The Enticement

Page 25

I pulled my hair into a loose knot, put on some makeup, and slipped into my heels. On my way out of the bedroom, I twisted in front of the full-length mirror.

Not bad, I thought. Not bad at all.

Nathaniel was in the living room with the kids and he gave a low whistle when I entered the room. “You look incredible.”

“Thank you.” I leaned over and kissed him. “Maybe you and I should hit the town soon.”

“Mmm.” He ran his hand over my ass. “It’s a date.”

“You’re missing a sleeve, Mommy,” Elizabeth said.

“Oh no, baby. It’s supposed to be like that.”

She wrinkled her nose. “That’s silly.”

“I suppose it is a little silly.” I gave her a hug and kiss and told her to be good for her father.

“We’ll be fine,” Nathaniel said, as I told Henry good-bye. “Elizabeth is going to invite Henry and me to a tea party. She promised I could wear her purple boa and that she’d serve the cookies you two made earlier.”

“Sounds like a great evening.” My phone vibrated with a text. “Meagan’s downstairs. I’ll see you guys later.”

Meagan was waiting for me in the lobby. I was a bit surprised to see her wearing a trench coat.

“Is it supposed to rain?” I asked, after she gave me a bone-crushing hug.

“No, I just didn’t want to show off my outfit.” She raised an eyebrow at my dress. “Ready?”

“Let’s go.”

She hailed a cab and once inside, I leaned back and took a deep breath while she gave the address to the driver.

“Ready to have some fun?” she asked.

“So ready.”

The drive took a bit longer than I thought it would and when we pulled out of the city, I turned to Meagan.

“Where are we going?” I asked.

“A new club. Well, the club’s not new, but the management is.”

I looked out the window again. “And it’s where?”

“Almost there.” She pulled out a compact and checked her reflection and patted her hair. Satisfied, she looked up and gave me a grin. “I’m going to buy you a drink when we get there. I had a meeting this afternoon with the execs and they are over the moon with you.”

I relaxed a little. “I’m so glad it was successful.”

She nodded. “Here we are.”

I got out of the taxi and looked around. It was nothing like I expected. There was no music, no lights, no people. What we had pulled up to looked like a warehouse and there wasn’t even a name posted out front. What the hell kind of place is this?

As we approached the building, the door opened and a massive bald guy stepped out.

Meagan trotted up to him. “Derek.”

The bald guy nodded. “I’ll take the coat.”

“Thank you, Sir.” She slipped out of her raincoat and I couldn’t stop the gasp I made. Under the coat, Meagan wore only a tiny pair of underwear and a black leather corset.

The doorman gave a grunt of approval. “I’m working the front for another half hour, but I’ll reserve us a room for later if you’d like.” He glanced up at me. “Your friend can join us if she loses the dress.”

“We’ll see,” Meagan replied. “And no, she can’t.”

“Meagan,” I said, as understanding dawned. “What kind of club is this?”

“A BDSM club,” she answered without so much as blinking. “What did you think it was?”

Now that we were closer, I heard the rhythmic thump, thump, thump of a bass inside the club—and it matched the thumping of my head. I spun around to face Meagan.

“What the hell?” I asked.


“You’re a sub?”

She lifted a perfectly shaped eyebrow. “Actually, I only sub for men. I top women.”

Her matter-of-fact confirmation of being in the lifestyle didn’t surprise me. I couldn’t say the same for her role. “You’re a switch?”

“I suppose. If you have to put a name to it.”

“That’s awesome. I don’t know many switches.” I wondered if she’d let me interview her sometime. “Let’s get a drink.”

“I can arrange that.” She snapped her fingers at a scantily dressed waitress. “Michelle, bring my friend here a cosmopolitan.”

The waitress bowed. “Yes, Mistress M.”

I shook my head and looked around the club for the first time. It was dingy for lack of a better word and smelled like sharp arousal mixed with sweat. Everything was gray and had a general run-down look. Paint peeled off several walls and the concrete floor was stained. Red and blue strobe lights flashed in a corner serving as a dance floor. In the opposite corner, two men were setting up a demo.

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