Taming the Wolf

Page 8

Adam pushed his legs between mine. His hands gripped my waist, and in one fluid motion, he lifted me and sat me on his lap. Tangling his hand in my hair, he brought my face closer to his. As his lips made contact with mine, my entire body became ravenous for him. I grabbed onto his hair and devoured his mouth. His excitement pushed against my sweats, my panties moistened in response.

Adams hands cupped my ass and rocked me against his erection that strained to break free. I moaned against his lips, ready for him to take me on the kitchen table, damn the consequences.

His hand ripped away my sweats, and when I heard the clicking of his zipper, my eyes snapped open. The kitchen was gone and in its place was my bedroom. When in the hell had that happened? The door was closed and Adam stood over me shirtless and ready for action. His eyes blazed with a fire that scorched me, and if I allowed this to continue, I’d be a pile of ashes by the end. I’d lose myself and my freedom. Once my wolf got a taste of what she craved, she’d demand it again and again, leaving me the very thing I didn’t want to become—a mistress.

Adam leaned down on the bed so his body was on mine and kissed me again. His hand trailed south, and I yelped when he’d found what he was looking for.

“Stop,” I said against his lips.

Adam paused. “What is it?”

“I can’t do this.” I shoved against him and scurried out from under his weight. My wolf was not a happy camper. She whined for completion and made me want to say screw it—or screw him rather. This wasn’t the first time I’d reined her in and refused her the comfort of a man, and it wouldn’t be the last. It was a constant battle.

Adam grumbled. “It seemed like you were enjoying it.”

“The wolf enjoyed it,” I remarked and grabbed for my blankets to cover myself.

“Your wolf isn’t separate from you, Anna. You are the wolf,” Adam explained, a little annoyed by my disconnection with my inner beast. “It’s just a new sensation, and you haven’t connected with the change yet.” Adam tugged his jeans up and grabbed for his shirt. “You can tell yourself that it’s the wolf who wants to be with me, but you’re the only one who believes that lie.” Without another word, Adam walked out.


The sun beat down on me while I drove the riding lawnmower around the yard. The interaction with Adam left me frustrated and in a foul mood. Having someone you want offer a portion of themselves to you was torture. I knew he was mated to Eve, but I didn’t care. I wanted all of him.

When two werewolves wanted the same female, they’d fight and the winner won the female. Sometimes those fights ended in death, but nine times out of ten, they didn’t. I was so angry with my frustrated libido that I daydreamed about fighting to the death with Eve. Dreaming about it was all I could do. She’s the alpha which meant she was stronger. Fighting with her would result in my death, and I wasn’t ready to die just yet.

What about Sawyer? I thought. He’s cute, strong, and he’s free. He’d be mine. A girl could only take so many cold showers before she invited someone in to share one with her. Sawyer made me laugh and even surprised me by being a good kisser. Kissing was a must. If a man couldn’t make me weak in the knees with his lips, then chances were he couldn’t perform in other areas either. That was some advice a friend of mine gave me and it’d just stuck. I wasn’t very experienced in that area. I remember kissing this guy who slobbered all over my face and I was instantly put off sexually. Inexperienced or not, no one wants to be slobbered on.

I’d eventually give into my ache, and when I did, I didn’t want to regret my choice. As much as I wanted to be with Adam, I knew I would regret it. I’d devour him, get drunk on his affection, and then have a killer hangover in the morning—no thank you.

An hour later, I parked the riding lawnmower in the shed and made my way around the house. Sawyer, Joe, Mark, and Allen pulled up in a truck. Sawyer had his arm hanging out of the window, and a smile lit his face when he saw me. The boys hopped out of the truck, fishing supplies and three stringers full of fish in hand.

“Looks like we’ll eat tonight,” I said.

“Did you doubt my manly talents?” Sawyer asked as he walked up to me. A small part of me was riddled with guilt over almost having sex with Adam this morning. I could see genuine interest in Sawyer’s eyes.

Leaning down, Sawyer brought his lips to mine. I returned his kiss and laughed when the boys started whooping and hollering.

“Get a room, you two,” Joe teased.

“Screw that, They’re fine right where they are,” Mark interjected.

“Our little Anna isn’t going to mate in front of us. She’s too shy for that,” Allen replied.

I broke away from Sawyer and gave each of them a pointed look. “Ya’ll are a bunch of perverted dogs.”

They all howled in unison causing me to bust out laughing. “Give me those.” I grabbed for the fish and headed back around the house. A small table was set up for this very reason.

Grabbing a filet knife, I cleaned the rainbow trout. Sawyer walked into the backyard and wrapped his arms around my waist. Resting his chin on my shoulder, he watched me gut the fish.

“What was that back there?”

“What do you mean?” I asked with pretend innocence.

“Are you warming up to me? I was sure when you kissed me last night it was because you were drunk. But I don’t smell alcohol on your breath today.”

I was quiet for a moment. Had I kissed him because I was warming up to him? Or had the kiss been because I was sexually frustrated? It was a result of both. I laid the knife down and turned around to face him.

“I may be warming up to you.”

Sawyer’s smile widened to showcase twin rows of white teeth.

“But I don’t want to be your mate,” I told him before he could get any ideas.

His smile faltered.

“Why in the hell do you want a mate anyway? None of the other men want to settle down.”

Sawyer shrugged. “Maybe they haven’t found anyone worth settling down for. I’ve liked you since you came here, Anna, and I knew we’d be great together. Why wouldn’t I wanna settle down with someone like you?”

I wasn’t the romantic type of girl. I didn’t care for cheesy romantic comedies or Valentine’s Day. But, his words left me momentarily speechless and awkward. Deep down I think I wanted to meet someone special. It just hadn’t happened yet and that left me critical to relationships and mushiness.

How did I respond to his comment when I didn’t feel the same? The fact that he saw something in me that he thought he could live with for forever was unsettling. Commitments scared the living hell out of me. Here was a guy who wanted to be with me, who wanted to share all of himself with me, and yet all I could think of was why couldn’t Adam say those words? He apparently wanted me too, so why couldn’t he be with me. If what Elle said was true, and Eve was cheating on him, then I shouldn’t of held an ounce of guilt over wanting their relationship to end. I was not a home wrecker, but they didn’t exactly live in a happy home from what I saw.


I looked up and into Sawyer’s eyes. He’s here and willing, why not? Don’t waste your time on something you can’t have, Anna.

“Thank you, Sawyer. That was one of the sweetest things I’ve ever heard. You’re either really good at conning women, or I’m a fool.” I laughed nervously.

“It’s not a lie. I really do like you, Anna, but I don’t want to get invested if you’re not willing to return those feelings.”

I bit my lip. “We’ll date and see how it goes, but I’m not ready to get married and have babies. That’s all I can give you for now.”

The smile returned to Sawyer’s face. “Sounds like a plan, ma’ lady.”

“You’re such a dork.”


After dinner we all gathered around a bonfire. Sawyer brought his guitar and sang songs while we drank beer and socialized. I had to admit that learning Sawyer played guitar and sang made my panties wet. I had a thing for musicians.

Adam didn’t even glance in my direction, which both disappointed and excited me. I’d been having a mental conversation all night on how I would focus on Sawyer and forget Adam existed.

“Excuse me,” Sawyer said and everyone quieted to look at him. “I have a special melody for my little lady, Anna.” Everyone looked at me, sans Adam, and I buried my face in my hands. Sawyer strummed his guitar and sang Must Be Doin’ Something Right by Billy Currington. His voice was low and husky as his emerald eyes focused on me. My panties went from moist to soaking wet in 0.2 seconds. I didn’t care that more than twenty wolves were present; I was ready to tackle him to the ground and have my way with him.

When the song was over, the pack broke out into a chant. “Kiss..kiss…kiss.” I rose from the hay bale I’d been sitting on and walked the short distance to Sawyer. Sitting on his lap, I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him like my life depended on it. Chills radiated up my thighs and traveled to the spot I’d been neglecting. The man could kiss! The pack clapped and whistled as Sawyer and I forgot about the world.

“Sawyer, I do believe you’ll be the first to tame that girl,” Joe laughed.

We broke the kiss, Sawyer wrapping an arm around my waist. “I should get a trophy.” Sawyer laughed, and I punched him in the shoulder.

“How’s ‘bout it, Adam. Should we erect a bronze statue in Sawyer’s honor for taming the elusive Anna?” Joe asked.

Adam shot Sawyer and me a look, anger evident in his eyes. The emotion fled as soon as it came. He turned to look at Joe and said, “He hasn’t trapped her yet.”

“He’s come the closest,” Asher commented.

“Will everyone stop talking about me like I’m not here, geez!” I said.

Adam rose and walked away without another word. The pack mates didn’t seem to mind, but I knew the reason behind his early departure.

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