The Exhibitionist

Page 21

“What if you had to get a reference from someone already in the group?”

The corner of his mouth lifted and he jotted a note down on the pad at his side. “I like that.”

“At least that way, a new member wouldn’t be a complete unknown. And since everyone is having to resubmit their paperwork, we’d trust them.”

“I wonder if we should go a step further and, even after a group recommendation, there should be a provisional period.”

“Like a test?”

“No, I was just thinking more like a probationary period before they are fully accepted as members. It’s important we get to know new people before we trust them, isn’t it? In fact, maybe something else we should do is have new members meet the senior Dominants. We could stipulate that they meet together over dinner or something. So we can get to know potential members personally.”

“That might be a good thing to put in place before they even attend a group meeting,” I suggested.

He wrote that down. “I think it’d be good for experienced players if their first play scene or two were observed by a senior member.”

“Would senior submissives be allowed to observe the newcomers?”

“Yes, even the submissives.”

“Do you think a potential Dom member would take issue with being observed by one of the submissive senior members?” I asked.

“If they did, I think that would give us all the insight into their character we needed, don’t you?”

I smiled. “Yes, Sir. Very much so.”

“In fact, it might be a good idea to get a sub’s thoughts on a potential Dominant.”

“Do you think you’d work it the other way? Have a senior Dom observe a sub?”

“Fair is fair, right?” he asked through a chuckle.

“That would only be for experienced people. What are your thoughts for the new ones?”

“I think new members should be made to go through a mandatory mentor training with a senior member.”

“You’re putting a lot of responsibility on the senior members. It’s going to take a lot of time to clear a new member.”

“But if it works, the tradeoff would be worth it because we’ll know we can trust that person.”

“True, but all this will make it harder to join the group, so it won’t get much bigger.”

“I’d thought about that,” he said. “But again, isn’t it worth it if it keeps everyone safe?”

I watched him for a minute. He was wearing jeans and a soft T-shirt in a green hue that matched his eyes. It was one of those everyday moments that took my breath away. Just the joy of a simple moment, sharing a meal and talking. The way his smile danced across lips.

The smile deepened. “What?” he asked.

“You.” I reached across the table and took his hand. “How everything comes back to safety. How you won’t put up with attitude from a Dom.” I dropped my voice. “How damn hot you look in that T-shirt, how it pulls across your chest, and how your face is all scruffy because you haven’t shaved yet.”

He lifted my hand to his lips and kissed my knuckles. “You’re making it very hard for me to concentrate on the group when you say things like that.”

“Good, because we’ve already made a really good start and I think we should put it aside for now and continue with our weekend, Sir.”

He tilted his head.

“I did say Sir,” I reminded him. “And we’re at the kitchen table.”

“I wasn’t going to reprimand you.”

I let out a breath. “Oh.”

“I was going to say, look at how damn hot you are in that T-shirt.”

His words were so unexpected, I laughed. “With all due respect, Sir, I find that hard to believe.”

“You’re right. I was going to agree with you. It is time to continue our weekend.”

Something about his expression made desire swell low in my belly.

But he was full of surprises. “First thing is a jog.”

A jog? Was he serious?

My disappointment must have been obvious. He laughed. “There’ll be plenty of time later in the day for what you’re thinking. It’s been a while since we’ve jogged together and I know I need a good workout.”

I nearly huffed. Sex. Sex was a workout.

“Later, Abigail.”

Two weeks later, I stood in front of the large gathering of people for the tri-state conference. Nathaniel and I had driven up for the evening, since it was being held in Philadelphia at a private club. There were easily one hundred people present, and only a handful of them were from our Partners in Play group.

The St. Andrew’s cross Nathaniel requested stood behind me. He’d told me he wanted me nude, and though there were parts of my body I didn’t like, at the moment I felt sexy and sultry. Being in a BDSM demo, having the opportunity to play in front of people never made me feel self-conscious. When we were in a scene and Nathaniel was controlling me, it was as if I saw myself through his eyes. Even when he didn’t say anything, I could see how he felt just by looking in his eyes.

I doubted anyone other than Nathaniel noticed my nervousness. Or at least, I hoped they didn’t. They had all smiled warmly and welcomed us when we arrived earlier. I felt the urge to fidget, but forced myself to remain still. Nathaniel placed a hand at the small of my back and I took a deep breath.

“Are you okay?” he asked.

“Yes, Master. Just a few butterflies at being in front of a new group. But overall I’m excited.” Sometimes I wondered if it was the excitement that helped turn me on.

“Kneel for me,” he said, and I dropped to my knees.

He called the group to order and introduced us.

“Abigail is going to help me demonstrate the use of a bullwhip. Now, there are several ways to use one and while most people associate them with punishment, I want to demonstrate how they can be used for sensual pleasure.”

I watched his feet turn back to me. “Ready, my lovely?”

“Yes, Master.”

“Thank you. Go stand and face the cross.”

My nerves dissolved into erotic excitement as I stood and made my way to the large wooden X. Nathaniel took his time binding me: running his hands along my body and trailing kisses along the inside of my elbow before securing me.

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