The Vincent Brothers

Page 19

Chapter Nineteen


After a week of dates with Lana—either at my house, at the field party, or at Hank’s it was time I took her somewhere nice. She never complained and was open to anything I suggested. Even the other day when I’d asked if she’d wanted to go with me to pick out stuff for my dorm room she’d gone with me happily. Granted, I had to rein her in on her decorating ideas. I was a guy and our curtains and quilts didn’t need to match. I just needed something dark enough to block out the sun on mornings I might actually get to sleep in.

Today, I’d decided to surprise her with a trip to New Orleans. It was a two-hour drive from Grove. The only info I’d given her was that she needed to wear a sundress and comfortable shoes. The restaurant I was taking her to that night was too nice for shorts and required a little bit of a dressier look. We’d be doing a good amount of walking the streets too. As much as I loved her legs in heels, I didn’t figure she’d thank me for not warning her about the walking.

I couldn’t think of a time I’d been this anxious to see someone. She’d fallen asleep in my arms last night and I’d had to sneak out the window in Ashton’s room that Beau had used many times when we were kids.

I pressed the button on the garage door opener and started to back out when my eyes landed on Ashton standing in front of her Jetta, directly behind me. Opening my truck door, I stepped out and walked out to where she was standing.

Tears were streaming down her face and her shoulders were shaking with loud sobs. What the hell?

“Ash, what’s wrong? Is Lana okay?” My heart constricted. Why else would Ash be in my driveway crying like someone was dead? God, please tell me Lana was okay. I’d just left her in her bed a few hours ago. She’d been fine.

“Ash, tell me what’s wrong now.” I felt my throat tighten up and I resisted the urge to grab her shoulders and shake her. I needed her to speak.

“Lana is fine,” she sobbed and I took a deep gulp of air as my panic eased off. This wasn’t about Lana. I could calm down.

“Thank God,” I breathed.

“It’s Beau—he... he,” she burst into tears again.

“Is Beau okay?” I asked and she shoved Beau’s cell phone into my hands.

“Just read that text,” she wailed.

Read what text? Shaking my head, I looked down at Beau’s phone. The text that had Ashton all upset was already opened on the screen.

Sugar: Hey sexy. I had a blast dancing with you last week. And you owe me one more game of pool. That was an unfair game and you know it. You distracted me. So you find another night away from that ball and chain of yours and get your gorgeous ass back to the bar next weekend when I’m back in town XOXO.

I lifted my eyes to meet Ashton’s red swollen ones and all I could think about was exactly how I was going to murder my brother.


Sawyer: I can’t make it. Not sure if you’ve talked to Ash but Beau cheated on her and she needs me. I’ve got to go beat his sorry ass and then see what I can do to calm her down. She was outside on my driveway this morning bawling her eyes out.

I reread the text message from Sawyer for the third time before I finally put my phone down. I don’t know what surprised me more: Beau cheating on Ash or Sawyer dropping me to fix her problems. He could have at least called me. Maybe asked for my help with Ash. He’d done neither. Because this was what he’d been waiting on. All this time, I was just a fill-in while he waited. Beau served Ashton up to him on a silver platter and I wasn’t stupid enough to think I stood a chance of holding onto him. He loved her. He just liked me. I was the summer fling. She was the girl he wanted to spend forever with.

Picking my phone back up, I found Jewel’s number and pressed send.

“It’s about time you called me. How’s it going with Mr. Hot and Sexy?”

“It’s not. I need to leave. Can I come there?”

“Uh, oh. That doesn’t sound good. Of course, you can come here. Do I need to come get you? Because it could be like tonight before I get there. I have plans with this fabulously hot lifeguard. He has the best ass I’ve ever seen. His hair is a little long but I can overlook that.”

“No, I’ll get a ride. I’ll see you in a few hours. Thanks Jewel.”

“No problemo, chica. See ya soon.”

I hung up the phone and dialed one more number.

“Hello,” the cautious tone in Ethan’s voice told me he knew who was calling.

“Hey, Ethan, it’s Lana and I have a huge favor to ask you but I’ll pay you.”

“Uh, okay—”

“I need a ride to the beach.”


Ethan pulled into the parking lot at the condos where Jewel was staying. Her car was parked over to the left side of the building so I knew I’d found the right place.

“I know you said you didn’t want to talk about it but I need to know something, Lana. Sawyer is going to lose it when he finds out you’re gone and he’s my friend.”

Cringing at the predicament I’d put Ethan in I reached into my purse and pulled out five twenty dollar bills and handed it to him.

“I don’t want your money. Just some kind of explanation.”

“Beau and Ash are no longer and Sawyer is busy comforting her and helping her nurse her broken heart. That’s all you need to know.”

Ethan frowned, “Are you sure about that? I can’t think of any female that could ever turn Beau Vincent’s head from Ash. He’s been in love with her since we were kids.”

“Well, believe it. Guess he got his fill and moved on. Luckily, she has the other Vincent boy in love with her to pick up the pieces. If she is smart, she’ll grab hold of Sawyer and not let go. His love for her is unbreakable and unconditional.”

“I’ve seen you and Sawyer at the field and out in town. He seemed completely over Ash to me. He watched you with such a predatory gleam in his eyes; I was scared to speak to you.”

My heart broke a little more and I forced the pain away. I would not do this. Sawyer Vincent would not break me. I was stronger than this. “Well, looks can be deceiving. I don’t want to talk about this, Ethan. Please, just take the money so I don’t have to feel guilty about asking you to drive me all the way out here after how things went down with you and me. I hate I was so blinded by Sawyer that I didn’t give you a chance. I learned a lesson.”

Ethan took the money I was thrusting at him. “I’ll accept it if that’s what is going to make you feel better but I don’t want to take the money.”

I leaned over and pressed a kiss to his cheek. “Thank you for being there for me when I needed someone. You have no idea how rare that is for me.”

I reached for the door handle and jumped down out of his Jeep. Reaching into the back, I started to grab my luggage when Ethan reached over me and picked up both suitcases. “I got it,” he said before turning and heading for the condos.

“Which floor?” he asked as he stopped beside the elevators.

I followed behind him carrying my cosmetics and toiletries bag. “Bottom, that one right there,” I pointed to unit 103 just as the door swung open and Jewel stepped outside squealing. “You’re here, you’re here! Oh, and you brought one of the cuties from Wings with you.”

“Good to see you again, Jewel,” Ethan said politely setting my luggage down outside the door and stepping back to let me pass.

“You too, uh—”

“Ethan. His name is Ethan.”

“That’s right,” she snapped her fingers like it had been on the tip of her tongue.

“Well, Ethan, you want to come inside? We’re having a party tonight. You’re welcome to stay and crash.”

Ethan glanced from Jewel to me and then shook his head, “Nah, I need to head out. I have plans tonight but thanks.”

“Awww, phooey,” Jewel pouted. It was so obviously fake; I wasn’t sure why she attempted it. Unless of course she thought it looked believable.

“Take care of yourself, Lana,” Ethan said with a concerned expression.

“You too, Ethan. Thanks again.” He nodded and headed back toward his Jeep.

Once he was in his Jeep and pulled out of the parking lot, Jewel grabbed my arm and tugged on it, “Come inside. Tell me all about Grove while I fix myself a sandwich.”

I picked up my luggage and carried it inside. “Which room do you want me in?”

“Down the hall, it’s the third door on the left. You have the best view of the ocean from that room. Don’t lie on the bed yet. We need to strip that bed and wash the quilt and sheets. God only knows who’s used that room during one of our parties.”

Cringing, I made a mental note to go buy some Clorox spray and wipe the place down.

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