The Exhibitionist

Page 61

“Come for me one time.” I teased her clit. “Then not again until I take your ass.”

I started thrusting again, but kept a finger on that sensitive spot, knowing it would have her reaching her climax within seconds.

Somewhere a police siren started wailing. I looked around. Shit.

I sped up my thrusts, knowing there was no way I could stop. “Come for me.”

The siren became louder and Abby lifted her head at the same moment red and blue lights came into view, rushing down the road toward us. I rubbed her clit harder.

“Oh, oh yes.” Her head tipped back and her muscles clenched around me as she came.

With her satisfied, I sped toward my own release, keeping an eye on the police cruiser and watching as it came closer.




“Oh, fuck!” I shouted, releasing deep inside her while at the same time I wrapped my arms around her and forced both of us down on the backseat, seconds before the police car whizzed by.

“Damn, that was close.” I was still breathing heavily and my heart was racing, but I untangled us from each other and smiled as she twisted around to face me.

“I thought they were coming for us.” Her cheeks were flushed in that I’ve been thoroughly fucked way. I’d have thought almost being caught by the police would have scared her, but she looked damn near radiant.

I pushed the hair back from her forehead and kissed her. “They must have heard you’ve been bad.”

She laughed. “That would have been funny.”

“No, I don’t think it would have been.”

“Yes, it would have been.”

I pulled back and studied her. “What am I going to do with you, Abby West?”

She tried being serious, but she couldn’t stop the traces of a smile in her voice. “Not more than five minutes ago you said you were very explicit about your plans.”

“In that case we better get going.” In the distance another siren sounded. “And quickly, before I’m caught with my pants down. My enjoyment of exhibitionism doesn’t extend to being ticketed for public indecency.”

We straightened our clothes, made our way back to the front seat, and had just pulled back onto the road when the second police cruiser showed up in our rearview mirror. As I moved to the side to let it pass, I glanced at Abby and took her hand with a smile.

“Here’s to cheating the public indecency charge one more time,” I said.

“We’re going to be caught one day.”

“Nah, not with my mad skills.”

“Especially with your mad skills.” She entwined our fingers. “Take me home, Master.”

“Home.” I brought her hand to my lips and kissed her knuckles. “Because I have promises to keep.”



Two months later

I looked out the kitchen window to where our friends had gathered together on our patio. Jeff and Dena’s ultrasound earlier in the week had shown them that they were having a girl. To say they were excited was an understatement. I decided the news called for celebration and invited everyone over.

Nathaniel came up behind me and put a hand on my shoulder. “Everything okay?”

“Yes, just thinking about how fortunate we are to have so many good friends.”

“We certainly are.”

I turned around to face him and looped my arms around his neck. “Think they’d miss us if we didn’t go back outside?”

“Probably. You came inside to get the food for everyone.”

I punched his chest. “Spoilsport.”

He laughed and leaned down to kiss my cheek. “Let me help you carry this out and later tonight I’ll make it up to you.”

“Deal,” I said.

We carried trays of sandwiches, fruit, and cheese outside. Our guests already had drinks and were spread out around the backyard. Everyone who loved Jeff and Dena had shown up. Daniel and Julie were talking with the couple in question. The four of them stood near the garden, and once Daniel saw us, he waved and they all headed our way.

“Food looks great,” he said.

“Dig in,” I said. “There’s plenty here and more inside if this runs out.”

I set the trays down on the table and started passing out plates.

Dena rubbed her belly. “Good because the baby’s hungry.” Jeff came up behind her and kissed her head. She leaned back against him.

“Everything’s so peaceful here,” Jeff said. “This is an outstanding property. You’re going to love it here.”

“We already do,” I agreed. “I love coming out here and just enjoying the stillness.”

That stillness was suddenly broken by a sharp cry.

“Oh my God. Snake!” Lynne pointed toward a large oak tree about twenty feet from where we were.

We all looked in that direction. I couldn’t see a snake, but I certainly saw something. But from where I was, it appeared more like a ball. A ball that was twisting and turning and fighting with something.

Dena gasped. “It’s a kitten! It has a kitten!”

As soon as she said it, I saw the frightened eyes surrounded by matted fur. My hand flew to my mouth.

“It just fell from the tree,” Lynne said. “Has the snake killed it?”

“Not yet, but probably very close.” Cole had been talking with Kelly, but he walked toward Nathaniel. “I’ll get it. Do you have a shovel?”

Nathaniel nodded. “Come with me.”

As the two men ran toward the garage, we all watched, helpless.

“I hope it’s not too late,” Dena whispered.

I thought as long as the snake was writhing around the way it was, the kitten was probably still putting up a fight. As long as the snake didn’t stop, there was still breath left in the cat.

Cole appeared, shovel in hand, and headed toward the snake. Nathaniel was right beside him, also holding a shovel. They approached the fight, planning what they are going to do.

“I’ll go for the head,” Nathaniel said. “You try to get the kitten.”

The two men worked in unison, on opposite sides of the snake, not talking much, but moving together in a way that almost looked choreographed.

“If I get a clear shot, I’m going for it.” Nathaniel’s shovel hovered near the snake’s head.

I held my breath. Odds were good the kitten wasn’t going to make it. By now we could see that the snake was tightly wrapped around it. Even if it was still living, which seem impossible, there was no telling how long it’d been without oxygen.

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