The Exhibitionist

Page 43

“Master and I were just talking the other day about how the Partners in Play group needed a home base.”

“Yes, he told me that when he called.”

I looked to Nathaniel. “Are you going to be a partner, Master?”

“I’m giving it some thought. I would like your opinion, though.”

My heart swelled because I knew he was letting Luke know in a not at all subtle way that he valued my opinion and we made such decisions jointly.

“Off the top of my head, I can’t think of a reason you shouldn’t do it.”

“Good,” he said. “We can talk about it a little later, but I agree, I couldn’t find any reason not to. Daniel’s been very accommodating letting the group use his house so frequently, but I just think it would be better to have a centralized location that isn’t a personal residence.”

“Especially now that Julie’s moved in and Cole’s in the guesthouse.” Would Cole be staying permanently? I hadn’t heard about him moving anywhere, and I hadn’t heard he was looking for a residence, either.

“Yes, it’s a lot for one person.”

“If you like,” Luke said, “I can send you some general information on my plans.”

“That would be great.” Nathaniel wiped his mouth with his napkin and looked at the table. My eyes followed suit. It appeared that everyone had finished eating.

“Can I get you anything else, Master DeVaan?” I asked.

“No, thank you. I’m afraid I couldn’t eat another bite. Thank you for the delicious dinner.”

“You’re welcome.” I turned to Nathaniel. “May I be excused to clear the table?”

“Yes,” he said. “Just put everything in the sink for now. I know you’ll want to stop and check on Elizabeth and Henry, so meet us in the playroom in fifteen minutes. You can leave your clothing on.”

“Thank you, Master.” I gathered up the dishes and utensils and carried them to the sink. My heart pounded in excitement at the thought of going into the playroom with someone else there.

On my way, I passed by the room the kids and Lynne were in. They had made a seating area out of pillows and were reading a book before bed that they’d read at least two hundred times. Elizabeth could quote it. Lynne had got to one of our favorite parts and both kids howled with laughter. I saw Henry pop his thumb in his mouth. A few more minutes and I’d bet his eyes would start to grow heavy.

It was odd walking into the playroom fully clothed. But again, the entire night was odd. Lynne being here with the kids. Knowing it wouldn’t be just me and Nathaniel. And most odd of all, kneeling in my clothes waiting for Luke.

The two men weren’t silent when they entered. They were talking softly and something Nathaniel said made Luke laugh. I was surprised at the relief that swept over me knowing they were jovial, and my body relaxed further into its waiting position.

One of the guys, I assumed it was Luke because the steps sounded different than Nathaniel’s, walked to where I was waiting. Another set of footsteps, Nathaniel’s, I guessed, walked to the side of the room, before coming to join him.

“Head up, Abby,” Luke said in a commanding voice that somehow still managed to be smooth and sexy.

I looked up and my gaze didn’t land on Luke, but traveled to Nathaniel. I needed to see his face, to look in his eyes. He appeared calm and smiled just a touch at my perusal.

“Master DeVaan is here as my guest. Therefore you are to treat him as you would me.”

“Yes, Master.”

“He is aware of both of our limits.”

I knew Nathaniel would never let another man touch me in a sexual manner. I also knew he would have had a long discussion with Luke before inviting him over. My Master was extremely picky about who he let into the playroom.

“Thank you, Master.”

He nodded to Luke. “Master DeVaan.”

“Stand up, Abby,” Luke said. His expression was still easygoing, but his voice was definitely no-nonsense. From the corner of my eye, I saw Nathaniel step away. He didn’t move far, but made his way to stand behind me.

Before me, Luke glanced once more to Nathaniel and then turned his attention to me. “Take your shirt off, Abby.”

I quickly pulled my shirt over my head and let it fall to the floor.

“Very good,” Luke said. “Hesitation is one of my pet peeves. Now remove your bra.”

Somewhere in the back of my mind, I was thinking, You just had dinner with this man. He ate at your dining room table and now you’re taking your bra off for him. But another part of my mind was getting turned on. Excited about where this would go.

The familiar rush I got when playing in public built within me. It was almost as if someone else invaded my body, as if I became a different person when I had an audience—even if it was just an audience of one.

I reached behind my back and unhooked the bra. Slowly, I drew the straps down over my shoulders and, just like the shirt, it fell to the floor. Almost instantly Nathaniel’s mouth was on my skin, peppering kisses along my back.

“This turns you on, doesn’t it, Abigail?” he whispered. “Stripping in front of someone, showing off your body, knowing he can’t touch.”

“Yes, Master.” The cool air of the playroom made my nipples hard, aching to be touched. But I hadn’t been instructed to move, Nathaniel was behind me, and Luke couldn’t touch me.

“Finger yourself and show us,” Luke said.

I slipped a hand into the waistband of my pants, reaching a finger between my legs to gather the wetness there. The temptation to stroke my clit was hard to resist, but I did.

Luke’s gaze didn’t move from mine. “Let me see.”

I held my finger up.

“Very good. Now make yourself come,” Luke said.

I moved my hand down again.

Luke snapped his fingers. “Stop. I didn’t say you could use your hands.”

I blinked. What?

“I want to see just how turned on you are right now. With your Master behind you, so close to your ass. And me in front of you, seeing your lovely naked breasts.” His voice dropped another level. “I want to watch you work for your orgasm. I want to see you writhe as you try to catch it. As you attempt to give that clit the attention it desperately wants.”

His expression was much more intense than I would have thought possible, especially when compared to his demeanor outside the playroom. Intense and unyielding. What would happen if I couldn’t do it?

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