The Dragon Who Loved Me

Page 46

“I’m a fire-breathing dragon. I’l never freeze in the night.”

There was a painful y long pause, and Vigholf expected her to throw his arm off or, possibly, castrate him with her spear. But then she final y admitted, “But you do have an amazing amount of body heat. And my human form does get quite chil y.” Grinning, he snuggled in closer.

“Don’t get too friendly, Lightning. Just keep me warm. That’s it.”

“It would probably be better if we were both naked and—”

“Not on your life,” she quickly cut in.

“Then how about a kiss,” he suggested.

“I can’t believe the Northland bal s on you.”

“We might as wel just get it over with.”

“There’s nothing to get over with.”

“We both know you’l kiss me eventual y, Sergeant. I’m irresistible.”

“I’ve been resisting you for five years.”

“Because you’re stubborn and unreasonable. I thought we already established that.” Rol ing to her back so she could look him in the eye, the She-dragon warned, “You just watch where you put those hands and keep your lips and your cock—”

“When did I mention my cock?”

“—wel away from me or I’m going to use that ax my father gave you to start chopping things off.”

“Fine, fine. No need to threaten the important bits of me.”

“We have a long trip ahead. I feel it’s good to establish boundaries now.”

“Right. Boundaries. On our long trip together—alone.”

“It can’t be that long, Northlander. We have a war to get back to.”

“And we wil .” Vigholf settled down again, tightening his arms around her since she didn’t stop him from doing so. “I doubt it wil go on without us.

And before you say anything, yes, I think we’re that important.”

“Not quite as arrogant as my royal cousins,” she murmured, already fal ing asleep, “but surprisingly close.” Chapter 16

Where are you, brother?

Ragnar’s voice in his mind woke Vigholf, and he sat up, yawning, and scratching his head. Another day and a half from the Western Mountains.

Did you contact Keita?

No. I’ve been unable to contact her or anyone at Dark Plains. In fact, I’ve been trying to contact you, but this is the first time I’ve gotten through.

I think it’s because you’re neither in Dark Plains nor here. The areas are being blocked from one another, but I’m not sure why or who is doing it.

There’s a problem, Ragnar.

What’s wrong?

The Tribesmen attacked after we arrived, Vigholf told him, but quickly added, The Kyvich are guarding the gate and the Cadwaladrs are kicking arse. All’s fine.

What about the children?

Queen Rhiannon was not happy with Keita’s idea, so they’re staying put. But everything is fine, including Keita.

Good, but . . . why are you in the Western Mountains, brother? I know you wouldn’t just leave during an attack.

You’re not going to like what I’m about to tell you.

Tell me anyway.

It’s Annwyl. She’s gone off.

Her nut?

Vigholf chuckled. You could say that. She’s gone off to find the Rebel King.

Gaius Domitus? Ragnar sighed. If that wench is killed and Fearghus finds out we didn’t tell him or Briec about why we originally sent Keita back, giving Fearghus the chance to find his mate himself . . . I’m a dead dragon, brother. You do know that?

We’ll find her, Ragnar. I swear by the gods of war, we’ll find her.

Are you traveling alone?

No. This was Rhona’s mission. I simply tagged along.


I figured I could do more good here than just being one of the troops at Garbhán Isle.

Is that the only reason? Ragnar asked, sounding curious.

No. I couldn’t let her go alone.

Vigholf looked down at a sleeping Rhona. She slept on her side, hands tucked under her cheek. She’d let him hold her through the night, and he’d never slept so wel before.

I’ve become . . . attached, he admitted.

And has she?

She will.

And even without being able to see his brother, Vigholf knew Ragnar was rol ing his eyes.

How long will you be? Ragnar asked.

Don’t know. But we won’t be back until we find Annwyl.

But if Gaius Domitus gets his claws on her . . . Ragnar warned him.

We’re hoping to reach her before she reaches the Rebel King. Stop her and bring her back to the Valley.

Let’s hope you do. Gaius Domitus is not welcoming of strangers.

Neither is Annwyl.

Ragnar chuckled. You do have a point. But there is something else—in the Provinces. Thracius has a Dragonmage. A formidable one. Avoid him at all costs, Vigholf.


His power in that region is unmatched and he’ll do whatever he must to protect Vateria.

Vateria? What does Vateria have to do with—

You know Annwyl. I know Annwyl. If she locks on a target in the Provinces, it’ll be Vateria. In her mind, she’ll be the one who will need to die.

But she’s there for the Rebel King, not Vateria.

I have yet to know Annwyl to ever have one simple task, Vigholf. Trust me—she’ll want Vateria dead. But considering the power of her mage, I’m sure Vateria—

—already knows Annwyl’s coming, Vigholf finished.

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