The Vincent Boys

Page 5

Chapter 4

The ding alerting me of a text message woke me up. I rubbed my eyes and tried to focus before reaching for my phone.

Beau: G’ morning

The shock of seeing his name on my phone this early had me sitting up quickly and then flopping back down against my pillow as last night’s events rushed back to me. I could almost feel Beau’s lips on my shoulder and I shivered under the covers.

Beau: When u wake up call me

I should ignore him. I should ignore these texts and pretend like last night never happened. But the memory of his breath in my ear and his hands caressing my arms threw all my good intentions out the window.

Me: I’m awake now

In less than a minute my phone rang. I had a decision to make and fast. I either ignore his call and save both Beau and me the future trouble. Or I answer and forget about the consequences.


“Hey.” His voice made me instantly glad I answered.

“About last night,” I began.

“I want to see you today,” he interrupted.

My heart pounded in my chest and I smiled up at the ceiling. He wanted to see me.

“Okay,” I replied quickly.

“Do you mind coming here?”

“Your place?” I asked.

“Yeah, I’ve got some things I need to do for Mom. Why don’t you come keep me company?”

I sat up in bed grinning like an idiot.

“I’ll be there in thirty minutes. Have you eaten?”

“No, not yet.”

“I’ll bring breakfast then,” I replied.

“Sounds good.”

“Okay, bye.”

He hesitated a minute then said, “See ya soon.”

My heart was going at warp speed as I jumped up and headed to the kitchen to make some biscuits before taking a shower.


I reached for my phone for at least the tenth time to call and cancel when Ashton’s Jetta spun into the gravel drive outside.


I’d successfully fought off my good intentions just long enough for her to get here. This was bad. Hurting people isn’t something I have issues with, but hurting Sawyer? That’s out of the question.

Ashton stepped out of her car wearing another short dress and carrying a plate of food. Watching the sway of her hips under the wispy fabric as she made her way toward me, the corners of her mouth turned up in a shy little smile, I decided I didn’t care if I was being a dirtbag. Sawyer wasn’t here and I couldn’t seem to help myself.

My cousin should have stayed his ass home.

“I made sausage biscuits,” she said as she approached the door.

“Yum, I’m starving,” I replied, holding the door open for her. The breeze ruffled her hair as she walked past me. Why did she have to smell so damn good? I closed the door and turned around to drink her in. Last night when I’d left her I’d gone straight to Nicole. Reminding myself who I was had been vitally important. Nicole had been very willing but my body couldn’t seem to forget how good Ashton felt curled up against me.

“I didn’t expect you to call me,” Ashton said softly while studying the plate of biscuits in her hands. I’d had a moment of intense weakness when I’d woken up from an incredibly good dream she had starred in. All I could think about was being near her again.

“I hated the way we left things last night.”

She blushed and glanced up at me. “I’m really sorry about how I acted.”

Damn, damn, damn, I wasn’t going to be able to resist her. Pushing Sawyer to the deep dark forgotten part of my mind I walked over to her and took the plate of biscuits and sat them down on the counter.

“I told you last night, I started it. I should be the one apologizing.”

She let out a small laugh and stared down at her feet.

“No, I distinctly remember it being my leg that was hiked up in your lap and my hand that was up your shirt. You had completely stopped touching me. Thanks for trying to take the blame off me but I was there, Beau.”

I slipped my arms around her waist and pulled her to me. Right now I didn’t care who she belonged to. I wanted her and I couldn’t see past my need.

“Look at me,” I whispered, slipping my finger under her chin and tilting her face up so I could see her eyes. “The only reason I didn’t grab you and haul you onto my lap last night was because for the first time in my life I want something that belongs to the only person I love. I started touching you last night because I couldn’t keep my hands off you. I thought if I could touch you just a little bit I’d be able to handle it. But then you didn’t react the way I expected.” I stopped and closed my eyes. Staring down at her while I talked about her reaction to my touch was difficult. Those big innocent green eyes soaking in every word out of my mouth. God, she was perfect.

“And my good intentions were fading fast. If you’d kept touching me for just a few more seconds I’d have lost it. I was hanging on by a thread. A very thin thread.”

She stepped back out of my embrace and gave me a little grin.

“Okay. Thank you for saying that.” She turned and walked over to the counter then began taking the plastic wrap off the biscuits. “We both love him. Neither of us want to hurt him. But . . . we’re drawn to each other. We have history. The three of us. For the past few years it’s been just me and Sawyer. I didn’t want it to be that way, it just happened. I think we can all be friends again. I want us to be. So, while he’s gone let’s just enjoy being friends. I promise to keep my hands to myself if you promise the same.”

She peered at me over her shoulder as she moved to set the biscuits on plates she’d found in the dish rack. Telling her how I’d do anything she asked wasn’t exactly the best move. I nodded and went to get glasses and orange juice so we could eat breakfast together. Just like we used to.

“STOP IT, BEAU!” Ashton squealed as she ran around the side of the truck away from the water hose I’d aimed her way.

“But you’ve got soap all over your arms. I’m just trying to wash it off,” I replied. Her laughter made something inside me tighten and I forced myself not to think about it.

“Sure you were. By soaking me. I’d prefer the soapy arms, thank you very much.”

“Ah, come on, Ash. I was just trying to help. I promise I won’t do it again. Besides, you aren’t even wearing a white shirt. I’ve got no reason to hose you down.”

She walked around the front of my truck cautiously. She didn’t trust me. I dropped the hose and held up both my hands. “See, I promise,” I assured her.

She tilted her head to one side and bit her bottom lip. “Hmmm, okay.”

I watched her slowly approach the bucket of soapy water to retrieve the sponge she’d dropped. Before I could respond she stood up and hurled a large, wet, soapy sponge at my face and squealed in delight before turning and running back to the other side of the truck.

“You’ve asked for it now,” I yelled at her and took off around the opposite side of the truck to catch her.

“I’m sorry,” she screamed through her laughter.

“Too late for apologies, darlin’. I’m taking you down.”

“Beau, I promise I won’t! Please don’t throw it at me!” She ducked down behind the back of the truck.

“Well, isn’t this sweet.”

Nicole’s voice caught me off guard. I stopped chasing Ashton and tossed the wet sponge into the bucket before turning around to find Nicole leaning up against her mother’s candy-apple-red Camaro. The scowl on her face was directed toward Ashton. I glanced back to see Ashton standing beside the bed of my truck holding the soaking wet sponge in her hands while studying Nicole nervously. The comparison of the two girls was like night and day. Where Nicole fit into this run-down trailer park, Ashton looked completely out of place. Old man Macklery stepped out of his front door with a beer in his hands, yelling back over his shoulder at his wife before slamming the door. Everything around me faded away when I was with Ashton. It was no wonder I’d missed Nicole’s arrival. Turning back to Nicole I shot her a warning glare.

“I didn’t hear you drive up.”

She raised her eyebrows and shifted her angry gaze toward me. I knew why she had stopped by. The skin-tight mini skirt and halter top that barely covered her boobs meant she’d come over looking for some action.

“You were having a little too much fun to notice anything but her.”

Crap! This wasn’t good. Ashton was the one person Nicole felt threatened by. It didn’t matter how nice Ashton had always been to Nicole. Nicole hated her. Catching her soaking wet in a skimpy little sundress washing my truck didn’t look real innocent. Ashton was sexy as hell all wet and soapy. A fact I knew wouldn’t go unnoticed by Nicole. She would love to see Ashton crash and burn. I needed to say something but I couldn’t think of anything to say.

“Hello, Nicole. It’s past time for me to leave. I’m glad you’re here to take my place,” Ashton said, breaking the tense silence.

I studied the worried frown tugging at the corner of her mouth. If shoving Nicole back into her Camaro and forcing her to leave would make those pretty lips smile and laugh again I would. Ashton’s eyes met mine and she gave me a bright smile. The kind she used to give me. The kind she had to force. Not the smile I’d grown accustomed to the last few days.

“I’ll let Sawyer know I checked in on you and entertained you in his absence like he requested. Looks like you have someone who’ll no doubt be much more your speed here now,” she said, staring back at me. Then she swung her attention toward Nicole and blasted her with the same fake smile.

“Have fun, you two,” she waved to Nicole. “See ya around.”

I watched as Ash walked to her car and slipped inside all dripping wet. I wanted to run after her and beg her not to leave but I knew this was her way of saving our butts with Sawyer. I hadn’t been able to think of anything to say and I’d left all the explaining to her.

“I find it hard to believe Sawyer meant for her to come over here and have a soapy water fight with you,” Nicole said as she walked toward me.

“Shut up,” I replied and bent over to pick up the hose so I could rinse off my truck.

“I hate her, Beau. You know that. If she needs babysitting, someone else can do it. She isn’t your concern.”

“You don’t tell me who I can and can’t spend time with, Nicole.”

“Hell yes I do! The last time I checked we’re an item. You’re mine. I don’t want you around her. Stay the fuck away from her or I’ll tell Sawyer just how friendly you two were when I drove up. I’m not blind, Beau. I saw the way you were looking at her. The girl might as well have been nekked.”

I swung my head around and glared at her. “No one threatens me, Nicole. You know better. Don’t make that mistake.”

“So, what, you can paw all over your cousin’s girlfriend and I just have to sit and take it?”

“I wasn’t pawing her. We were washing my truck. We’re friends, Nicole. She was my best friend growing up. Our being friends now is not a big deal and Sawyer’s okay with it. Ashton’s too good for me. She knows that. I know that. Sawyer knows that. You should know that.”

Nicole didn’t say anything. I started rinsing off the truck, hoping this conversation was over.

“But you like her.”

It didn’t sound like a question. More like a statement.

“Yes, Nicole. She’s my cousin’s girlfriend. She’s nice and kind and everything we aren’t. Everyone likes her. Everyone but you.”

“I mean you like her-like her. The way you were looking at her. You want her.”

There were a million things I wanted to say. But saying any of them would be a bad move. Keeping Nicole’s mouth shut was more important.

“She’s Sawyer’s girl.”

“Does that matter?” she shot back at me.

It did matter. It should matter. It had always mattered. My fist tightened on the hose in my hand and I suppressed the need to yell out how fucking unfair this was. I didn’t need Nicole questioning me. I had to deal with this shit on my own.

“You know it matters. Sawyer always matters.”

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