The Exposure

Page 40

   “None of that, now.” He hooked his fingers in the legs of the thong and slowly pulled it down and off. “You know I’ll make you feel good.”

   She found her voice. “Yes, Sir. I know you will. I’m just wondering how long you’re going to make me wait until you do.”

   “With an attitude like that, I might tease you all night long. What do you think of that?”

   “I think I’ll die from pleasure overload, Sir.”

   “I doubt anyone’s ever died from pleasure overload.”

   “How many people have you teased all night long?”

   “You’d be the first.”

   “There you go. You tease me all night, it’ll be your fault when I pass out dead. Be kind of embarrassing to explain it to the police, don’t you think?”

   He laughed. She loved that they could be so carefree together, even in their respective roles. So many of the Dominants she’d played with in the past took everything much too seriously. Not Luke. He could be serious, but he was also playful and funny.

   “You know what I think?” he asked, tracing circles right above her clit.

   I know what I think. I think I want your fingers just a touch lower. “I’m afraid to ask, Sir.”

   “I think you talk too much.”

   She clamped her lips together, expecting him to get on her about her chatter. So much for playful Luke.

   “Yes,” he said. “You talk entirely too much. I think you need a distraction to help you be silent.”

   He didn’t make her wait long to find out what he meant by that. Before she had time to think, she felt him move between her legs and his mouth was on her. She was so surprised, she let out a yelp before she could stop it.

   “Mmm, not quite silent, but definitely no chatter.” His breath was hot against her skin. She’d had a wax the day before and she was hypersensitive there. She clenched her fist to keep from grabbing his hair and pushing him to where she wanted him to be.

   Deep breaths, she told herself. You know that he’ll make it better than what you could do on your own. She took another breath and felt her body relax more.

   “Your submission isn’t something you hand over lightly,” he said. “Thank you for trusting me with it.”

   He was sexy as all fuck, but when he said things like that, he came very near to stealing her heart. The meaning and truth of his words, and who he was, swept over her, and she relaxed further, knowing he had her best interest at heart. That he wanted only her pleasure.

   “I like you like this.” His chin was rough on her skin. “So accepting and compliant.”

   She couldn’t help it when she replied, “Don’t get used to it, Sir.”

   His laugh was muffled by the fact he’d just sucked her clit into his mouth. Her body tensed with the effort not to come.

   He pulled back. “Don’t hold back tonight. I want to hear all your sounds and I want you to come as many times as you’re able.”

   “You’re going to be the death of me, Sir.”

   He didn’t reply, but went back to his slow, teasing torture with his mouth. Freed from having to withhold her release, she let her orgasm sweep over her. She thought he’d stop then, but apparently he wasn’t finished. It wasn’t until she came a second time that he stepped away.

   “Lift your shirt. Let me see those gorgeous breasts,” he said.

   From her place on the countertop, she arched her back and slid her shirt up. She wished she could see him, could see his eyes. That way she’d know what he was thinking.

   Which was probably why he’d blindfolded her. So she wouldn’t. It wasn’t her place to think right now.

   “So fucking gorgeous,” he said, running his hands over her chest. “I could feast on you.”

   She jerked when something cold dribbled across her nipples.

   “Mmm,” he said. “Now that looks delicious.”

   She wondered what it was that he had put on her. She tried to remember what she had in her refrigerator, and she hoped beyond hope that it wasn’t expired. That would not be good.

   “Uh, Sir?”


   “You might want to check the expiration date on whatever that was.” Damn, that was embarrassing to admit.

   “You have expired food in your refrigerator?”

   “I’m saying the potential exists that there could be expired food in my refrigerator.”

   He was silent for several seconds. Heavens, what could he be thinking? Was he looking in the refrigerator? Again, she tried to think about what could be in there that he could possibly have used.

   “Okay,” he said. “Here’s what we’re going to do. I’m going to check the expiration date on this caramel sauce, and if it’s good we’ll continue. If it’s bad, I’ll have you write an essay on the dangers of expired food. And I’ll probably spank you.”

   The caramel sauce. How long had that been in there? She thought it had been there for quite a while, but didn’t those things have a long use time? Writing an essay sounded boring as hell.

   She heard the refrigerator open again. She wished again she wasn’t blindfolded. That she could see was happening. Then the refrigerator closed.

   “You’re in luck. It’s all good.” He licked a nipple. “But you are still a very naughty girl for making me worry like that.”

   She arched her back as he continued his assault on her breasts. He was true to his word and made a feast of her. His teeth, his tongue, and his lips. They were everywhere, and yet they still weren’t enough.

   “You’re still sticky,” he said. “I’m going to make you take a shower after I fuck you. Maybe I’ll take you in the shower. Or maybe I’ll have you suck me off.”

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