The Master

Page 30

“Are you happy with what you do?”

“Oh, sure. It’s fifty percent my business. Besides, Julie and I balance each other out. She’s more business and numbers, and I’m more personal relations.”

“Where do you see yourself in five years?”

She tilted her head and raised an eyebrow. “Is this a job interview for a position I didn’t know I applied for? Next, are you going to ask me if I prefer to work alone or on a team?”

He couldn’t help but smile at her sass. “No, I was going to save that for if you made it to the second round.”

She laughed softly, a musically feminine sound.

“I like it when you laugh, Sasha,” he said.

She smiled and dipped her head. Suddenly, he was acutely aware of how close her body was to him. How easy it would be to gently lift her chin and lower his lips to hers.

“I suppose I haven’t had a lot to laugh about the last few months,” she said, and her matter-of-factness pained him.

“I’m glad our outing provided you the outlet you needed,” he said.

“Me, too,” she whispered. “Thank you for that.”

The air between them hummed, and he knew if he didn’t do something or change the subject, he’d wind up doing something he’d regret.

He cleared his throat and the spell was broken. “Ready for ice cream?”

She opened her mouth to speak, closed it, and looked pensive for several seconds before saying, “Yes, that would be great.”

They stood and walked to the creamery portion of the property. The walk was quiet, but not uncomfortably so. Cole had always thought it to be more telling of how well you got along with someone when you could enjoy the silence together. Too many times he found himself trying to fill the silence with words when he was around someone he didn’t particularly get along with.

Sasha walked beside him, her hands clasped behind her back. The position thrust her chest out slightly and he wondered if she did it on purpose.

An old yellow Lab slowly made his way toward them as they approached the creamery. He stopped in the middle of the path, midway to them, and waited.

Sasha’s step quickened. “Oh, look. He’s so pretty.”

She stopped in front of him and held out her hand, offering it for the Lab to sniff. When the dog licked her instead, she laughed and rubbed his head. “What a sweetie.”

Cole watched from the side, and the sight of her made his heart ache. He knew he was catching a rare glimpse of the happy and lighthearted Sasha who existed before Peter. Her interactions with the dog were natural and easy, almost as if she was a different person. Her smile came effortlessly and her laugh was genuine. It was only when she felt his eyes on her that she stood and brushed off her hands.

“Think we can fit him in your car?” she asked.

“I think he’d be missed.”

She gave the Lab a scratch behind the ears. “Probably.”

They resumed walking the short distance to the creamery shop. A handful of people milled around outside. They drew to a stop in front of the counter.

“Everything looks so good.” Sasha studied the glass case and turned to look at him when he didn’t follow suit. “Aren’t you going to see what they have?”

“No, I know what I want.”

After they ordered and got their cones, they sat at a worn picnic table.

“Why are you looking at me like that?” he asked her.

“You got vanilla.”


“It’s just vanilla. It’s plain.” She wrinkled her nose.

“It’s not plain, it’s simple. And it’s so simple, it’s extraordinarily complex.”

“I don’t get it.”

“Close your eyes and clear your mind.” He waited until they were closed and then he held his cone up to her lips. “Taste it like it’s your first time.”

Her tongue darted out and licked the ice cream. He tried not to think about where he’d really like her tongue.

“Mmm.” She licked her lips. “Yum.”

“See?” he asked, pleased that she grasped the lesson so quickly.

She opened her eyes and gave him a mischievous smile. “Yes, and I can only imagine how delicious my mint chocolate chip is going to taste when I apply the same thing to it.”

“I should have guessed you’d say that.”

She licked her own cone. “Yes, you really should have.”

They finished the ice cream, making small talk and discussing details of the house they saw earlier. At one point, the yellow Lab wandered over and sat at Sasha’s feet. She reached an idle hand down and scratched his head.

During a lull in the conversation, he leaned forward and lowered his voice. “There’s a play party next weekend.”

She froze and he could see her process his words and their meaning before she relaxed. “Yes.”

“Good job, Sasha. You did what I told you to do earlier, didn’t you?” She’d remembered he wouldn’t touch her without telling her where and how.

“Yes, Sir.”

He nodded. “A fast learner. I like that. I would like for you to attend the party with me.”

He paused, gauging her reaction. Her cheeks were flushed with excitement. “I would like that,” she said.

“Since the party will be held at Master Greene’s house and I don’t know if he has granite countertops, I won’t have you wear the black lingerie.”

Her voice was calm when she asked, “What will you have me wear, Sir?”

“I’ll have it sent to you this week.” Let her think about it for a while.

“I look forward to it.”

“We won’t formally participate in any scenes, but you will serve as my submissive.”

Her lips parted and she nodded. “Yes, Sir.”

“Master Greene has asked me if he can apologize for Peter’s actions.” He watched her carefully, looking for any hint of panic.

“Will Peter be there?” she asked quietly.

“No, in fact I understand that as a result of the phone call, there’s to be a meeting to determine if he should be allowed to remain in the group.”

Her eyes widened in shock. She hadn’t heard that. He was surprised Julie hadn’t told her, but then again, Daniel might not have told Julie.

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