ever since."

Styxx started to deny it, but the more he thought about it, the more sense it made. Didymos was physically closer to Atlantis than Greece-which was why it was so important to hold it strategically. It would also explain why the Didymosian temples had more in common with Atlantean temples than Greek. "Am I part Apollite, then?"

"No. Your lineage was pure Atlantean. From one of our oldest houses. But sadly, your blood is polluted now. There is very little Atlantean left inside you."

Still not sure he should believe that, Styxx returned the conversation to the previous topic. "So does the goddess now sit and wait for her Aricles?"

"Sadly, she has no cognizance of him at all. To keep her from mourning him, her father removed the memory of Aricles with her heart. She holds no knowledge of her previous existence and role."

"How is that possible?"

"Her father had her reborn from Sorrow and she was told that she is a descendent of Bathymaas and that they share some powers. But until her hero returns, she will never know the truth. The world can't afford for her to."

Styxx scowled at the story. "How is it you know something your goddess doesn't?"

"Because I was there when it happened and I was one of the creatures who helped bind her."

Styxx stepped back as the priestess transformed into a tall, robust demon.

"How dare you defile the temple of Agriosa, Greek pig! You may have been born of the House of Aricles, but you are not he! You are nothing but a human dog, unfit to breathe Atlantean air." The demon shoved him back. "And our goddess has a fierce bounty on your head that I intend to collect."

Styxx barely had time to draw his sword before the demon attacked. The beast spit acid at him. Ducking, he stabbed the demon and twisted away.

It grabbed the back of his armor. Styxx felt his Apollo mark heat up before something blasted the demon against the garden wall. The demon fell into a heap on the ground. Laughing, it wiped at the blood on its face. "Careful of the gods who protect you, dog. One day, they will all turn on you and show you what vermin you truly are." It vanished into a foul-smelling cloud.

Styxx scanned the garden, looking for other attackers as he backed his way out of the temple and returned to the street.

So, Agriosa had a bounty on him. Perfect, just perfect.

As for Apollo ... Styxx was grateful the mark had protected him from the demon, but honestly, he'd have rather been gutted than go through the horrors of that one night. He still had panic attacks and flashbacks from it. And he had no doubt that Apollo would eventually turn on him. The god had turned on every lover he'd ever taken.

Just don't let me die here. Alone. Not in this godforsaken country that had never housed anything but utter misery for him and his brother.

If he had to die, he wanted to be like his esteemed ancestor and die in the arms of the woman he loved, with her beautiful hazel-gold eyes being what he carried with him into eternity.

But deep in his gut was the fear that it would be Apollo who killed him and that bastard's cold gaze that was forever implanted in his mind.

August 8, 9530 BC

One year later

Styxx looked up from his map table as he heard a loud fanfare outside. What the...?

He knew his father wouldn't deign to visit a war camp, especially not one on foreign soil. And definitely not after all this time. Curious, he went outside to investigate the ruckus then froze at the unexpected sight of his men gathered around his tent.

Were they revolting?

Other than their collective smell, which was highly offensive ...

For that matter, he would rival the back end of his horse, too. There was no way to stay clean and fight a war.

Another cheer rose up from them.

"Happy Birthday, Prince Styxx!" they shouted in unison, and then cheered again.

His scowl deepened. "Thank you, but it's not my birthday."

"We know," Gaius, a hipparchus who led one of his cavalry units, said as he stepped forward. "But we learned that it was weeks ago and you said nothing about it."

Styxx swept his gaze over the men in his camp. "I'm not the only one here who has had an unremarked birthday come and go while we've been fighting."

His men went down on one knee before him.

Completely nonplussed, he wasn't sure how to react to their sudden genuflecting. In truth, it made him nervous.

Gaius rose and brought a folded, bright red cloak to him and placed it in his hands. "It's not very much, Highness, but it's all we could acquire without breaching your laws of conduct. We went in together to purchase it from the town we passed by yesterday."

Aghast at their thoughtfulness, Styxx held it tenderly. "Thank you. All of you. It's truly the noblest gift I've ever received and I shall treasure it as such."

Gaius saluted him. "We know the sacrifices you have made on our behalf, Highness, as well as the fact that you pay us extra from your own officer's salary and take almost nothing for yourself. Even though you've tried to hide it, we've seen you sell personal items to buy medicines and supplies for us when we needed them, and turn them down for yourself when they are in short supply so that the rest of us wouldn't have to do without. Everything you do for us has been most duly noted and deeply appreciated. There is no prince or king who would have remained by our side throughout these last two years without heading home for a few days of comfort. It is why we respect and follow you."

"That and the glory of the victories we've had," one of the men shouted from the crowd.

Laughter rang out.

Overwhelmed by their kindness, Styxx swallowed. "May the gods continue to bless us with victory."

"Gods bless us," they repeated then they began chanting his name.

One by one, they came up to bow before him.

Humbled to the depth of his being, Styxx patiently stood and spoke with each member of his army.

Galen was the last to approach him. "Are you all right?"

"My shoulder is killing me," he said under his breath while smiling at his departing men. "I could really use a chair."

Laughing, Galen held the tent flap open for him. "Come and sit, Highness."

Styxx obeyed and carefully placed his cloak on his desk. Stifling a groan, he sat down and sighed. Earlier in the day's fighting he'd been kicked back into a broken wooden lance that had stabbed him through the armhole of his armor.

Next time Bethany gave him a token for protection, he'd make sure she included wooden objects.

And clumsiness.

"You told them my birthday had passed?" Styxx asked.

Galen shrugged. "I mentioned it in passing to Gaius three days ago. I had no idea they'd do this."

Styxx felt tears prick his eyes over the unexpected gift that meant so much to him. But he wasn't about to let Galen see him weeping like an old woman. "I hope you didn't tell him my age."

"I'm not a fool, Highness. While they know you are young, there's no need in their learning just how green their esteemed victorious leader really is. It might send them screaming for home."

It might indeed.

Ten-and-eight. Barely. And yet he felt ancient.

Changing the subject, Styxx took a drink of wine. "Have you heard from your Antigone?" They'd received a messenger earlier in the day, and it was rare for one not to have at least one missive or gift for Galen from his daughter.

Galen pulled a shell necklace out from under his cuirass then took a seat next to Styxx so that he could hand it to him. "She and my granddaughter sent this. They are all well and can't wait to see my grizzled face again. What of your family?"

"All well," Styxx guessed. Yet honestly, he didn't know for sure. No one, not even his father, had contacted him. He assumed if Didymos had been invaded or something had befallen them, his family would have sent word.

But day after day, when messages came for him they were from other military commanders and kings, and had to do with the war, not with wishes for his health. Though to be honest, he liked to think that Bethany, in spite of her blindness, would have sent things to him had she known his real name. For all he knew, she'd tried numerous times.

At least that was he hoped and pretended.

Not wanting to contemplate his fear that she'd found another man in his absence, Styxx jerked his chin toward the table where his maps were spread out. "I was reviewing our progress. We should hit the mainland shore of Atlantis in four days."

"I heard from the messenger earlier that the boats are being prepped. Our men are eager to dance in Apollymi's hall on capital hill."

Over the last months, they had conquered six of the outlying islands and held them until more Greek forces had been sent to occupy them while Styxx marched toward the Atlantean capital. He was the only one who'd had any kind of success against their stronger enemy. From what they heard through messengers, the rest of the Greek forces were being obliterated by their enemies at home.

But if Styxx and his army could make the Atlantean capital and breach the palace there, they would win this war in spite of the losses the other armies had taken. He couldn't wait for it.

"Have you ever been to the Atlantean capital, Highness?"

Styxx tried not to think about the last time he'd seen his brother and the hurtful things they had both said to each other. "I have."

"Is it as advanced as they say?"

Another thing he'd rather not have diverting his attention. "It is."

Galen met his gaze over the map. "Do you really think we can win this, Highness?"

"Yes, I do." And Styxx fully intended to ram his retribution down a number of aristocratic Atlantean throats.

Both for him and for Acheron.

August 10, 9530 BC

Bethany pulled back to watch the Stygian Omada break through another line of Atlantean defenses in spite of her people's superlative abilities. While her brethren were winning the fight on Greek soil and annihilating their royal houses, Styxx was kicking the crap out of them at home.

How was it even possible? It was as if he could read their minds. Every tactic they used, he headed off with a skill that went far beyond his age. Over and over, he used maneuvers the likes of which none of them had seen before. Somehow he'd shorn up every weakness of Greek warfare her people had always relied on to ensure victory.

The bastard was invincible.

And over the last few battles, as she'd watched him overcome incredible odds and emerge victorious when he should have been put in his grave, she'd had a realization about his true identity.

It was the only thing that made sense.

How ironic really. The very child Archon had torn their kingdom apart to find had come marching home with a Greek army in his wake....

Styxx of Didymos was Apollymi's hidden son. She'd stake her life on it.

Wheeling her horse about, Bethany flew away from the battle where Styxx was busy driving the Atlanteans back, and went into the realm that her great-grandfather had ruled until the other gods had joined forces to make it Apollymi's prison.

At least until Apostolos was dead.

Dark and dismal, Kalosis was not anyone's idea of a vacation destination. Unless they were truly into terrifying death motifs. Ironically, this was where Bethany had spent most of her childhood, and one of her favorite places.

Which said much about her personality.

Bethany ignored the Charonte demons who watched her suspiciously as she made her way to the dark palace in the center of the hell realm. Barely dressed, the Charonte were a dangerous demonic race whose skin was made up of swirling colors-usually only two, but occasionally more. They had wings that matched the color of their horns and their eyes were always creepy.

"Where is Apollymi?" she asked the blue male demon closest to her.

"In the back courtyard," he said in their unique singsongy accent.

She headed down the dark, reflecting hallway with curtains that billowed from a sourceless wind.

Bethany pushed open the large glass doors that let out onto a courtyard with high black marble walls.

Apollymi sat in front of the fountain that ran backwards up the wall. Dressed in a flowing black gown, the goddess of destruction was as breathtaking as she was lethal. Her long, white hair was braided down her back and her swirling silver eyes saw much more than others.

Archon was right to fear her. She was without mercy or compassion.

"Why are you here?" Apollymi snarled.

"I have learned the most coveted secret of all time and wanted your help in dealing with it."

Apollymi smirked. "What is this secret you've found?"

"Your son is leading an army into our capital."

Apollymi's smirk turned into an arched brow and an innocent expression. "My son?"

"Prince Styxx of Didymos. He's Apostolos, isn't he?"

Apollymi laughed out loud then turned back to her pond. "Nice try. Wrong, but I give you points for creativity."

Bethany didn't believe her for a second. "I know it's him."

"Then why haven't you betrayed me to the others?"

"Because lately I've come to understand ... your sacrifice."

This time, Apollymi's laughter was cruel. "Are you seriously telling me that the goddess of misery and wrath is in love? You really expect me to believe that of you?"

"Why not? If the goddess of utter destruction can love ... why not me?"

"Oh, Bet ... you are naive and foolish. And if you were truly in love, we would all know it." Apollymi ran her hand through the black water. "My son will return home soon, but he won't need a foreign army to destroy this pantheon. Now go and leave me before I remember how much I hate all of you."

"Fine, I'll go. But I wanted you to know that the gods have gathered together, and they will kill Styxx the moment he steps foot on the main shore. In unison."

"Doesn't concern me in the least."

Bethany wasn't so sure about that. While Apollymi seemed to be telling the truth, there had been a slight flare in her eyes when Bethany had first mentioned Styxx's name.

The prince did mean something to the goddess. But if he wasn't her son, what was he to her?

August 11, 9530 BC

The Atlantean gods sat together in their white marble hall as they discussed the advancing Greek army that none of their people had been able to quell or turn back.

"How?" Archon growled at the gods standing in front of his dais. "We are better armed. Higher tech. Our soldiers have psychic abilities, and yet this puny, putrid human and his army are able to outmaneuver us and kick our collective asses. For the love of us, can someone tell me how?"

They exchanged nervous and disgusted looks.

"A god protects him," Bethany said, pushing her way through the crowd until she stood in front of Archon. "I don't know who, but it's a powerful one. Whenever I try to shoot him, it's deflected as if he can see it ... which we all know is impossible."

"Apollymi?" Archon asked, going straight to her initial assumption.

Dikastis, their god of justice, shook his head. "Can't be. There's no way her son would be in Atlantis, leading an army, without our knowing it. He is using powers, but they're not ours. We would all feel it if it were."

"Maybe he's just that much better trained and more intelligent than our armies."

They all turned to glare at the sea god, Ydor. Tall and dark-haired, he stood apart from the rest of the group.

"What?" he asked innocently. "Tell me none of the rest of you have had that thought. Have you seen this kid? He's a beast on the battlefield. There's a burning fury inside him he unleashes the minute he takes a sword into his hand. I've never seen a mortal so fearless. It's as if he's daring us to kill him and wants to die.... He's definitely not a god with that mind set."

Archon returned his attention to Bethany. "You said he was Athena's champion?"

She nodded. "But it's not Athena protecting him in battle. It's an older god. Surely the rest of you have felt it, too."

Misos agreed with her. "She's right, brother. I tried to strike him down with my own hand, and he broke my axe."

His face turning red, Archon roared furiously. "Then how do we stop this little bugger prince?"

"Apollo." Moving forward to speak, Epithymia swept her gaze around the gathered gods. "As much as it galls me to say this, that Greek bastard is our only hope."

Archon snorted in derision of her proposal. "He wants this throne." He punctuated the word with a slap to the armrest. "Why would he stop his best commander to help us?"

"Because if the Greeks take Atlantis, he'd have to share our domain. He'd be as he is now ... just another god in the Olympian pantheon, ruling here, under Zeus." Epithymia addressed the entire group. "As you said, his ambitions are bigger than that. He wants to sit on your throne, and we all know it. He doesn't want the Greek pantheon here any more than we do. He wants us to conquer them, which is why we're winning in Greece."

Sitting back on his throne, Archon stroked his beard while he considered her words. "It makes sense, and you're right about his ambitions. But we can't tell him the truth about why we need his help to deal with that ... human. He'd mock us. So how do we sway him to our cause?"

Epithymia gave him a droll stare. "Use his lust against him. For a god of moderation, Apollo's licentiousness is well known and documented. He will nail anything. Animal, vegetable, mineral."

Archon nodded thoughtfully. "It's said the princess of Didymos is the most beautiful of all the Greek women. We can use the prince's sister against him. If we tie her to Apollo, King Xerxes will recall his son and his army for the ceremony.... Let them think Apollo is switching sides to be with the woman."

Epithymia smiled. "We tell Apollo we intend to use the truce to solidify our position for a larger attack on Greece in the future. But that we need time for it."

"He's dumb enough to buy that," Misos said with a laugh.

"Bet'anya?" Archon pinned her with a stare. "You negotiate with the Greek."

Was he serious?

Gaping, she was incredulous. "Do I look like Hermes or"-she gestured to the beautiful god standing on Archon's right-"Hephaestion? I'm not a messenger god."

"No, but you are more powerful against Apollo than we are. You have two pantheons you can call on. And while he disregards us, he fears your father ... and you."

Oh, right, throw that in her face. Like she could help it? But she knew arguing was futile. Archon was a prick that way.

Bethany held her hands up in surrender. "Fine. What do you want me to say exactly?"

"That if he helps us with this, we will tear down the gods of Olympus, and leave the entirety of Greece to him and his Apollites."

And that would definitely appeal to the god and his massive ego.

Bethany sighed. "All right. I'll go meet with him. But for my service, there is one thing I want."

Archon arched his brow. "And that is?"

Bethany hesitated. However, at this point, she no longer cared if they mocked her for her love. In spite of her best efforts, she'd been unable to locate the one person whose life mattered to her. And she was not about to do this and put him in danger. "A Greek soldier named Hector from Didymos. He is not to be harmed in the fighting by anyone, god or otherwise."

He inclined his head to her. "Agreed. Now go and let's get this Greek bastard off our backs and out of our lands."

* * *

Bethany paced outside of Apollo's Delphian temple. While she could appreciate the architecture and beauty of the island, she hated this place and the god who claimed it as home base.

"My father will be with you shortly."

She paused to study Strykerius. Like Apollo, he was tall and golden with vivid blue eyes to rival Styxx's. The two princes were probably about the same age, too. Though to be honest, Styxx seemed much older and more worldly. "You're part Atlantean?" She could smell it on him. Unlike the Olympian god, Apollo's son held a lot of their powers.

"From my mother, the queen."

Bethany scowled as she remembered Archon and the others slaying the infant Strykerius claimed to be. "I thought her son died at birth?"

"Strykerius!" Apollo barked, making the boy jump in response. "Go inside and leave us."

There was something extremely strange about all of this, but she didn't have time to worry about it. She had an idiot god to win over.

"What can I do for you, little cousin?"

She cringed at Apollo's play on the rumors that the Egyptian goddess Isis had birthed him. But Bethany wasn't fooled. Her aunt had much better taste than to get knocked up by Zeus. There wasn't enough nectar or wine in the universe for that union.

"I have been sent to negotiate terms."

Apollo smirked. "Tired of having your asses handed to you by a Greek prince?"

She glared at him. "Fine. I don't need this. I can go home to Egypt and live quite happily while you take second throne to Zeus as you always do." She started to leave.


Bethany turned back to face him. "Yes?"

"What exactly are you asking me?"

"They want you to tup a Greek princess as distraction for your people and pantheon while we fortify our army and position to renew this war at a later time. We take Greece and overthrow your lovely family, and then hand it over to you to enjoy."

"Why would you do that?"

"Because Atlanteans, unlike Greeks, have never craved war. We'd rather live in peace. If Greece has a single god, he-or in this case, you-will be too busy to turn your eyes to our shores. So Greeks can be owned by your Apollites, your son will have a throne, you will rule Olympus, and we can be left alone."

"And which princess do you want me to tup?"

"The one at Didymos."

A full-fledged smile spread across his face. "Didymos? Really? I'd much rather have their prince than their princess."

Bethany shrugged nonchalantly. "You can have them both for all I care. But I wouldn't use the prince to negotiate over. Even Greeks tend to frown at offering up their sons as whores to their male gods."

Apollo laughed. "You are wise, Bet'anya. And you are right.... By the way, tell Archon thanks for this leverage. I appreciate it and will remember it."

She inclined her head to him. "Have fun with your prince. Just get that bastard off our shores."

"Don't worry. I will gladly do both."

August 15, 9530 BC

With Galen by his side, Styxx watched in grim determination as their men boarded the ships that would take them to the shores of the Atlantis mainland.

Within hours, they'd set sail. By nightfall, they'd make shore, and come the morrow, they'd own Atlantis and every Atlantean would bow down to his Stygian Omada....

"Prince Styxx!"

He turned at the sharp cry as a messenger came into camp at a dead run. The boy reined his horse, and jumped from it. He rushed to Styxx and knelt down then extended a rolled scroll toward him.

This shit can't be good....

Not given the boy's expression or his hurry. Dread riding him harder than the messenger had his horse, Styxx took the scroll and saw six royal seals on it from the largest city-states who were their allies. Those seals included his father's. Never in the last twenty-one months had his father sent anything to him. And nothing this official.

Styxx could sense in his soul that his day was about to be ruined.

He tore the scroll open and read it. And with every word, his jaw dropped more. No ... Not after they'd come so far and gotten so very close.

You stupid sons of whores.

"Did something happen, my lord?" Gaius asked.

Styxx snapped his jaw closed. "We're being recalled to Greece." He enunciated each word with great irritation.

"What?" Galen roared.

Styxx handed him the scroll. "It's unanimous from all the kings. They want us back in Greece. Effective immediately. We are to abandon all future campaigns. Should we continue on, they will charge us with treason."

Galen stayed behind and sputtered indignantly while Styxx went to relay their new orders to his commanders.

He still couldn't believe it, but since all the Greek kings were in on the decision for a cease-fire, he had no choice. If he continued on, they would see his entire army slaughtered.

And his men weren't any happier about the news than either he or Galen.

Their one resounding complaint was as unanimous as the kings' decision to stop ... It's not fair that we're being penalized because the rest of the Greek forces are incompetent losers.

Styxx agreed with his men, but he couldn't say that out loud. "We are soldiers and we obey our orders."

Even when they stank to the highest point of Mount Olympus.

"But at least you'll all go home to your families now," Styxx offered as consolation.

That sent a cheer through their morose ranks. And in truth, Styxx couldn't wait to get back to Bethany. It'd been almost two years since he had last felt her hand on his face. Seen her sweet golden-green eyes as she welcomed him to her side.

Hopefully, she hadn't found another to love during his long absence.

As he returned to his tent, he felt the sun mark on his back heat up until it burned. Styxx froze.

Was Apollo here? Or another demon, perhaps? Why else would the mark do that? Glancing about, he pushed aside his fear. They were going home. Why attack them now?

But then why did the gods do anything they did?

"I hate you bastards," he snarled under his breath to the gods. "All you've ever done is screw up my life. I wish every one of you was gone."

And Styxx hoped that he never had to see another god in the flesh as long as he lived.

August 31, 9530 BC

Galen reined his horse and smiled. "Smell that delicious olive-scented air, my lord ... we're back in Greece."

Styxx snorted at Galen's uncharacteristic enthusiasm. "I think battle might have addled your brains. It smells no different to me."

"Of course it does!"

Styxx scoffed, "I could be wrong, but I really don't think the wind stops at our borders."

Galen tsked at him. "Such patriotism from an esteemed war hero. You should be ashamed."

Shaking his head, Styxx swept his gaze over the soldiers who'd fought well and brought honor to all of them and their various city-states. But even so, there was a darkness inside him that hadn't been there before. Battle had changed him. As bad as Estes had been, and the atrocities his twisted uncle had committed, Styxx had seen a far worse side of humanity that made him wonder why he fought at all. What was there about mankind worth saving?

You don't fight for them. You fight for Beth and her life, alone.


He glanced over as Gaius rode up on his opposite side. "Yes?"

"There's a hostel not far from here. We were wondering if we could make camp near it tonight?"

"We?" Styxx glanced back at his army.

Gaius gave him a lecherous grin. "There are women there, Highness, and it's been a while for some of us."

Styxx exchanged an amused stare with Galen. "If it's what all of you wish. Who am I to deny you?"

Gaius shouted in happiness before he went to tell the others.

Galen sighed. "To be that young again."

"You're not that old."

"Old enough..." Galen nudged his horse forward. "So, Highness, are we dicing in your tent tonight while the others frolic with their women?"

Styxx lifted his brow at the presumptuous question. "How do you know I won't be joining the men?"

Galen snorted at his challenge. "Because I know the look of a man who wants to go home to a particular woman, and no other will do. Not even when it's been the better part of two years for him."

Styxx suppressed a smile over the fact that Galen knew him better than anyone. A part of him hated being so transparent, but another was glad to know that at least one person saw him for who he was and not for what they assumed him to be. "Dice it is then."

Galen laughed. "I look forward to finally beating you at something again."

* * *

Hours later, Styxx sat in his tent thinking of his beautiful Bethany while his men were divided between camp and the town where the hostel was located. The sounds of revelry were loud and cacophonous. They mixed with the voices in his head until he could barely think straight. There were just too many of them.

Alone, he rolled the dice on his desk, waiting for Galen to join him. He'd taken Bethany's necklace off and left it within hand's reach. Smiling, he picked it up and rubbed his thumb over the bow-and-arrow mark that was stamped into a small silver disk. Many women her age were devotees of the goddess Artemis who was said to be a fierce protector of women and children. And he prayed that the goddess would always protect his beloved from all harm.

Bethany was the sole reason he wanted to go home and she was all he looked forward to. "Soon, my love. And this time, I will hold on to you forever." Closing his eyes, he conjured the sight of her beautiful face. His body hardened instantly as he imagined her dancing for him again.

Of her holding him close while he made love to her with all the need he'd kept under fierce restraint for the last two years.

There was a sudden knock.
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