Sweet Home

Page 31

“What?” I asked in reaction to his sudden stillness.

“No one’s ever told me no before.” He was completely at a loss.

“Are you serious?”


“That’s… pathetic.”

He skirted forward with a grin, his fingertips ghosting down my arm and settled upon my hip, gripping the flimsy material. “But true.” He visibly swallowed, a flash of nervousness sneaking through. “You don’t want this? You don’t want… me?”

“Romeo… I—”

“What?” he asked impatiently.

I dragged my hands down my face. “You’re a lot to take on, you know.”

“I know.” He exhaled a long breath with a cocky, crooked smile.

“I don’t know what you want from me. You tie me up in knots and I’m not used to it.”

Edging in closer, he wrapped his arms around my waist, stating, “Then let me show you what I want. Stop f**kin’ fightin’ this.”

I tried to break from his hold. “No, Rome, this is just… just…”

“I wanna be with you,” he pushed, his big brown eyes almost pleading. “C’mon, Mol. I need you. Tell me you get me. Tell me you’re as f**kin’ into me as I am you.”

I closed my eyes and felt his hands move to my lower back, my insides quivering in response. It felt too good. There was no contest, no prolonged internal debate. I was going to give in.

“Come inside,” I said huskily, my voice laced with longing.

Romeo pressed his forehead against mine and sighed in sheer relief. “Fuck. Yeah.”

Taking his hand, I led him from the balcony and slid the door quietly to a close. As I turned the lock, I felt warmth at my back, and Rome wrapped his arms back around my waist, his hands massaging my stomach through the thin material as he leaned in and pressed a soft kiss just below my earlobe. Gentle fingers moved to my hips and jerked me back towards his groin, which hardened in response to my contact.

I twirled in his arms and in the instant I faced him, his lips found their home against mine. At first his movements were soft, skimming across my mouth, tracing their delicate shape with his own. My hands skirted upwards and into his hair, pulling him closer. His tongue probed against my lips and he pushed forwards, stroking it against mine in sweet, twisting caresses.

I was lost to him.

I knew in that moment that things had categorically changed for me, that there was no going back to my pre-Romeo state. My body wanted what he offered and my heart wouldn’t allow me to resist.

Rome twisted me in his arms and, without breaking our kiss, pushed me backwards until my legs hit the bed and we glided down, his hard body landing flush against mine. Loud moans of approval urged me further, and I met his enthusiasm with everything I had.

My hands moved from his hair to the hem of his shirt, slipping under, and my fingers traced circles on his back as he groaned into my mouth, the growl vibrating against our duelling tongues. His hand smoothed down my waist and kept heading south. Long, experienced fingers stroked my thigh ever so slightly, and his mouth tore from mine.

Romeo’s gaze dropped down and I felt his hand travel north, passing the bottom of my nightdress. I immediately stopped his hand and he froze, his eyes shooting back to mine.

“I-I can’t. It’s going too fast,” I whispered and looked away in embarrassment.

He sighed, his hand moved from underneath my nightdress, and he took my chin between his finger and thumb. “Don’t do that,” he stated firmly.

“Do what?”

“Feel bad for stoppin’. Never feel bad for that. When I have you, it’ll be when I have you writhin’ in need, beggin’ me to f**k you. Never feel bad for stoppin’. When you give yourself to me, you’ll be so wet that you can’t f**kin’ stand it.”

“When I give myself to you?” I asked, slightly pissed off at his assumption that I’d be unable to resist his charms but at the same time so friggin’ turned on.

“When you give yourself to me,” he replied knowingly.

My mouth dropped. “You’re confident. I might refuse you.”

He shrugged dismissively and traced around my knee with his index finger. “We’re gonna happen. We both know it’s true, and I’m countin’ the days until I get inside you and make you come… over and over again.” He rolled his lips, moisture causing them to shine. “Fuckin’ countin’ the minutes…”

I struggled to think and I urged him back towards my hot mouth, desire trumping logic.

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