The Mighty Storm

Page 33

Will goes to the bar to get us some drinks. The party is buzzing already. But all I can think about is Jake. When is he going to get here? And what kind of mood will he be in when he does arrive?

“So the show was great,” Simone enthuses. “A little crazy in parts.” She raises her eyebrow and I know exactly what she’s getting at.

“No kidding,” I mutter.

“Is Jake always that … intense?”

“Not generally, but with me, recently … yes.”

“God, when he started talking about all the cheating stuff, then he started singing Mr Brightside, I nearly died for you.”

“I think I did die.” I give her a weak smile.

“He’s definitely got it bad for you, sweetie.”

“I don’t know about that.” I lift my shoulders. “I think maybe it’s just because currently, I’m the one thing he can’t have.”

She shakes her head. “No, it’s more than that. He wouldn’t put himself out there on the line like that if it was just for a conquest. I’m pretty sure there are others things out there for Jake to conquest if he wanted.”

Yeah, and mostly that’s what I’m worried about.

I see movement in the door, distracting me.

Denny walks in with Stuart. But no sign of Jake or Tom.

Where is he? Wouldn’t they come together? They usually do, but then I’ve been with them on those occasions.

Odd though because Stuart is always with Jake. I wonder why he’s sent him on with Denny?

People stop Denny, congratulating him on the show. Stuart spies me and comes over to our table.

“Hello my gorgeous chica” He kisses me on the cheek. “Oh, and another gorgeous.” He kisses Simone. She flushes scarlet.

“Are all you Brit chicks gorgeous, or just the ones Tru knows?”

“All British girls are hot – especially the half-Puerto Rican and foxy blonde ones.” I grin at him.

“Well, if the men are anything near as good looking as your hot boyfriend then I’m flying over now,” he says to us, grinning, setting both Simone and I laughing.

Even though I’m laughing, all I want to do is ask Stuart where Jake is. But I can’t. It might look to obvious.

Denny finally makes it to our table, and drops down into the seat next to Simone. I see her instantly tense up.

“Hey, Tru,” he smiles.

“Denny this is my best friend and roommate, Simone,” I introduce.

“Great to meet you,” Denny turns, looking at Simone for the first time, and I see his eyes widen the instant he looks at her.

I’m not surprised, she is absolutely gorgeous.

I see her eyes are already lit up like a Christmas tree over Denny. You’d have to be blind not to notice the obvious, instant attraction.

Oh, I have a good feeling about this

I smile to myself as Denny starts to talk to Simone; happy that at least out of the two of us, one of us is currently happy.

Will comes back with our drinks. A margarita for me. He knows me so well.

I take a sip, the fresh alcohol kick is perfect. My drinks from the gig were starting to wear off.

“Sorry guys, I didn’t realise you were here otherwise I’d have got you some drinks in,” Will says to Stuart and Denny.

“Hey, no problem, man,” Denny says, waving him off.

“Oh, Denny, this is my boyfriend, Will.”

I don’t know why but it suddenly feels odd referring to Will as my boyfriend to Denny.

“Nice to meet you, man.” Denny shakes Will’s hand.

“You too,” Will says, politely. “Great show.”


“I’ll go to the bar,” Stuart starts to get to his feet, but Denny gets up. “Sit down, man, I’ll get these – beer?” he asks Stuart.

“Beer’s good,” Stuart replies, sitting back down.

Denny heads over to the bar, and Stuart starts talking to Will about the show.

I lean across the table to Simone. “So Denny…” I raise my eyebrows at her.

She flushes red. It’s so cute to see. I haven’t seen her like this about a guy for a long while.

“He’s even better looking in the flesh,” she whispers, shyly.

“He is,” I agree. “And he’s a really great guy. He was in a long term relationship, but they broke up about a year ago and he’s been single ever since.”

“So basically he’s not a womaniser like the other two?”

It’s my turn to flush. “Um … yes.”

She grimaces. “Sorry that sounded–”

I flash my eyes in Will’ direction, cutting her off.

She presses her lips together, apologising with her eyes.

I sit back in my chair and give her a light, forgiving smile. But it feels heavy on my face and I can’t hold it for long.

Denny comes back with his and Stuart’s drinks, taking Simone’s attention again. And I glad because I just can’t seem to muster up any conversation with anyone. My mind is far too busy working overtime, wondering where Jake is, what he’s up too and who with.

If he was with Denny I wouldn’t be worried. But he’s with Tom, and Tom’s … well, he’s exactly the same as Jake, when it comes to women. A complete slag.

And the fact that Denny is here without them, meaning he left them to whatever they were doing so he could come to the party, as he isn’t into the whole shagging thousands of women thing, isn’t looking good right now.

What if Jake is with some groupie who managed to scam her way backstage? Or even worse … with some gorgeous French model or actress who was a VIP at the show.

Jake’s blatantly angry with me because Will is here, so maybe he’s decided to forget all about me with the help of someone else.

I start to feel sick, so I pick my margarita up and get chugging on it, trying to kill all thoughts of Jake.

We’ve been here an hour, the drink is not soothing me and I’m getting ansty, because Jake and Tom are still no shows.

Simone and Denny are getting on a treat which is awesome. I’ve picked up my conversational skills with Will and Stuart some, but not by much, I’m more pretending to listen than actually listening.

My eyes are surreptitiously trained on the door, and person after person, I’m met with disappointment that it’s not Jake walking through those doors.

I don’t even know if he’ll even speak to me when he does arrive. Or maybe he won’t come because I’m here with Will.

No, it’s the aftershow party for the final leg of the European tour, a big deal and there are a lot of important people here. Jake’s a businessman as well as a musician, he’ll show.

I’m getting the urge to want to call him. I keep considering it over and over in my mind whether or not to go to the bathroom and call him.

I’m on my second margarita, and trying to pace myself for the night, as I feel it will more than likely be a long one. And counting the drinks I had at the show, I’m three glasses of wine and two margaritas in already.

Denny has gone to the bar, Simone accompanying under the pretence of helping him carry the drinks back. She just wanted to get him alone, and I can’t say I blame her.

Stuart and Will are talking cars now, so I open up my handbag on the table and check my phone for the tenth time to see if Jake has called or text me, but there’s nothing but a blank screen staring back at me.

I’m turning into a crazy person over him. Is he doing this to me on purpose? Knowing him, yes, quite probably.

But I have to know whether he’s coming tonight or not.

I decide to go to the bathroom to call him, and I’m just about to get up from my seat, when I hear the noise that always accompanies Jake, as he comes into the party with Tom. Dave and Ben are obviously with them, and there’s a group of people I don’t recognise also.

Rapturous applause breaks out, the masses encroaching on Jake. And in this moment I feel incredibly proud of him as all eyes in the room are focussed solely on him.

I’m so relieved to see him that I think the huge smile on my face might split my cheeks in half.

But my relief doesn’t last long, and I see as the crowd shifts, standing beside Jake, is a very beautiful girl, with long thick red hair, a huge cleavage and legs that go on forever, wearing a dress that shows them off to their max. She looks like model.

And Jake is holding her hand.

My gut empties hollow, the smile quickly falling from my face, as it starts to prickle.

And therein I instantly get my answer as to where, and who he’s been with for the last hour.

A thousand thoughts and emotions stream through me.

None of them good.

I feel sick and stupid, dizzy and my heart is physically hurting in my chest.

My legs are itching to take me up from this chair and running for the door and out of here, and far, far away.

But I don’t move. I just sit here, rooted with pain, as I watch Jake with this girl.

I see his eyes scan the room. They lock onto mine. I freeze for a long moment, while his eyes burn me.

I look away. It’s too hard to look at him for another moment longer, as thoughts whip through my mind as to what he’s been doing with her.

I wonder if that is what it’s like for him when I’m with Will.

Maybe that’s why he’s with her, to hurt me. Well, if it is, it’s working, and well.

I’m raw with jealousy. I didn’t know I had it in me to feel it to this level.

With my trembling hand, I finger the steam of my glass, picking it up I tip my head back, letting the margarita run down my throat.

As I move my eyes downwards, resting my glass back on the table, I’m met with Jake. He’s standing at our table, directly in front of me, his redhead in tow.

He’s not holding her hand anymore, I notice. Even still, it doesn’t make me feel any better.

I just feel angry with him, and jealous. So very jealous.

And for a second, I wish I was sitting next to Will and not Stuart, so I could hurt Jake like he’s hurting me. But then it would be a little strange if I leaned over Stuart to get to Will.

More like obvious, and childish, I’d say.

I force composure on myself.

“Where’s Denny?” Jake asks Stuart.

He’s ignoring me. It hurts.

“The bar.” Stuart points in Denny’s direction.

Seeing Denny with Simone, Jake grins and nods his head in approval.

“Hi, I’m Will,” Will says to Jake, getting to his feet. “Tru’s boyfriend. We haven’t had a chance to meet yet.” Will holds his hand out to Jake.

Jake glances down at his hand like he’s not sure what to do with it.

And for that long second everything seems to hang in the air, precariously balancing.

Then Jake takes his hand and shakes it. “Good to finally meet you. Tru’s told me a lot about you.”

Jake casts a glance in my direction. It tears right through me.

“All good I hope?”

“Of course,” Jake lightly shrugs his shoulders, taking his hand back.

I let the breath out I was holding.

“The show was amazing,” Will continues, sitting back down. “And I thought your version of Mr Brightside was bloody brilliant – better than the original.”

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