Sweet Home

Page 20

“No, I don’t want to talk.” I gathered my books in my hand. “I’m sorry. I’m just going to grab my things and hit the library. I need to study. I have a paper due.”

Her lips pursed. “Okay, but you know where I am if you need me.”

I avoided her eyes. “Thanks.” Relieved that the lecture hall was now empty, I left the room.

I powered through the door, and Rome jumped in my path, getting right in front of my face to the point that we were sharing the same air. “What the f**k was that all about?” he seethed.

“You were rude,” I accused, checking we were alone. We were… completely.

“I was debating. That’s what you do in Philosophy. You made it personal.”

“So did you!”

We glared at one another—a contest of wills—goose bumps spreading like wildfire on my body.

Rome cracked first. “Why did you bring up the other night? What I talked to you about was in confidence. I told you things I’ve never told another livin’ person, and you threw it back at me in a public class? I put my trust in you and you dredge it up in your lecture for your own f**kin’ smart-assed gain?”

I guffawed. “Confidence, my arse! The whole college knows you use girls for sex, which, quite honestly, makes me feel sick. From what I saw the other night with her, you did then too, after you confided to me that you didn’t like her, after you connected so deeply with me. Where’s the morality in that? Couldn’t resist her open legs, I take it?”

He exhaled a humourless laugh and inched forward. I stood my ground, giving the impression of confidence.

He backed me into a dark, secluded corner. “Why do you care who I f**k? What’s it to you?”

I glared at him, remaining silent for several seconds before hissing, “It isn’t anything to me.”

He sneered in anger and slammed his flat palm against the wall above me. “You’re lyin’.”

I felt as though my stomach was on fire with enmity, fists balling against my books. “I’m not lying. It has nothing to do with me who you f**k, as you so eloquently put it!”

Rome moved his face an inch closer. “Bullshit! I don’t f**kin’ believe you!” I pushed at his chest with one hand; he didn’t budge.

“I said I don’t believe you! Tell me why the f**k you care and don’t f**kin’ lie!” he thundered again.

He’d completely blocked any exit and I released an exasperated moan. “Fine! I care because you kissed me! You kissed me like you had no other choice, damnit! I don’t like being just another plaything when I trusted you with me. I never do that and now I remember exactly why!”

His hard chest scraped achingly against mine and his lips parted, expelling sharp controlled bursts of hot breath. “For your information, I didn’t screw her. In fact, I told her in no uncertain terms that I was done for good. What you’d said to me made sense… about livin’ my own life. You got through to me. You… affected me. And get this straight… you are no one’s plaything, Shakespeare. I may f**k around, but I wouldn’t f**k around on you.”

I opened my mouth to speak when he pressed his index finger over my lips, his eyes tight in warning. “You’re brave, Shakespeare, speakin’ to me like this. I don’t… tolerate it from anyone. People ‘round here know not to approach me. They have the sense to leave things alone.”

I knocked his hand away, narrowing my eyes. “Are you threatening me?”

He smiled darkly and I couldn’t decide if I wanted to punch him in the face or submit my body to his control and see what came next.

“Not threatenin’, Shakespeare, commendin’. I’m findin’ you and that mouth of yours a real turn-on. But I’m more interested in teachin’ you how to keep it shut.”

My heart jolted and heat spread between my thighs. I fought my traitorous reaction with everything I had. “Save that kind of talk for when you screw Shelly again.”

“I told you I didn’t f**kin’ touch her!”

“That’s not what she’s been saying.”

“I could care less what she says. I thought you were different, Mol. Why make a dig about Shelly or football after what I’d told you about things I was goin’ through?” He actually seemed genuinely disappointed in me.

Guilt and doubt crept into my chest, and I rubbed my throbbing temple. “Look, I’m just in a crappy mood. I shouldn’t have come at you like that and I apologise for betraying your confidence. It was bad manners on my part. I was pissed off at you, have been pissed off at you for days. I don’t know how to be around you. You… confuse me.”

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