Take Me

Page 18

If she didn’t get serious, he was going laugh until he hurt something. Time to take matters into his own hands. He wrapped his arms around her and rolled so that she was the one sitting and he was between her legs, kneeling on the floor of the hot tub.

“I did wait for you long enough,” he said, beginning to thrust into and withdraw slowly from her body. “I’ve wanted you since the first time you made me spew iced tea out my nose.”

She gave him a look that called him on his bullshit—eyes lifting skyward, lips pursed, head shaking.

“Whatever. The last thing on your mind was me that night. Tina was not too happy with you for getting tea on her wedding gown. You spent the next hour promising her you’d make it up to her during the honeymoon.”

“That’s because she lacks what you have.”

Amanda looked perplexed. Her brows drew together as if she were trying to solve a complex problem. Shade had married what most people considered the prettier, more fashionable, trophy sister. Tina looked good—he couldn’t deny that—but she had the personality of a cactus.

“A job?” Amanda said finally.

He chuckled. He felt Tina’s entitlement in his wallet every month. “Well, there is that. But I meant a sense of humor.”

“Oh.” She lifted a wary eyebrow. “Yeah, that has the guys beating down my door.”

He imagined it did. He wanted to beat her door down. Since he couldn’t tell her that, he’d have to show her with physical attention.

Shade took her slowly, lost in her pretty green eyes as she accepted him. And not only with her body. She accepted all of him. Even the parts he tried to conceal. The parts he didn’t share with anyone while he f**ked them. He should probably be more careful—he didn’t want either of them to get the wrong idea—but for a few moments, he let himself feel more than her body. He let himself feel her on a much deeper level.

He knew Amanda was exhausted, so he tried to hurry. Watching her blissful expression as his pumping hips brought her closer and closer to orgasm aided his own search for release. Her hands roamed his back, his chest, his shoulders and his arms as if she were committing his body to memory.

When she squeezed his ass in both hands, urging him to take her faster, he complied, allowing her to drive his rhythm. He couldn’t look away from her eyes as the urgency overwhelmed him and he sought release with rapid, shallow strokes. The angle of her hips worked his cockhead inside her so perfectly that he couldn’t concentrate on anything but coming. Coming inside her while locked in her gaze.

His orgasm took him by surprise. He tried thrusting deep and holding still so he could regain his control, but it was too late. Hard spasms of pleasure pulsed through the base of his cock, driving him beyond the brink of restraint. He ground his hips against her, hoping she’d join him in bliss. He’d been so wrapped up in her gaze that he’d ignored her body. He ground into her again, not certain he was even stimulating her clit. Come on, baby. Let go now. As if she’d heard his instruction, her back arched, slapping her belly against his as she cried out. For a second he thought she was faking an orgasm, which was about the biggest insult she could have given him, but he felt her pu**y clench around him in hard spasms, drawing out his orgasm as she took hers.

Spent and content, Shade collapsed against the back of the hot tub, still breathing hard. He slipped the condom from his c**k and tossed it over the side of the tub. After a moment, he spotted the wine in the Styrofoam cooler of melting ice and grabbed the bottle to take a swig. Amanda was slumped sideways against the side of the tub, barely keeping her head above the roiling water.

“You okay?” he asked.


“It is pretty warm in here,” he agreed.

“You. You’re hot.”

He reached for her and tugged her around the slippery seat until she was beside him. They might only get to be intimate like this for one night, so he was going to take full advantage of their naked time together. “Have some wine.”

Her arm was shaking when she reached for the bottle.

“Sure you’re okay?” he asked “You’re shaking.”

“Just exhausted. I should have started training for this months ago.”

He chuckled and helped her lift the bottle of wine to her lips. She took one swallow before pulling the bottle away and collapsing against the back of the tub with her eyes closed.

He set the wine on the deck behind the tub and wrapped an arm around her. His lips brushed her forehead. “Do you want to take a little nap?”

“Mmm hmm,” she murmured, leaning into him.

“You’ll need to recover some strength. I last even longer the third time.”

Her eyes popped open. “Third time?”

And she’d acted as if three erections wouldn’t be enough for her.

He grinned. “The night is young. I might be able to pull off four if you’re lucky.”

“Dear lord. If I didn’t thoroughly enjoy every minute with you, I’d put my pu**y on strike.”

He chuckled. Most women couldn’t keep up with his libido, but that didn’t mean he was going to take it easy on her. She was his for the night. The entire night.

Amanda was quiet for so long that he thought she’d fallen asleep. “How did your band come up with the name Sole Regret?” she asked. “Is there a meaning behind it?”

He wondered where that question had come from. “Yeah, but it’s a secret. We all promised to keep it to the grave.”

“Sounds extreme.”

He smiled at memories of how passionate they’d once been. “We were young. Everything was extreme.”

“Did you come up with the name?”

“Kellen did, actually. He was having one of his philosophical moments. Said there was only one thing in his life that he ever truly regretted, all the rest of the bullshit was secondary.”

“His sole regret.”

“Exactly. We’d all had a few too many beers that night. Each of us shared our biggest regret and then made a pact to never tell anyone about them. We named the band Sole Regret to remind ourselves of that promise.”

“So what was your sole regret, Jacob?”

“Not telling.”

“Why not? I can keep a secret.”

“Because it’s personal.”

“More personal than sex?”

He nodded. “Way more personal than sex.”

“Does it have something to do with your divorce?”

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