The Master

Page 50

Sasha muttered a promise to be careful, but she had a sinking feeling it was already too late.

•   •   •

Almost two weeks later, she stood in the foyer of Cole’s new house telling herself it was only natural to feel apprehensive about what she was getting ready to do. Arriving to the massive home with only her purse and journal made her feel defenseless. She’d get over it soon.

Cole closed and locked the front door behind her. The sound echoed in the otherwise still foyer. “What are you thinking?”

She took a deep cleansing breath. “How defenseless I feel standing here.”

“Good.” He walked to stand in front of her and cupped her chin so she had no choice but to meet his eyes. “As of right now, you are defenseless. By agreeing to do this, you have placed yourself under my complete control. I determine everything you do, you say, you wear, and very nearly what you think.”

Her heart beat faster. This was a new side of Cole, one she’d only caught glimpses of before.

“Your one goal, your one purpose in life, is to serve me. You will serve me with your obedience, your mind, and your body. You have safe words if you need them, but let’s be very clear.” He leaned over her and whispered in her ear. “For the next two weeks, I fucking own you.”

A shiver ran down her spine and her skin broke out in gooseflesh.

He took a step back. “You have an hour to prepare your body to serve me. The master bathroom contains everything you’ll need. Once you’re finished in the bathroom, you’ll find instructions.”

Without waiting for her to acknowledge he’d spoken or that she understood, he turned and left her standing alone. Her heart pounded wildly.

Holy hell.

She brought her hand to her chest and closed her eyes. Based on how he’d acted just now, there would be no slow and easy initiation into the next few weeks. Apparently, they were hitting the ground running at full speed.

Her lips slowly curved into smile.

She couldn’t wait.

As she climbed the stairs to the second floor, she felt the weight of his stare on her back. She wasn’t sure where he was watching her from, but as she walked, she made sure to sway her hips. At the top of the stairs, hoping he still watched, she slipped her shirt over her head, unhooked her bra, and walked topless to the bathroom.

Based on the conversations they’d had over the past week, she knew exactly what would be waiting for her in the bathroom. Placed in a neat row on the countertop were the items she needed: body wash, shampoo, lotion, shaving cream, a razor, toothbrush with toothpaste, tweezers, a hairbrush, and a tube of lube. She purposely ignored the last item for the time being and picked up the body wash, popping it open to smell. Lemongrass.

She grabbed a towel and debated between shower or bathtub. Deciding she was wound too tightly for a bath, she turned on the shower and waited until steam filled the room before hopping in.

As she washed and shaved, she was acutely aware of how vastly different this shower was from every shower she’d ever taken before. This shower was more than a way to get clean. It was preparing her body for Cole in the manner he wanted. She was filled with a desire to be waiting for him smelling, looking, and feeling exactly the way he wanted. She wanted to present herself perfectly to him because that would bring him pleasure.

She dried off and put on the lotion he’d left out. Her hands trembled with excitement while she styled her hair. Her time here would be like nothing she’d ever experienced. There would be nothing to worry or stress over. There would only be Cole.

After glancing at the time, she double-checked with the tweezers to ensure she removed any stray hair missed by the razor. She brushed her teeth and was finally faced with one last item. She eyed the lube before picking it up. When she went to open it, she noticed the writing in black marker:

Bring this with you.

She sighed in relief and placed the tube on top of her clothes. Perhaps he was only reminding her what he planned. It didn’t mean he’d do it today.

Waiting for her on the bed were a garter belt, sheer hose, skimpy panties, and a lace bra. All in black. She ran her fingers over the lingerie and smiled.

He remembered.

The conversation about her fantasy party wear. He not only remembered, but he made it happen.

And this was no ordinary lingerie. Though she normally wore nondescript cotton, she recognized the high-end name brand. The Doms she’d played with in the past never really cared what she wore, one way or the other. The one time she’d put on something sexy for Peter, he scoffed and told her it was pointless because she wouldn’t be wearing it long. But this?

This was decadent.

She took her time putting on each piece, imagining how she’d look once she had it all on. But when she looked in the mirror, she was unprepared for what she saw reflected.

She’d told Julie that Cole made her feel strong and sexy, but today he’d done more. Today he’d shown her she actually was strong and sexy. She stretched this way and that in front of the mirror. She looked better than she had in her fantasy.

A note had been placed beside the outfit with her name written in Cole’s handwriting.

I’ve been unable to get the picture of you in black silk and lace out of my head. Once you’re dressed, meet me in the kitchen. It’s time to take responsibility for your actions.

Cole taking her in the kitchen was one of her favorite fantasies. To think he’d had the same one made her want to run down the stairs and beg him to take her. Probably not the best course of action, though.

Doing her best to ignore her pounding heart and trying to appear as if she did this sort of thing daily, she walked calmly down the stairs and into the kitchen. He stood by the island and appraised her as she entered. The look of masculine appreciation and desire made her stomach do cartwheels.

“Very nice, little one. You look fucking fabulous.”

She dipped her head. “Thank you, Sir.”

“But aren’t you missing something?”

Missing something? How was that even possible?

Her eyes widened.


“I forgot the lube, Sir.”

“Kneel, slave.” His voice chilled her.

She dropped to her knees, cursing herself for messing up so soon.

“I gave you a simple instruction, did I not?” he asked in the same frigid tone.

“Yes, Sir. Very simple.”

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