Tell Me

Page 21

Melanie hadn’t meant to make her morose. Luckily Kellen was the first to leave the stage and when he touched her cheek and brushed her lips with his, Dawn lit up from the inside out, all traces of sorrow vanishing in an instant. Melanie still found it hard to believe that the pair had been together for such a short period of time. There was something familiar about the connection between them, as if they were reincarnated lovers who had just rediscovered each other and had a lot of catching up to do.

Gabe jogged off the stage and didn’t stop, hooking Melanie’s hand to lead her down the steps and along a hall, through a door, and into the dressing room. “I’m going to take a quick shower and then we have to hurry to catch the plane,” he said.

“You were amazing tonight.”

He grinned. “I’m glad you enjoyed yourself.”

“I enjoyed you mostly,” she admitted.

Looking pleased by her compliment, he kissed her and grabbed his bag before heading into the bathroom. While she waited, she sent a text to Nikki. Just making sure you got to the hotel safely. We’ll be on the plane in about an hour, so I’ll have to turn my phone off. Everything okay?

Nikki didn’t respond, but Melanie wasn’t surprised. She was sure Nikki was upset and hurting, but she’d get over it quickly. If there was one thing Nikki was good it, it was bouncing back after a fall. With the f**ked-up childhood the girl had had, recovering from devastation was something she’d learned early in life.

Shade entered the dressing room and Melanie stiffened. She really needed to get over her dislike of the man. He was an important part of Gabe’s life, and she wanted to be a part as well. Gabe tolerated her friend; it was only fair that she tolerated his.

“Where’s Gabe?” he asked.

“In the shower.”

“Hurry him along,” he said. “Owen and Lindsey are already in the limo. We need to get to the airstrip as soon as possible.”

“I’ll go see what’s keeping him,” Melanie said, smiling at the bonus of getting to see Gabe naked.

She knocked on the bathroom door and eased it open. “Gabe, are you almost ready to go?”

She entered the room, making her way through the steam to the running shower. She found Gabe leaning against the tile wall with his hair soapy and his eyes closed.

“You okay?” she asked.

He started and opened his eyes. “Yeah. Shows always sap my strength. I get an incredible high while I’m on stage, and then the adrenaline wanes and I crash hard.”

All those lean, wet muscles looked perfectly dynamic from her angle. His slack face looked tired though.

“Do you want me to get you some coffee or something?”

“Naw, I’ll catch a nap on the plane. But I would love a Gatorade if you can find one. I think I sweated out half my body weight tonight.”

“I’ll see what I can find. Shade says you need to hurry. They’re waiting for us in the limo.”

Gabe rinsed himself, turned off the water and reached for a towel. “I’m on it.”

She’d much rather stay and ogle him while he dried himself, but she was concerned for his comfort and so she returned to the dressing room and hunted through a mini-fridge behind the bar. She found mixers, liquor, beer, soda and water, but no sports drinks. She was about to go hunting for a drink machine in the stadium when he came out of the bathroom, fully dressed and looking slightly more alert.

“I looked in the fridge, but all they have in there is alcohol, water, and soda. I was about to go search the stadium.”

“Don’t trouble yourself,” he said. “Water will do.”

Melanie felt a strange sense of self-importance as they walked hand in hand toward the exit. Envious female heads turned as they passed, and all she could think was, Yeah, he’s all mine this weekend. Eat your hearts out, bitches.

Chapter Ten

Warm breath stirred against Melanie’s ear and she jerked awake, banging her head on something hard as she was thrown back into consciousness. The something hard grunted in pain. Gabe! Her hand shot up to rectify the damage and she caught him in the nose with her palm.

“Jeez, woman, remind me not to wake you by blowing in your ear,” Gabe complained. “I’ll stand at a distance and poke you with a stick next time.”

“I’m sorry,” she said, sitting up in the seat. “I didn’t mean to become violent. When did I fall asleep?”

“About three seconds after you snuggled up against me.”

He’d felt so warm and comforting with his arm around her that she hadn’t stood a chance at keeping her eyes open. “I guess I was tired. Are we here?”

“Well, we’re in the parking lot where we store our vehicles.”

Melanie blinked her eyes to adjust them to the lights that were suddenly glaring inside the shuttle bus. Shade was already halfway down the bus steps. She glanced up at Gabe and smiled. His mohawk was lying flat after his shower, so she reached up and stroked the soft strands.

“I can’t wait to see your house,” she said. “I have no idea what to expect.”

“It’s not a mansion or anything,” he said. “But I like it. It’s a bit outside of town, so we still have an hour of driving before we get there.”

She would do her best to keep her eyes open and provide entertaining company while he drove; they could sleep late in the morning. At least she assumed he’d let her get her full eight hours. She couldn’t think of anything grander than spending her entire Saturday in his bed. Sleep optional.

“Did you catch a nap while I was sleeping?”

He’d slept some on the plane. She knew, because she’d watched him.

“Nope,” he said. “I mostly felt you up to keep you from snoring too loud.”

She grinned, knowing he was only teasing. “Enjoy yourself?”

“Until you started moaning some other guy’s name,” he said. “Who is Juan?”

“I did not!” She hooked an arm around his neck and kissed him hungrily. He produced a groan deep in his chest, reawakening the part of her that was addicted to the man on a physical level. She tugged her lips from his and stared up into his heavily lidded green eyes. He looked hot as f**k when he was sleepy. Did she really get to be with him the entire weekend?

“If I’m moaning anyone’s name in my sleep,” she said, “it’s yours.”

“I’d rather you moan it while you’re awake.” His eyebrows wiggled suggestively.

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