The Exhibitionist

Page 52

“So you decided not to tell me anything. Because that’s so much better.”

“Frankly, my employees’ sexuality is none of your business.”

I opened my mouth to argue, but stopped. There was more to it than me wanting to know about his employees’ sexuality and he knew it. The fact was, there would always be animosity between me and Charlene. It didn’t have to be right and it didn’t have to make sense. It just was. And no matter how often Nathaniel and I argued about her, discussed her, or whatever you wanted to call it, I would never like her.

The best thing for me to do was to shut up and deal with it. “You’re right. It’s none of my business. I won’t mention her again, much less talk about her.”

Those were the words I spoke, but inside, I was chanting:

Charlene’s a submissive and Nathaniel knew.

Charlene’s a submissive and Nathaniel knew.

Charlene’s a submissive and Nathaniel knew.

Then I asked myself if I was going to let her ruin my entire weekend.

No. No, I wasn’t.

“What’s first on our schedule tomorrow?” I asked Nathaniel.

“Don’t you want to talk about this?”

“You just, very eloquently I might add, correctly informed me that your employees’ sexuality was none of my business. You know Charlene’s a submissive. She knows you’re a Dominant and that’s how we’re going to leave it. That’s all there is to it.”

He looked at me with a raised eyebrow. He didn’t believe me. He knew as well as I did that that wasn’t all there was to it. Maybe I’d bring it up later. When I wasn’t feeling as emotional about it. The last time I’d gotten into a heated discussion about Charlene, I ended up on the receiving end of a discipline flogging.

Technically, what earned me the flogging was calling Nathaniel a liar while I wore his collar. But I blamed that on Charlene, too.

“In that case,” Nathaniel said, “there’s a session on electrical play I wanted to attend starting in fifteen minutes.”

That night the dance party was even louder and more crowded than the night before. I was glad. I didn’t want to run into Charlene at all, and the more people between us, the better. The afternoon had been awkward with Nathaniel. The joviality we’d had earlier in the weekend was gone.

But I had said Charlene was a done and finished deal, so I couldn’t very well keep bringing her up. Maybe, I thought, if I refused to mention her name, and tried not to think about her, she wouldn’t bother me as much.

It hadn’t worked so far.

Julie and Daniel had been unsuccessful in lightening our mood. They’d tried during an early dinner, finally giving up when it became obvious neither Nathaniel nor I wanted to have the mood lightened. Currently, they were dancing together. Daniel must have decided he didn’t want to spend another night watching his woman dance with another man.

Julie looked just fine with that. Though she’d danced with the stranger the night before, she was definitely less inhibited with Daniel. Her dance was hypnotic to watch and there were more eyes than just Daniel’s following her every move. My feet itched to join in.

Nathaniel wouldn’t be dancing with me. Not only did he look completely uninterested, but I’d recently spied Charlene step onto the dance floor with her two men. After the run-in this morning in the lobby, there was no way in hell Nathaniel was going to set foot on it with her there.

I closed my eyes and let the music sink into my skin. I wanted to dance. It was so easy to remember the feelings I’d had the previous night. The freedom, the power, the pleasure. I wanted to feel them again.

“May I go dance, Master?” I asked. Obviously, he wasn’t going to voluntarily tell me to go dance.


I waited for him to say more. To tell me who I could dance with or how long I could dance. Something. But there was nothing. Just that one word.

With a shrug, I made my way to join in with the dancers.

Something almost magic hit me as soon as my foot touched the dance floor. Probably it was only that the music was louder and I was feeling the excitement and joy from all those bodies. I swung my arms over my head and started swaying in time to the music.

“You dancing?” a middle-aged Dom asked me.

I couldn’t talk to Doms in a club without Nathaniel’s permission, so instead of verbalizing my response, I answered with my body and moved closer to him. He kept his distance, aware because of the collar I wore that I belonged to someone else. Still he danced with me, and several of our moves received a few catcalls.

Not long after we started our dance, another Dom joined our twosome and I laughed to myself when I realized I matched Charlene for the number of men I was dancing with. I looked across the dance floor to see if she was still there, but I couldn’t find her.

“She yours?” the new Dom asked the one I’d been dancing with.

“No,” he replied. “I thinks she belongs to the tall guy in the back with a scowl on his face.”

That certainly sounded like Nathaniel.

A faster song started and our little group grew by another guy. Three. I’d never danced with three men at one time before. The new guy was young and he could move. I inched closer to him to match what he was doing.

“That’s it,” he said. “Move those hips.”

I didn’t reply, but moved them slow and sultry, exaggerating my movements in a suggestion of more intimate activities. I ran my hands down my body and across my chest, rubbing my nipples.

This was what I needed. This time to let go and dance and be free. To be watched and to feel sexy and wanted. To let the music sweep me away.

“That’s enough, Abigail.”

I opened my eyes and found Nathaniel in front of me. Although the music still played, the three Doms had left.

Damn him for stopping my fun.

“Is something wrong, Master?”

“Do you plan to dance with every male in the place?”

Was he serious? He was pulling the jealous card? After Charlene?

The nerve.

“Only the Dominant ones, Master.”

“Are you purposely trying to irritate me?”

I put my hands on my hips. There was no way I was going to stand there and listen while he acted all jealous. I’d only been dancing. “You said I could dance, Master. You didn’t give me any restrictions or instructions. With all due respect, if you didn’t want me doing something, maybe you should have told me.”

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