The King

Page 101

“Wow,” Justin said again. “Nice.”

“You like it?”

“Love it. I’ve never been in a Rolls Royce before.”

“First time for everything,” Kingsley said, and even in the low light he could see a faint blush on the boy’s face.

“Have you ever... I mean, did you ever—?”

“Have I ever had sex in the back of a Rolls Royce?” Kingsley asked.


Kingsley smiled at him.


Justin smiled back, then he laughed. And it was so good to see that smile and that laugh that Kingsley did something he hadn’t done the first time they were together.

Kingsley kissed him.

Kingsley kissed the outside of Justin’s mouth, his lips, along the tip of his tongue, and in and out and through him until Justin clung to Kingsley’s arms, panting from desire. Justin straddled Kingsley’s lap, and Kingsley yanked his jacket off. They couldn’t get home fast enough.

They broke the kiss when the car arrived at the town house. Once in his bedroom, Kingsley locked the door behind them and kissed Justin again. And again. And again. He couldn’t get enough of his mouth, his trembling lips, the warmth and eagerness.

“I should have kissed you that night,” Kingsley said as he unbuttoned Justin’s shirt. “I should have kissed you all night.”

Kingsley stripped them both naked to the waist and pushed Justin back on to the bed. The first time had been on a hard dirty floor. This time he would do it right.

He held Justin by the hair and kissed his throat and collarbone. When he bit the boy’s shoulder, Justin gasped.

“You want pain again?” Kingsley asked. Last time he’d practically forced himself on Justin. This time he would do it right.

“Yeah, I do,” Justin said as he ran his hands up Kingsley’s bare arms. “I hurt myself sometimes. It turns me on.”

Kingsley stared down into Justin’s coffee-colored eyes. He touched Justin’s pale hair, his lips, felt the pulse in his neck beating wildly. Kingsley had to will himself to calm down. He wanted this boy so much it hurt, wanted to hurt this boy so much.

“What do you like?” Kingsley asked. “How do you want me to hurt you?”

Justin laughed. “I get to tell you what I like?”

Kingsley ran his hand up and down Justin’s chest. He couldn’t get enough of the boy’s smooth young skin.

“I should have asked that night,” Kingsley said. “I wasn’t in a good place then. I’m sorry.”

Justin raised his head and kissed Kingsley. He hoped that meant he was accepting his apology.

“In all my fantasies,” Justin whispered, “the sex is really rough. That’s what I like.”

“Rough sex,” Kingsley repeated. “I think I can do that.”

He moved on top of Justin and grabbed him by the wrists, pinning him to the bed. He kissed him hard this time, brutally hard, and bit his bottom lip until he broke the skin. More bites followed. Kingsley left a trail of bruises from Justin’s ear to his bicep. Justin hadn’t been exaggerating. He gasped in obvious pleasure as Kingsley dug his fingers into his hair and pulled his head back, exposing his throat. It felt so good to let go of all pretense of gentleness. If Justin liked it rough, Kingsley would show him rough.

Kingsley dug his thumb into the hollow of Justin’s throat. With his free hand, Kingsley wrenched Justin’s jeans open and shoved his hand into his pants. Justin was incredibly hard, and so Kingsley stroked him hard, painfully hard. Kingsley yearned to be inside him, but he was enough of a masochist that he forced himself to wait, to hold back as long as he could.

With a dozen vicious bites, Kingsley worked his way down Justin’s body. When Kingsley took his cock into his mouth, Justin groaned and dug his fingers into the sheets. Even now Kingsley wasn’t gentle. He made Justin gasp with the mix of pleasure and pain from the force of the sucking.

He pulled back before Justin could come and sat up on his knees. With his foot on Justin’s hip, Kingsley kicked him onto his stomach. In seconds he’d stripped him completely naked.

Again he gripped his hair at the nape of his neck, pinning him into place.

“You like this, don’t you?” Kingsley asked. “Being treated like property? Being used?”

“Yes,” Justin whispered, his mouth against the red sheets.

“You want me to use you?”

“I want you to do everything to me you want.”

“You want me to fuck you?” Kingsley demanded.


“Say it.”

“Fuck me. Please...”

Kingsley heard the desperation in his voice.

“I might make you regret asking for that.”

“I’ll only regret what you don’t do to me,” he said. And for that sentiment alone, Kingsley decided to fuck Justin all night long.

He moved off the bed and pulled a case from underneath it. He unlatched it and pulled out a set of heavy stainless-steel handcuffs. He took out a plug and lube. Condoms were on the bedside table. Everything he needed for a night of sin.

Without asking permission first, Kingsley clapped the handcuffs on to Justin’s wrists and locked them behind his back. The sight of this beautiful blond twenty-year-old boy in handcuffs naked on his bed was everything he could have asked for all wrapped up in a stainless-steel bow.

With two wet fingers, Kingsley pushed inside Justin. The boy groaned, and Kingsley smiled behind his back. He opened Justin up—first two fingers and then three. From three fingers to four. He inserted the plug to open Justin up even more. He pushed the boy on to his side and took him in his mouth again. Now he opened his pants and shoved himself into Justin’s mouth. The boy choked a little at first but soon his throat opened, and he licked and kissed Kingsley as eagerly as Kingsley sucked and licked and kissed him. Lost in the mutual pleasure, Kingsley forgot everything. He forgot why he’d gone to the Möbius tonight, forgot what he looked for there, forgot the pain of knowing he didn’t find it. He pulled back and knelt at Justin’s head. Kingsley watched while Justin, with his eyes closed, sucked him deep. He’d promised to be rough with the boy, but it was a gentle hand that ran through his pale hair and caressed his face with his fingertips.

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