Summer on Blossom Street

Page 9

“She told me Casey, that’s the girl’s name, is attending math classes at summer school and can’t afford to miss any or she won’t be able to advance to the eighth grade.”

Brad made the connection right away. “In other words, she needs to keep Casey in the same school district.”


Brad met my eyes. “What do you think?”

I shrugged, torn between generosity and fear. I wanted to help Evelyn, but I wasn’t the least bit prepared to deal with a twelveyear-old. Still, it would only be for a couple of nights. “I don’t suppose it would hurt.”

Brad nodded. “Tell her to bring Casey over.” He squeezed my hand. “I hope we know what we’re getting ourselves into,” he muttered.

“So do I.” I lifted the receiver to my ear. “Brad says we can take Casey for the next two nights.” I made sure Evelyn understood that we were willing to f ill in, but just for the limited time she’d requested.

The social worker’s sigh of relief sounded over the phone. “I can’t thank you enough. I’ll be dropping Casey off in the next half hour.”

“I’ll wait up for her,” I promised. Thirty minutes would give me a chance to straighten the spare room and remake the bed. I’d need to put a few things away, too. The sewing machine was out because I’d repaired Cody’s jeans earlier that evening. In addition, there were plastic tubs of yarn and knitting projects I’d lost interest in for one reason or another. The closet was f illed with clothes I planned to donate to charity and some items from before my marriage that I hadn’t f igured out what to do with. The room had become a catch-all, a storage area for anything that didn’t have a f irm place in our lives.

“Do you need any help?” Brad asked as I started toward the bedroom.

“I’m just going to put some stuff in the closet and move the sewing machine,” I explained. “It’s only for a couple of days,” I said again.


I could already hear Margaret’s loud “I told you so” the moment she heard about this. Well, nothing I could do about that. I refused to allow my sister’s ominous predictions to rule my life. I’d been asked to help out and I’d agreed. Nearly anyone would. It was part of the way we’d been raised, and I suspected that if Evelyn had called Margaret, my sister would’ve done exactly the same thing. When I’d f inished with the bed, I threw a robe over my nightgown, then joined Brad in the living room. The doorbell rang and he unlocked the front door with me right behind him.

Chase immediately started scratching at Cody’s bedroom door, ready to protect us against an intruder. Brad left to deal with the dog as I let Evelyn and Casey into the house. The f irst thing I noticed was how small Casey was for her age. Her backpack, hooked over one arm, was almost bigger than she was. Brad returned, clutching the dog’s collar as Chase whined eagerly, his nails scrabbling on the hardwood. “Chase, sit,” he said calmly, and Chase did.

“Lydia and Brad, this is Casey Marshall.”

The twelve-year-old refused to look at us. Instead she stared down at the f loor.

“Hello, Casey,” Brad said. “Welcome to our home.”

“Welcome,” I echoed. “I’ll bet you’re exhausted. I’ve got the bed made up for you.”

Casey continued to stare at the f loor.

“Casey,” Evelyn murmured, her arm loosely around the girl’s thin shoulders.

Reluctantly Casey looked up. Def iance f lashed in her cool dark eyes. I wasn’t sure what I’d expected. Gratitude? Appreciation? Relief ? If so, all three were sadly lacking in Casey’s expression and demeanor.

“Casey will walk to class in the morning,” Evelyn said. “She’s at Carver Middle School.”

“I’ll drive her,” I volunteered. “It’s on my way.”

Casey’s eyes darted toward Chase and softened perceptibly until she saw me watching her. Quickly she diverted her attention, glancing around the foyer and into the living room.

“I don’t need a ride, I’ll walk,” Casey insisted.

“Whatever you want,” I said. This wasn’t going well. It was almost as if Brad and I were intruding on the girl’s life, although we were making every effort to accommodate her.

“I’ll leave you now,” Evelyn said. She handed Brad her business card. “This has my off ice number and my cell. If you have any questions or problems, don’t hesitate to phone anytime.”

Brad accepted the card and studied it, although we already had Evelyn’s contact information.

As Evelyn said her goodbyes, I stepped forward. She paused, a question in her eyes. I felt out of my depth here—what did I know about dealing with a troubled young girl? I was afraid this wasn’t going to work, but Evelyn offered me a reassuring smile, then turned to leave.

Well, we’d agreed to do this, I reminded myself, and it was only for two days. We’d muddle through and so would Casey.

“I’ll show you to your room,” I said as soon as Evelyn left. I tried not to reveal how nervous I was.

Casey raised one shoulder, implying that she really didn’t care. She was slender for her age, with straight, badly cut hair that fell below her ears. Her jeans were tattered but not fashionably and the wording on her T-shirt was long since washed out. It had once been bright pink, I thought, but was now an off-white with reddish splotches here and there.

I led the way down the hall. “This will be your room,” I said. I turned the light on. The bed was made and everything had been put in the closet or stacked on the dresser. I’d brought in some fresh towels and extra hangers, which I’d laid on the quilt. Casey looked around, then stepped into the room.

“Our son, Cody, is asleep next door. Chase is his dog. Cody named him that because he was always having to chase after him.” She didn’t smile. “Do you like dogs?”

Casey gave another one-sided shrug. “They’re all right.”

“Can we get you anything?” Brad asked, coming to stand behind me. He placed his hands on my shoulders.

Casey considered his question and shook her head.

“The bathroom’s at the end of the hall.”

She nodded.

“We’ll see you in the morning,” I said. I didn’t want to leave the girl, but I didn’t know what else to say or do. Casey obviously had no interest in conversation. She acted as though she couldn’t be rid of us fast enough.

“Night,” Brad said.

“Yes, good night,” I added with what I hoped was an encouraging smile. Casey nodded and closed the bedroom door. Brad and I were left standing out in the hallway.

“I hope we did the right thing,” Brad whispered.

“Me, too.”

I woke during the night and knew instantly that something was different. It took me a couple of minutes to realize what it was. Then I remembered—a girl was sleeping down the hall. A girl we didn’t know. Casey clearly didn’t want to be in our home and revealed no appreciation for our hospitality. About seven, just before the alarm rang, Cody’s voice boomed,

“Mom, there’s a girl in the house!”

Tossing aside the covers, I jumped out of bed. I grabbed my housecoat and hurried into the kitchen, where Casey sat at the table, eating a bowl of cereal. Cody stood in his pajamas with Chase at his side, tail wagging slowly. My son seemed to be in a state of shock.

“This is Casey,” I said.

Cody’s eyes narrowed. “Does she talk?”

“Casey, this is our son, Cody.”

The girl went on eating her breakfast. “Uh-huh.”

“He’s not bad for a boy,” I told her and was rewarded with the glimmer of a smile.

“Mom,” Cody protested. “She’s not staying, is she?”

Whatever slight enjoyment had shown in Casey’s eyes immediately disappeared. “Don’t worry. I’ll be gone soon.”

I swallowed the words to tell Casey she was welcome to stay as long as she needed. To be honest, I didn’t know if that was true. We’d merely agreed to a short-term visit; I suspected that was all we could handle. This girl made me feel uncomfortable in my own home.

“I’ll be late tonight—” I said, reaching for the coffeepot. Brad worked for UPS and had left an hour before my alarm went off. He’d made coffee, as usual—for which I was profoundly grateful.

“Can we go to the park?” Cody asked as I f illed a mug and stirred in cream and sugar. “You said we could.”

“I’ll take you and Chase there this morning,” I told him after my f irst restorative sip. With the shop open until eight that night, I wasn’t due at work until twelve. Margaret would open and Elise would arrive later in the afternoon.

Casey mumbled something I couldn’t decipher. Cody bristled. “I’m not a baby.”

“Babies go to the park with their mommies.”

“Casey, that was uncalled for,” I said disapprovingly. “You’re a guest in our home, but I can’t and won’t put up with any form of disrespect. Is that understood?”

Casey didn’t respond. Instead she stood and carried her bowl to the sink. “I need to leave for school now.”

“It’s too early, isn’t it?”

“No,” she said with such def iance that I was hard-pressed to question her.

Casey disappeared into her room and returned a minute later with a book in her hand.

“What time does school get out?” I asked.


“Oh.” We hadn’t discussed this aspect of Casey’s stay. “Brad won’t be home until after three.”

Casey didn’t seem concerned. “I’ll hang out with my friends,”

she said.

Frankly I wasn’t sure that was such a good idea. “Would you like to catch the bus and come on down to my yarn store? I’ll talk to Ms. Boyle and see about getting you signed up for day camp if you like. Maybe you could start tomorrow.”

“A yarn store?” Casey made it sound like the last place on earth she wanted to be.

“I can teach you to knit if you’re interested.”

Casey ignored me.

I wrote out instructions about which bus to take and which stop to get off at and gave her the fare. Casey stuffed the coins in her jeans pocket and left soon afterward. As soon as the door closed, Cody whirled around to face me.

“She’s not staying, is she?”

“It’s just for a couple of days,” I promised him.

“I don’t like her.”

“We haven’t had a chance to get to know her,” I said. In every likelihood that wouldn’t happen, either.

No sooner had I spoken than the phone rang. A quick glance at the call display screen told me it was Evelyn Boyle.

“Morning,” I said as cheerfully as I could manage.

“How’d it go last night?”

Looking at the kitchen door, I wondered what to tell her.

“Okay, I guess,” I f inally said. “Casey went to bed almost right away.” I couldn’t prevent a sigh. “Unfortunately, things didn’t start off well this morning. I’m afraid Casey and Cody don’t have a lot in common.”

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