The Young and the Submissive

Page 37

Liam’s soft lips peppered her cheeks, her nose, her mouth. Looking into his gentle brown eyes, Raine saw compassion and devotion reflected back at her. He had never stopped believing in her, never stopped trying to open her up, never stopped steeping her in his love.

She didn’t know how it was possible, but Raine was falling even more for these men.

“You’re doing beautifully,” Liam murmured. “We’ve got you. You’re safe. Keep being brave. We’re not going anywhere.”

She sniffed and nodded as he reached up and wiped her tears with his broad thumb.

“We’re so proud of you,” Hammer added. “We know this isn’t easy. It’s hard for us at times, too. But until we open all the wounds and purge what’s inside, we can’t begin to help you heal them.”

“I know.” Raine nodded as she slumped against the cross. She had to dig through the past if she was going to embrace her future. Now that she knew she could draw strength from their unwavering tenderness and understanding, she could go on.

Liam traced his fingertips over her lips. Gazing into her eyes, Raine could see something heavy weighed on his mind. Remembering all the ways she’d dodged his questions in the past, whatever he was about to ask, she owed him nothing but honesty now.

“When I brought you here the first time, we talked about your father. Or rather, I asked and you gave me an abbreviated version of events that basically told me almost nothing. If you’d given me the whole truth, I would have understood you better. I could have helped you more. But you tied my hands with your silence.”

“I didn’t know how to give up my control or let down my walls, Sir. I’m trying to learn now. Saying I’m sorry isn’t enough, but that’s all I can say.”

“I don’t understand, Raine. Why did you hide the truth? I was listening. You had to know I wouldn’t punish you for being honest.” Confusion furrowed his brow. “If I’d known the truth, we might not be here having this bloody inquisition. Tell me why you kept it in.”

His words drowned her in guilt. She seemed to be a never-ending pool of it today, as they pointed out all the ways she’d screwed up and she had to take responsibility. But she couldn’t let the shame she’d dragged around like an anvil for years take her under for good.

She could give Liam excuses—she had plenty—things like she hadn’t known him that well at the time or she hadn’t realized that he’d been so serious about helping her. But they were lame and pointless and would only get in the way.

Instead, Raine fought for a ragged breath and returned his stare as regret poured from her. “I was afraid to be that vulnerable to you. My father took my power from me. Anything he knew I liked or wanted, he made sure I never got. Then he would crawl into my head and tell me all the ways I wasn’t good enough for those things. He manipulated me and he crushed me.” Tears fell, and she had to force herself to whisper, “I wasn’t strong enough to stop him.”

God, she was so afraid to hear either of them agree with that.

“Stop. I need a minute. I can’t…” She turned her head away. “You know my most hurtful secret and…”

“Stay with us, precious. Are you worried you’re still not strong enough?” Hammer asked, nearly pressing his face to hers. “Or did beating the shit out of him change that?”

Raine choked back a sob. She even hated the tears running silently down her face. More weakness. But if they were going to spend this much energy helping her, she owed them the ugly truth.

“In the moment, I felt so strong. I’d let what he said roll off my back. I’d vanquished him and made him bleed for a change. Then…” She sagged on the cross as a sob took her. “Beck drove me to the beach, and I realized his insults were coiled up in my brain. I thought I’d taken the head off the snake, but I could still hear him hiss. I worry I’ll never be strong enough to block him out.”

No one moved for a long moment, then Liam and Hammer rushed to unfasten her cuffs from the cross, as if they couldn’t get her down fast enough. Macen peeled away the pads of the TENS unit. Was this it? Had her ugliest truth finally broken their will?

She risked a peek at Liam. Heartbreak was all over his face as he gathered her in his arms and carried her gently to the bed. Hammer followed close behind, sorrow etched into his expression. Almost as one, they melted to the mattress on their knees.

Liam settled her on her back. His fingers shook as he cupped her face and kissed every tear away. “We’ve got you, love. I’m so sorry for all that monster put you through, but he can’t hurt you now—or ever again. Even if you don’t believe it, you’re too strong to let him. He may have taught you to expect the worst in others, but we will always be here. I’ll always protect you. And if I get the chance, I’ll fucking slice the bastard. I’ll make him bleed.”

“You can’t. He’s dangerous. I don’t want him near either of you. Somehow, he knows where I’ve been all these years. He told me—”

“It doesn’t matter if he knows where to find you.” Hammer stretched out behind her, stroking her with such uncharacteristic tenderness. “If he ever comes near you again, he’s a dead man. That’s a promise.”

“That it is, my brave, beautiful lass.” Liam brought her head to his chest. “Don’t worry about us. Just let it out and know that I love you. I’m amazed by the way you’ve carried on so well for so long.”

“I haven’t. That’s why we’re here.” She sobbed.

“Give yourself a bit of credit. You’ve been through more than most, Raine,” Liam whispered. “I saw what you endured. The brutality of it blindsided me. Getting flattened by a truck would have been easier, I think. I can only imagine how you felt. I truly wish I’d known sooner so I could have helped you.”

On the one hand, Raine completely saw Liam’s point. Maybe if she’d told him everything earlier, she could have started healing and saved them all so much pain. But the more important he’d become to her, the more frightened she’d been to be vulnerable with him. On the other hand, how could he know the extent of her father’s cruelty?

She froze. “What do you mean, you saw it?”

Hammer exhaled heavily, then eased back. Something—guilt, maybe, or regret—flashed across his strong face. “There’s something I should tell you. You wouldn’t allow me to call the police after I’d found you. But I needed ammunition against Bill in case he came back for you.”

Raine’s heart drummed in her chest. “And?”

“I was worried about you. All those bruises, the gash in your lip… Hell, I didn’t know whether or not he’d broken your damn eye socket.” As he spoke, he turned both angry and ashen. “I called Beck into your room after you fell asleep. He checked you over to make sure nothing was broken before we could get you to the hospital that next morning. Maybe it wasn’t the right thing to do, but while we were there, I took pictures of everything that prick had done to you.” He hesitated. “I showed them to Liam when you went missing.”

Raine felt as if he’d yanked the floor out from under her. She fought and struggled, elbowing wildly until she sat up and scurried back, staring at Hammer in horror. “You took pictures? And kept them for all these years?” She swung her gaze to Liam. “You saw them?”

Liam nodded solemnly. “It’s all right.”

“The hell it is!” She jumped to her feet and glared at Hammer. “You betrayed my trust and didn’t tell me for six fucking years?”

He leaned in and grabbed her wrist, tumbling her back down flat on her back between them. “Watch your goddamn mouth. I took them to protect you, so I’d have something to show the police if they ever came knocking. They’ve been sitting in my safe all this time, and I only showed Liam because one of us needed to reach you. If it wasn’t me, then he needed to know what demons you were fighting. Blame me and hate me all you want. It doesn’t change what I did. I’d make the same choice again.”

Something between sincerity and determination filled his face. Raine closed her eyes. Logically, she saw his point, but that didn’t make her ache less. “I didn’t want anyone to see me like that. I wanted you to forget. I didn’t ever want Liam to know.” She tried to curl up into a ball and hide her face. “It’s the reason I wandered the streets for two days before you found me. The second anyone saw me, I ran. By the time you discovered me, I was in so much pain. I meant to leave the next day, but…” Together, he and Liam held her down, not letting her hide. Feeling like that scared girl again, stripped and defeated, she stopped struggling. “Can I be alone?”

“No, precious. I will never forget, and whether you wanted Liam to know or not, he deserves all your truths. The good. The bad. The ugly. Didn’t he already make that point with you?”

Yes, he had. Raine couldn’t do more than nod.

“It’s not going to make him love you less, but until you start believing that, you will always want to curl up, close off, and hide. We’re not going to allow that anymore.” Hammer’s voice was calm but stern.

“Exactly. You’ll not be squirming away from my questions ever again,” Liam vowed. “And I’m not giving up on you. If you’re still thinking that, don’t.”

“Besides, the truth is out and see?” Hammer said. “We’re still here. We think you’re fierce, a survivor. We’re fucking not walking away. Neither are you.”

She’d walked into this task knowing she had to learn to tell them everything. She couldn’t do that if she hid. “No, I’m not. I’m sorry. Stay…”

Liam rubbed a soothing palm on the small of her back. “Good. I don’t think you grasp yet how much you mean to us. Whatever happens when this is over, don’t think for one minute that you’re not treasured by us both. I never expected to fall for you, Raine. I just wanted to help you along, but you surprised me and stole my heart. Now…” He paused. “There’s nothing you could ever say or do to change that.”

They were forcing her to be cuttingly honest, but they were also giving her their truths. It was costing them to admit their secrets and feelings. They’d both been so reassuring and giving—and far more understanding that she’d ever expected. “I needed to hear that. Will you both kiss me?”

Chapter 16

Hammer stared into Raine’s pleading blue eyes. She looked more fragile than he’d seen her in years, but the courage she’d shown in embracing their task and divulging her worst fears revealed such strength. And commitment. Tonight, she’d come so much further than he’d expected. And she’d blown him away.

As she lay before him with her soul exposed, his heart swelled. She radiated a need for reassurance, and Hammer ached to give it to her. She deserved a reward. But goddamn it, if his cock didn’t throb in demand, too.

“You’ve earned a kiss and so much more, precious. But not here. Back in your room.”

“Precisely, love,” Liam crooned. “Kissing you will be our pleasure.”

The way she smiled up at them pumped Hammer full of more power than he could ever recall and stuffed his lungs until he felt ready to burst. Being a part of her progress—watching her blossom—gave him such a profound sense of accomplishment.

He and Liam shared a glance, then he scooped her up in his arms. Liam opened the door, then dashed back to blow out the candles before trailing them down the long hall, into the master suite.

Wall sconces on either side of the bed glowed. Ambient light spilled over the golden silk duvet. Liam surged ahead and shoved the mountain of pillows from the bed with a wide sweep of his arm. He’d have to remember to thank his old friend later. No time now.

Hammer eased Raine onto the bed and covered her with his body. He pinned her to the mattress with a knee between her thighs, cupped her nape, and slanted his lips over hers, taking complete possession. Under him, she arched and whimpered, throwing her arms around his neck, open and welcoming as she swallowed in all his hunger and gave it back tenfold.

Lost in the sweet sea of her mouth, Hammer barely noticed the sounds of clothing rustling in the background—until Liam appeared at his side, pressing kisses across Raine’s shoulder and down her arm. He was bare from the waist up.

After one more stroke inside her mouth, Hammer pulled away. Raine wasn’t exclusively his, and he couldn’t hoard her. Besides, he wanted the opportunity to press his naked skin to hers as well.

Rolling to his feet, Hammer toed off his loafers, watching Liam pull Raine beneath him. The man pressed his forehead to hers. They shared a breath, a silent, suspended moment. Hammer had seen the two of them together before, but now a new intimacy flourished. He could almost see how bare she’d laid her soul.

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