The Master

Page 18

Hell, yes, she wanted to experience one of Master Johnson’s rewards.

“I’m ready, Sir.”

“Good job, little one. Two steps forward.”

It started out easy enough. Little steps forward. Turn right and two more steps. But as she made her way deeper into the room and farther from him, her nerves and self-doubt tried to get the better of her.

“Don’t you trust me?” Peter’s voice had been accusatory. Almost as if he was saying she didn’t get a say in what they did.

“Of course I trust you, but . . .” How would she safeword?

“No buts. Either you do or you don’t.”

“Sasha?” Cole’s voice didn’t sound anything like Peter’s. The memory disappeared.

“Yes, Sir?”

“You froze. Are you okay?”

She took a few deep breaths. I’m safe. I’m with Cole. He’ll protect me. “I had a flashback, Sir, but I feel better.”

She heard him walking toward her and then she felt his nearness.

His breath tickled her ear. “I’m going to touch your shoulders.”

She only had a chance to nod before his hands were rubbing her shoulders. Her body moved instinctively toward him.

“First of all, breathe, little one. Then tell me what happened.”

She took several deep breaths, like he’d told her before. Funny how such a simple act made her feel better. “It was a flashback to that night. Peter. He asked me if I trusted him, but I was afraid. I wouldn’t be able to safe out.”

“So you knew you shouldn’t have moved forward?” His tone was light and non-accusatory. And his hands felt so good.

“Yes, but I didn’t say anything. I thought it was sweet we knew each other so well we didn’t need safe words anymore.”

“I’m not going to give you a lecture on why that was a mistake. I’m sure you’ve heard it enough. I will tell you that if you’re uneasy about anything we’re doing, I expect you to yellow. The only thing that will upset me is if you don’t use your safe words. Understood?”

“Yes, Sir.”

He continued rubbing her shoulders and back. It wasn’t long before her tension left completely.

She swayed against him.


“Yes, Sir.”

“Do we need to stop?”

“I’d like to finish.”

His breath tickled her ear again. “That’s my girl,” he said with one last squeeze of her shoulder. “You make me proud.”

His praise gave her the strength she needed to finish. Though she’d doubted her ability to find a knowledgeable Dom, her instincts told her he was a Dom worth submitting to. Unfortunately, he was only hers for this little slice of time. He didn’t even think she was submissive enough to have sex with.

But I can show him this. I can prove I can do this.

With a renewed confidence, she focused on his voice and broke out into a huge smile when he told her she’d made it to the sunroom.

“Stay where you are. Keep the blindfold on.” His voice moved closer to her.

She was still smiling when he removed the blindfold. Her first sight was his own smile.

“You did it,” he said. “Wonderfully and without penalty. I’m so proud of you.”

Holy fuck, what that smile did to his face. He was so gorgeous it hurt.

“Thank you, Sir,” she managed to get out.

“So, what will it be for your reward? What do you want? If it’s within reason, it’s yours.”

His lips mesmerized her. They were full and so sexy-looking, and when he smiled like he was, her heart skipped a beat.

The words rushed out before she could stop them. “A kiss, Sir. I want a kiss.”

He froze. “A kiss?”

She could have kicked herself. He’d been so happy and pleased with her. Now he was looking at her like she’d lost her mind.

She looked at his shoes. “It’s okay, I mean, you don’t have to. I under—”

“Stop, Sasha.”

Silence surrounded them and then he softly said, “I’m going to touch you.”

His hand gently cupped her chin and when he lifted her head, she found him staring at her mouth. His thumb traced her bottom lip as if asking a question. He was so silent, she knew he was thinking of a polite way to tell her no. How could she have blurted out something so stupid? She hoped this didn’t make things uncomfortable between them.

“Oh, Sasha,” he said, his thumb sweeping her bottom lip one last time, and he lowered his head so his lips lightly brushed hers.

She couldn’t hold back the low moan that escaped her throat.

He whispered a curse and then his lips were back on hers in a crushing kiss that took her breath away.

His lips were more than full, they were rough and demanding. His arms came around her and he pressed his hips into hers so she felt his sizable erection.

It was more than a kiss. It was a claiming, it was a command, and more than anything, it was an assurance. She could still feel desire and want and need for a man. A Dom, even.

He parted her lips and she tasted mint. She needed more, wanted more of his touch. She wanted to know what he meant when he said he required much from his sexual partners. He was everything she craved and even though he carried about him a hint of danger that should have scared her, it didn’t.

One of his hands left her hip and inched up her body, bypassing her breasts and coming to rest behind her head. His fingers dug into her hair, holding her to him while he took what he wanted. He moved half a step closer, eliminating any remaining distance between them.

She had to touch him, had to. She put her arms around his waist and pushed ever so slightly against his ass, hoping to feel more of his cock. She gasped. Damn.

His hips jerked and he pulled back with a groan. She kept her head down and didn’t dare look at him. She knew that once she did, she’d only see regret in his eyes and couldn’t face that yet. But he spoke her name and when she looked up, she only saw his desire for her.

“I won’t apologize,” he said in a voice that was several degrees hoarser than before.

“I would hope not, Sir. It’s what I asked for.”

He didn’t smile. “So you did, little one. But I think it’s for the best we don’t do that again.”

•   •   •

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