Tempting the Beast

Page 7

“Your innocence is to be commended, Merinus,” he bit out, straightening now, stalking closer to her.

“As are your motives. But you have no idea of the piece you’ve bitten off here. It’s bound to choke you.”

He gripped her arm, jerking her against his body, allowing his erection to cushion against her stomach. Merinus breathed in harshly, her hands bracing against his chest as he locked her to him.

“You spout off with your morality and your ideas of justice, and all the while your juices froth from your cunt, tempting me, driving me insane with the scent. It’s not the story you want and it’s not justice. You want to be fucked by the Cat Man. Admit it.”

He gripped her hips, ground himself against her. Merinus gasped out, fighting against the slow relaxation of her body against his, the needs suddenly swamping her. Where had they come from?

“I don’t know why,” she cried out hoarsely, shaking her head. “It wasn’t like this before I came here. I only wanted to help you.”

“Doesn’t this frighten you, Merinus?” His hand gripped her hair, pulling her head back. “Aren’t you scared of this sudden lust? Because if you aren’t, you should be. It has me damned near shaking in my boots with my need to lay you over that desk and fuck you until you scream with your pleasure.”

Merinus shuddered, then cried out when his head lowered. His lips went to her neck, his teeth scraping over it in a slow, dangerous gesture. Merinus shook. Her hands gripped his powerful arms, she stared at the ceiling in dazed rapture as his tongue swiped over her skin. The moist roughness, the sandpapery rasp had her going to her tiptoes, silently demanding more. Her head tilted further, exposing the vulnerable curve of her neck. Her skin tingled, screamed out for more.

“Damn, you taste good, Merinus. Damn good.” He licked across her skin again, and she cried out. She couldn’t believe the sensation. Like rough velvet, only better. A sharp spasm of need rippled through her womb, the clenching muscles of her vagina had her whimpering in arousal. What was this?

Why did it feel so good when her neck had never been an erogenous zone before?

Then his lips covered hers. Merinus had been kissed before, many times, but nothing like this. His tongue swept into her mouth and the taste of him was intoxicating. Her tongue met his, drawing him deeper, caressing over him, luxuriating in the taste of him. Hot, spicy. The taste was all male, dark and elusive, conquering. She groaned against his lips, needing more, needing to examine and discover the origin of his taste. But he moved, drawing back, his lips going to her neck once again. His teeth nipped at her skin briefly, a growl emanating from his chest as one hand moved from her hip to below her breast. He was close, so close to the torturously swollen mound, the throbbing nipple. She whimpered, pressing against him, uncaring who or what he was, caring only about the primeval response of her body to his.

“Get out of here,” he rasped, though he refused to release her. “Get out of here before I do something neither of us will survive.”

His mouth moved from her neck, along her collarbone, sipping, licking as he weaved a path back to the scooped collar of her shirt and the rise of her throbbing breasts. Merinus was burning alive for his touch. Her nipples hardened further, jutting against the soft material of her shirt, hard, desperate for the warmth of his mouth. If he didn’t touch them, if he didn’t suck them deep into his mouth she was going to explode. Oh God, if he did, she would explode anyway. She was close, so very close to orgasm it terrified her. Her blood pumped, rushed through her body. She trembled in his grip, her body arched against the arm at her back as a desperate moan whispered from her throat. She felt the bottom of her shirt jerked from the waistband of her shorts and pulled quickly above the swollen mounds. Her nails bit into his shoulders, confusion, desire, fire tearing through her.

“What the hell have we done to each other?” His voice whispered the confusion churning in her body. His hand moved, cupping her breast. The dry heat of his flesh against hers had her hips arching in desperation. His thigh slid smoothly between her legs as he turned her, bracing her against the wall, allowing her the minute release of riding the hard muscled thigh pressing between hers. Oh, that felt good. Her clit throbbed, ached, swelled painfully at the friction she created as she rode him.

“Callan,” her cry was a shocking mixture of fear, overwhelming need, and questioning desperation as his mouth covered the hard nipple that rose pleadingly from her breast. He drew on her, the sensation spearing into her womb, her cunt. His tongue rasped over the hard flesh, the texture of his tongue was rough but incredibly gentle, deeply erotic. He suckled her, laved her, then nibbled at the flesh as she writhed on his thigh, moaning, begging for release.

“Son of a bitch.” He pulled back from her, staring down at her with eyes glittering with lust and confusion. “This isn’t normal, Merinus. This need should not be here.”

He jerked her shirt back over her breasts, restoring order to her clothes, if not her senses.

“Sit.” He pushed her onto the couch that sat against the wall and began to pace the floor. Merinus shook her head. It wouldn’t stop. The pulsing, throbbing need was only intensifying.

“What did you do to me?” she gasped, shaking her head. “It won’t stop.”

He paused, turning to her.

“What?” He frowned, staring into her eyes, confusion crossing his face.

“It won’t stop,” she gasped, fighting for control. “You did something to me. Now make it stop.”

Callan came to his knees before her, staring into her eyes, frowning at whatever he saw there. A tremulous laugh escaped her throat.

“Damn, Callan, you really need to watch those kisses. They’re dangerous.”

“They have never been a problem before,” he growled, his fingers lifting to her forehead as though checking for a fever.

“Share them around do you?” she asked, gritting her teeth against his touch. “I don’t like this. I think I’m

going to call my brothers to come out and kick your ass now.”

She wouldn’t. Not really. They would welcome the chance to take her seriously, especially Kane, her hot shot Special Forces brother who held a grudge against the world.

“What are you feeling?” he asked her quietly. “Besides the obvious?”

“The obvious multiplied as high as you can go,” she bit out, clenching her thighs together. “Do you know I’m a virgin? Seriously, virgins shouldn’t be this turned on. It has to be bad for their health or something. We’re an endangered species, ya know?”

She ignored the shock in his expression.

He tilted her head, his gaze going over her neck, then he jerked her shirt up again, examining her breast. Merinus looked down, almost grinning at the site of the love bite that marred her nipple.

“Callan, that tongue of yours is dangerous.” She moaned as his thumb raked the hard flesh. She heard his low moan an instant before he covered the other peak with his mouth. Her hands went to his hair, holding him close, feeling his tongue stroke her gently, his mouth drawing on her tightly. She squirmed against him, moving her body lower, wanting to press herself tight and hard against the bulge that threatened to burst the seams of his jeans.

“God, I smell you. So hot and sweet,” he gasped as he pulled back, his head lowering as he rested it in the valley of her breasts. “I want to taste you so desperately Merinus, that it rages through me.”

“What?” Shocked pleasure electrified her body.

“I want to bury my mouth in that hot little cunt of yours,” he groaned. “I want to lap every bit of your cream and stroke you with my tongue until you give me more.”

The cream in question wept slowly from her vagina in mute plea for just that. Her swollen clit throbbed, her womb spasmed. His mouth nibbled at the curve of her breast, his tongue stroking the swollen flesh, the rough texture of it making her shiver with need.

“Please, do something,” she groaned, her thighs tightening on his as he pushed his cock deep into the vee of her thighs. “I swear, Callan, your touch is like a drug.”

He stopped. She felt his muscles tense, then an oath sizzled from his mouth as he jerked away from her.

“I’m going to regret asking. But what’s wrong now?” She laid her head back against the couch, breathing heavily as she dragged her shirt back down.

She could hear him fighting for breath as well. She opened her eyes, watching as he stood several feet from her, watching her.

“If you don’t get out of here, I’m going to fuck you,” he bit out savagely. “Think about it, Merinus. You don’t know me. I’m a stranger to you. A genetic animal that’s getting ready to tear your clothes from your body and fuck you on a grease stained couch. Is that how you want your first time?”

Merinus frowned. “Well, it didn’t top my list of things to do today. But I’ve always been good at


She could think of no reason not to lie back on the couch and let him have his way with her. She didn’t understand his problem and her body was in such a riot that she really didn’t care.

“Merinus, think,” he bit out, moving to sit on the opposite end of the couch as he raked his fingers through his hair. “You’ve never been assaulted by lust in such a way. This cannot be normal.”

“How would I know?” she frowned. “I told you, I’ve never done this before. Have you?”

“Have I what?” he questioned her suspiciously.

“Have you ever had sex before?” she asked him impatiently. “You seem so reluctant, I was just curious.”

“Of course I have had sex before.” He frowned. “It was a required subject before my escape from the labs. I had sex everyday for over two years.”

Shock tore through her system.

“You were sixteen when you escaped,” she said, horrified. “That was too young.”

He shot her a glare. “I was recaptured at seventeen and held until I was twenty before I destroyed the labs. You need to be certain of your sources, Merinus.”

“They taught you how to have sex?” She couldn’t imagine anything so barbaric.

“Of course, killing a person can be done in many ways. They taught me how to bring pleasure and how to inflict pain.” He sneered. “I know every way imagined to fuck a man or a woman, with any degree of each sensation.”

Merinus swallowed tightly, blinking over at him.

“That’s horrible,” she whispered. “Why would they do that to you?”

Overriding her lust was her terrible pain for this man. He looked disgusted, both with himself and with her.

“They did that to train me,” he reminded her coldly. “I was to be a killer, Merinus. There are many ways to kill, to maim, to force the information you want from your victim. I was taught all those things. But that does not answer the question of our present problem. I don’t remember a time when my kiss has ever drugged a woman.”

“Maybe it’s just me,” she breathed roughly. “You kiss really good, Callan.”

His lips kicked up at the corner and his eyes filled with a weary sort of humor.

“You are a dangerous woman. How are you feeling now?”

“Horny,” she sighed. “Very horny, Callan.”

The hot throb between her thighs was threatening to soak through her shorts. She was so ready, so needy she felt ready to explode.

“This could be a problem,” he sighed.

“Why, because you are too?” she bit out. “Yeah, really complicates your little survival idea doesn’t it.”

Merinus rose to her feet. She was tired of this. If she didn’t get away from him she was going to beg him to fuck her brains out. Just what she needed to start her week off.

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