Taming the Storm

Page 76


He reaches for me again. I dodge him.

“I miss you so much,” he pleads.

“Cry me a fucking river,” I spit. “You should have thought of that before you fucked Chad.” I turn away, tears stinging my eyes.

Dex grabs my arm, spinning me back around. “I’m your family, Ly. You don’t get to ignore me like this—”

He never gets to finish that sentence because he’s pulled off of me by Tom, who puts himself between Dex and me.

The relief I feel at Tom being here is immense.

“You’re the brother?” Tom says with distaste. “Well, you heard Lyla. She doesn’t want to talk to you, not now, or ever, so you need to leave.” There’s an unmistakable threat in his voice.

Dex looks him up down. He knows who Tom is, but that doesn’t seem to faze him. “This has got nothing to do with you.”

Tom steps up close to Dex. Alarm bells start to go off in my head.

“This has more to do with me than you think.” Tom’s voice is low, menacing.

Dex’s eyes flick to me. “Jesus, Ly, you’re sleeping with him?” He shakes his head with disappointment. “You’re better than him, and you know it.”

My body freezes as a war of emotions rage within me.

Dex’s disappointment in me hurts, and angers me all at the same time.

What right does he have to judge me?

“She is better than me,” Tom states. “And she’s clearly better than you. What you did—it doesn’t get lower. Now, leave.” Tom shoves Dex hard in the chest.

Then, it all happens so quickly. Dex comes at Tom, but Tom quickly sidesteps him and punches Dex on the side of his face.

“No!” I cry out.

At the sound of my voice, Tom’s eyes swing to me. His distraction gives Dex the advantage and he charges Tom, taking them both to the floor. He punches Tom in the face.

“No,” I cry again, tears blurring my vision. I swipe at my eyes.

Tom seems to lose his shit completely. With one hard shove, he has Dex off of him. Then, Tom is on top of Dex, hitting him, hard. Over and over.

I move toward them, needing to put a stop this, but Shannon catches me around the waist, pulling me back.

“You go in there, you’re gonna get hurt.”

“But we have to stop them,” I whimper. “They’re gonna kill each other.”

“Leave it to the men to sort,” she says, pointing her finger.

I follow it and see Cale, Sonny, and Van pushing their way through the crowd of spectators.

“Cale!” I yell.

He catches my eye.

“Stop them, please.”

He gives me a sharp nod, and then he starts to barrel through the crowd. Sonny, with his big frame, has no problem getting people to move out of the way.

Dex is on the floor, and Tom is beating the crap out of him. Cale grabs Tom from behind, but he’s too far gone and he tries to take a swing at Cale, who somehow manages to dodge it.

It’s scaring me to see Tom like this.

Van helps Cale restrain Tom, while Sonny pulls Dex up from the floor.

“Get him out of here,” Cale tells Sonny.

My eyes meet Dex’s. He wipes blood from his mouth with his hand. Then, I see a lone tear run down his cheek.

“I’m sorry, Ly,” he says.

I turn away, retreating into Shannon’s arms, and when I look back, Dex is gone.

“You okay?” Shannon asks me.

“Yes…no.” I give a sad smile.

“So, I have no clue what the hell that was about, but there’s definitely no doubt left in my mind that you and Tom are sleeping together.”

I lift my shoulders and give her a weak smile, seeing no point in denying it now. Even though after tonight, Tom and I will be no more.

“Ly, you okay?” A breathless Cale is at my side.

I can see the anger still flaming in his eyes.

“I’m sorry I wasn’t here. I was—”

“It’s okay. I’m okay.” I rub his arm. “How’s Tom?” As I speak, I turn and see Tom talking with two of the club’s security men, who have finally made an appearance.

“I should go and see if he’s okay.” Stepping away, I leave Cale with Shannon.

At my approach, Tom’s eyes meet mine. He says something to the security guys. Then, he moves away from them, coming to me.

We stop a foot apart. “Are you okay?” I ask.

He looks okay. His cheek is a bit red from where Dex hit him, but apart from that, Tom doesn’t appear to have a mark on him.

“Are you?” he asks, turning my question back on me.

“Yeah.” I nod. “You hit him…”

He stares at me for a long moment. “I take care of what’s mine.”

I’m his?

My heart thuds against my ribs. I close the distance between us. Tentatively, I lift my hand to his face and gently press it to his cheek.

In his eyes, I see the surprise from me touching him like this in public.

I lower my hand. “This is our last night together.”

His eyes darken. “Then, we should make the most of it.”

I’m beyond relieved that I’m going to have this one last night with Tom. I know I’ll hurt badly for it tomorrow, but for tonight, I don’t care. All I care about is being with him.

Tom slips his hand into mine. “Let’s get out of here,” he says.

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