The Matchmaker's Playbook

Page 74

I had finished my last push-up and collapsed onto the mat, evening my breathing, waiting for my heart rate to come down, when a pair of flip-flops stepped directly in my line of vision.

Black-and-white 1992 Adidas flip-flops in a size nine.

Slowly, I raised my head, then pushed myself to a sitting position on the mat. “Yes?” I kept my voice curt, irritated. That wasn’t hard to pull off, since I was exhausted from my workout and extremely pissed off. Love or no love, she’d still kissed another guy.

Cheating was cheating.


Blake’s wavy hair was pulled into a low ponytail, and she was sporting black-rimmed glasses. I’d had no clue she even wore glasses. A generous amount of midriff was showing, compliments of her low basketball shorts and her very high and tight pink sports bra.

I could only imagine how many guys in that exact moment started stacking on the weights in hopes of impressing her, not realizing she wasn’t the type to be impressed by that. I should know.

Athletes saw through shit like that, especially when you couldn’t even pull the damn bar off the rack.

“Blake,” David yelled across the gym.

I clenched my teeth and tried to keep myself from seriously losing my shit. Why the hell was she here?

“Listen.” Blake ignored David and leaned down, her voice low. “I need to talk to you alone.”

“Didn’t you get my e-mail?” I stood abruptly and toweled off my neck. “We’re done.”

“No, we aren’t.” Her lower lip trembled as she placed a hand on my forearm. “Ian, I love you. I’m sorry about the kiss. I can explain. It wasn’t about you. I was confused.”

“No shit,” I said with a hollow laugh. “Look, you did us both a favor.”

“Oh?” It was her turn to look pissed as she jerked her hand away and crossed her arms, pressing her tits high enough to give any dude looking our direction sexual fantasies for hours.

“Yeah.” I quickly tugged her arms down and pinned them at her sides. Better. “Our projected success rate . . . it wasn’t good. So unless you want to take a fifty-fifty chance”—I shrugged and nodded toward an approaching David—“you should go for the one you’ve wanted all along.”

Damn, how had I never noticed how stupid his walk was? Straight lines, amigo, straight lines.

Blake’s eyes narrowed. “All of that’s changed. You know that.”

“It’s the sex,” I explained. “A chemical reaction occurs that bonds you to a person emotionally when you have sex. Give it a few days before it’ll wear off. So will I.”

“Ian,” she said again, this time with more desperation. “I’m telling you I love you, and you’re pushing me away. Don’t you care about me at all? Maybe even a tiny bit?”

Yes. I cared too much. And in that moment, regardless of what she said, regardless of how she felt about me, I knew I was going to have to make the choice for her.

Because it wasn’t worth the risk. She was worth it, absolutely. But me? I wasn’t.

It sucked to actually have zero belief in myself, but what if I hurt her? What if, in this situation, I was her Jerry, my sister’s husband? The guy she settles for, only to pine for someone else ten years down the road?

“Ian?” Tears pooled in her eyes.

“Go.” I stepped back. “Your boyfriend’s waiting for you.”

“My boyfriend’s standing in front of me.”

“Not anymore,” I whispered, taking one last lingering look at those lips, those eyes. I had to look away. “Be happy.”

“Are you?”

“Am I what?” My head snapped to attention. David was only five feet away from us now, and gaining.


“Does it matter?” I asked while David snaked his arm around Blake and tried pulling her in for a kiss.

“To me, yes.”

“Ian!” David held out his free hand. “Good to see you, man.”

I stared at his hand, then blankly met his gaze, blatantly ignoring his supposed offer of friendship, because all he was doing was trying to give me the winner’s shake. The one that said, Oh hey, sorry you lost, you pathetic bastard, but here’s a participation medal for all your trouble. No hard feelings, right? Oh, PS—did you teach her that arch thing in bed? Thanks, man. Thanks a lot.

“Hell,” I said under my breath and faked the best smile I could muster. “See you guys later. And David?”

Unbelievable. He was still smirking. “Yeah?”

“Treat her well.”

“Oh.” His eyes lowered as he kissed the top of her head. “I already did . . . last night.”

Blake’s eyes widened.

And before I knew what was happening, I was launching myself across the mat and pummeling his face with my fist.


“Ian,” Blake shouted as strong arms wrapped around my chest and jerked me away from David’s body on the floor. I tried to go after him again.

“Dude.” DJ gripped me harder. “Let it go, man. Just let it go.”

“You bastard!” I yelled. “Disrespect her like that again and I’ll kill you!”

David sneered through bloodstained teeth. “I was kidding.” He patted his already-bruising nose. “Geez, man, take a joke.”

A joke? Who joked about having sex with a girl in front of her? Guilt gnawed at my chest, because really, how many times had I done the exact same thing?

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