Taming the Storm

Page 56

“Holy shit!” she cries, breathless. “Harder, Tom! Fuck me harder!”

And I’m undone.

I start fucking her like there’s no tomorrow. Driving her up the bed with each hard thrust. The sound of my skin slapping against hers is pushing me closer to the edge.

I can feel her tightening around my cock. She’s ready to come, which is fucking relief because I’m about two seconds behind her.

I reach a hand between us and rub my thumb over her clit.

“Two orgasms, Ly,” I murmur over her mouth before I capture another kiss. “Give it to me. Now.”

“Oh God…Tom…Tom…”

I press my thumb against her clit, then, she’s screaming my name and God’s and a whole bunch of curses as her body bucks skyward.

I fucking love how vocal she is. It’s seriously sexy.

I’m swift as I move up onto my knees. I grab hold of her hips, yanking her to me, and then I start to slam my way home. I pump in and out—once, twice—while my sack slaps her hot ass, and then…

“Lyla! Fuck!”

I come harder than I ever have come before.

I fall on top of her, my body twitching with aftershocks.

Still inside her, I rest up on my elbows, easing my weight away from her. Her eyes are glazed, and she’s wearing a cute, goofy smile.

“That was amazing,” she breathes. She lifts her hand to my face and runs her fingers over my cheek.

“Of course it was.” I give her a cocky grin.

She giggles. The sound has my cock standing back to attention.

Even he can’t seem to get enough of her.

I’m staring at her. She’s staring at me.

Then, I see the shift in her expression.

“I should go,” she says.

What the fuck?

One Second After—Fairmont Hotel, Pittsburgh

“What?” I frown, my eyes wide.

I’m still inside her, and she’s talking about leaving. That’s usually my line. Have I missed something here?

She gives me a wary look. “I should, um…leave and go to my room.”

These are the words I always want to hear from a woman, but never do. If I ever did, I would have been singing. But hearing Lyla say them…

Yeah, not so great.

I actually feel a little…used.

What the fuck? Have I grown a vagina? Have I turned into Jake or Denny?

Jesus Christ. She’s turning me into a man I barely recognize.

I slip my semihard cock out of her and remove the condom before tossing it into the trash can by the bed.

I look back to her. She’s not looking at me. Her eyes are staring out the window.

There’s something niggling inside me, like an ache in my chest. Then, I realize that ache is there because I don’t want her to leave. Not yet anyway.

I don’t want her to leave because…well, because I haven’t had my fill of her yet. I’m not done fucking her.

Yeah, that’s why my chest is aching like a bitch.

“Not happening,” I say firmly. “I’m not finished with you yet.”

Her eyes come back to me with a hard look in them. “And what if I’m finished with you?”

I put my hand between her thighs and slip my finger between her folds. Still soaking. “Doesn’t feel like you’re done with me.”

She smacks my hand away.

I chuckle.

“You really are disgusting.”

“Yeah, and you fucking love it.”

She tries to give me an angry look, but a smile edges her lips.

Then, out of nowhere, she lets out a sad sigh and rubs her hands over her face before leaving them there.

I pull her hands away from her face. “Talk to me.”

She lets out another sigh. Focusing her eyes on mine, she gives me a lost look. “I thought we’d be done now. That this”—she waves a hand between us—“drive-me-crazy sexual tension would be gone if we had sex this one time. Then, we could go back to normal, you know, being friends like we were. But…” She bites down on her lip. “Now, we’ve had sex, and well…” Her eyes lower. “It doesn’t feel like we’re done.”

This weird sense of relief spreads through me.

“That’s because we’re not. We haven’t even begun. Once was never an option. It was never going to be enough to satisfy what’s between us.”

I see a flash of fear cross her face.

“I can’t have a relationship, not with you or anyone.” She turns her head from me.

“Hey.” I catch her chin, bringing her back. “I’m not saying we should have a relationship, Ly. Come on, this is me you’re talking to. You know that I’ve never had a relationship in my life, and I’m not about to start now.”

Her face relaxes, and she nods lightly. “Okay, so what are you saying?”

“That we should keep fucking. Outside of that, we’ll continue to be friends.”

She screws up that gorgeous face of hers. “You want us to be fuck buddies?”


“I don’t know,” she says, unconvinced.

“Well, what do you suggest?” I run my fingers down her side, enjoying the feel of her squirming under my touch. Stopping at her hip, I grip it. “I sure as hell can’t come up with anything else. Trust me, if I could, I would have by now. Plus, everyone already thinks we’re fucking, so—”

“That’s not a reason for us to continue doing so.” She frowns.

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