The Young and the Submissive

Page 41

“I’ve been a bad girl,” she teased.

Their touch would be a great way to wake up, and if orgasm came with it, even better.

Raine couldn’t miss their hot stares riveted on her. With a sultry smile, she stretched, arching her back—and thrusting her naked breasts up to them. Her legs fell open, and both men’s stares zipped immediately down to her pussy. An exhilarating sense of power filled her. She might kneel and call them Sir, but she could definitely get their attention.

A big smile broke across her face.

“Look at her, all full of herself,” Liam chided, but his voice sounded rougher than usual.

Hammer’s eyes darkened. “I see that. Do we need to start the morning by reminding you who’s on top?”

Pretty please? “Whatever you think is best, Sirs.”

“That is a stunning piece of manipulation.” Hammer watched her, his gaze almost impressed. “I can see I’m going to have to up my game and stay on my toes.”

She blinked up at them, resting her hands on her stomach just beneath her breasts, plumping them up. “What? I’m merely offering myself in whatever way pleases you.”

“Because you flashing me those pretty nipples and showing me your cunt is all about my pleasure, I’m sure. It has nothing to do with yours.” He sent her a skeptical smile that told her the jig was up, but she didn’t care. After the difficult task yesterday and their emotional exchange last night, the banter felt good.

“Precisely,” Liam added, tongue firmly in cheek. “We’ve got an agenda that doesn’t allow for a morning romp. So get up, love. Into the bathroom with you. We’ll give you a few minutes to see to your business, then it’s on with the day.”

Raine pouted and glided her hand down the front of Liam’s dress shirt. “Are you sure I can’t serve you in any other way?”

She reached deliciously closer to his buckle when he grabbed her wrist and lifted her hand away. “You can start by not topping from the bottom and doing as you’re asked.”

“Bathroom,” Hammer ordered. “Now.”

She shivered at his deep command, then scurried from the bed with a come-hither glance back, grinning when she heard them groan as she shut the door.

Raine hurried to relieve and tidy herself up. When she returned, both men waited on the edge of the bed, their watchful stares sweeping her from head to toe. A thrilling sense of anticipation gripped her. They wanted her submissive and eager. Despite her teasing earlier, she felt alive and beyond ready to give them exactly what they sought.

Sucking in a deep breath, Raine crossed the carpet, then bowed her head and knelt before them, naked and ready.

“Gorgeous, love,” Liam praised in a whispered rumble.

“Stunning as always,” Hammer added in silky approval. “Raise your gaze to us, precious.”

She lifted her head and took in the two men who owned her heart. Their polished exteriors hid hungry, commanding Doms. They focused on nothing but her. Everything about their demeanor said they couldn’t wait to get their hands on her again.

Memories of the previous evening flashed through her mind, so vivid she could almost feel their hands on her pussy, stroking her to ecstasy. She could almost taste them on her tongue, both giving her their power and pleasure with guttural male groans.

It could happen again.

As soon as the thought whispered through her head, her pulse quickened and heat slid up her spine. Anticipation made her heart skitter. Need throbbed and tingled beneath her clit. Only one emotion fueled all that: love. So much love it was hard to contain.

Liam patted the mattress, silently demanding that she sit on the bed between them. “Come here.”

They eyed her every move as she rose. Before she even settled herself, they positioned her with her back against the headboard, arms at her sides, legs slightly spread.

“There. Now we can look at all of you.” And Hammer’s hot stare said he appreciated everything he saw. “Tell us how you slept last night.”

She sighed happily. “Very well, Sir. I crashed.”

“I don’t think she’d mind if we tucked her in like that every night.” Something wicked flashed through Liam’s eyes as he stroked her thigh gently.

“Her sweet mouth could become addicting, but it would be worth every moment.” Hammer growled, cupping a breast in his hand and lightly thumbing her nipple. “I take it you enjoyed yourself, too?”

“I did, Sir,” Raine gasped out. She had no idea how long they were willing to work together and fulfill both her and her fantasy, but she intended to take advantage of every moment.

“Look. Her cheeks are already flushed,” Hammer pointed out, tormenting her nipple with his thumb again.

She struggled to focus on their words. Liam’s fingertips skated against the sensitive skin of her inner thigh, dancing so close to her aching pussy. She shuddered in a breath and closed her eyes.

But she could still feel Liam’s stare. “Feeling bashful, love?”

“Aroused,” she admitted. “Everything has happened so quickly, the sensations are magnified. It all feels wonderful but surreal.”

“Why?” Hammer asked.

Despite their provocative touches, they were digging into her psyche. It didn’t put her on edge as it would have only days ago. They’d coaxed her to peel back her barriers and examine how her behavior had affected her relationships and her happiness. They’d dredged up some of her most painful hurts. Revealing her vulnerability and giving them the power to wound her had been so damn hard. But they’d taken her apart and put her back together with such care. Her psyche might still be a little scratched and bruised, but Raine felt the healing under her skin.

“We can’t hear you, Raine. Stop filtering,” Hammer interrupted her internal musings, sounding displeased. “All that stuff running through your head—the things you don’t want us to hear—we need you to say.”

“I’m not sure how to put it into words that will make sense. I’ve barely had time to analyze it myself.” The urge to express the changes she felt was almost suffocating, but blurting it out probably wouldn’t make sense.

“Then take your time.” Liam tucked her hair behind her ear before smoothing a hand over her knee. “There’s no judgment here. No right or wrong answers, love.”

She nodded, falling back on the familiar comfort of sarcasm while she gathered the rest of her thoughts. “Can I just say that I’m shocked neither one of you ended up with a broken nose?”

Hammer arched a brow, leaving her no question they meant to have a serious conversation.

“Sorry,” she murmured. “You two were the biggest shock, though. I really did expect an argument or a fight. I’m so relieved and impressed that you gave me something much better instead. God, it was perfect, all of it. So were you. Thanks for that.”

“You’re welcome.” Liam’s words were stiff and didn’t invite further commentary.

Raine realized they didn’t want her to examine their behavior, just her own.

“I learned some things about myself yesterday.” She hesitated for a moment before continuing. “At the end, I really felt like I’d achieved something I thought impossible.”

Their twin smiles of encouragement were a balm. Now she was giving them what they wanted.

“What was that?” Liam coaxed.

“I stepped out from behind my walls and the world didn’t end. No one attacked me or tried to take advantage of my vulnerability. I told you exactly how I felt and I was still safe.”

“You’ll always be with us,” Liam pledged.

“You shared so much of the gorgeous woman inside with us.” Hammer caressed her arm and settled her shaky composure. “Beyond our wildest dreams, in fact.”

Liam took her hand. “How did opening up to us make you feel?”

“Empowered. Terrified, too, but in a good way because I felt better knowing I could just be me. Letting go of some of those insecurities made me feel stronger.”

“We’re both proud of you, Raine.” Liam tucked his hand in hers, strumming his thumb along the inside of her wrist.

“Very.” Hammer cupped her cheek, and she couldn’t miss the approval in his eyes.

A sense of triumph filled her. “I needed to hear that. Thank you, Sirs. It’s nice not feeling like an eternal screw-up.”

“You never have been, precious. That was in your mind, not ours,” Hammer pointed out.

“Don’t you think it might be time to let that pretty little head of yours start listening to your heart?”

Liam’s soft question hit Raine in between the eyes. She smiled his way gratefully. “I think so. I’m definitely going to try harder now. It’s like you’ve shown me there’s light at the end of a dark, awful tunnel. And I want that. It’s been lonely and scary in here these last six years. You two give me hope that I am finally on the right path.”

“You definitely are.” Hammer smiled at her before brushing his lips over her cheek.

Liam moved in for a kiss, too. “Yes, love. You did so beautifully yesterday. Today, we’ll be asking you to give us more.”

Even yesterday, that would have scared her. Their reinforcement just now steadied the ground beneath her feet. While it felt foreign, a confidence she’d never known surged inside her.

“Are you ready for your next task?” Hammer queried.

“I think so. I’m just a little anxious.”

“Anxious? As in scared or excited, love?” Liam probed her with a curious stare.

“Some of both. But I’m eager to start.”

“That’s what we want to hear,” Hammer praised.

Liam nodded. “But before we carry on, tell us how it feels to have us both beside you?”

“Analyze your feelings out loud. Talk it through with us. You’re as safe as you were last night,” Hammer promised.

“When you touch me and tell me I’m doing a good job, I feel…relieved. I feel complete. You make me want to do you both proud.”

“Hold on to that feeling while we take you through the day. Lean on us, Raine. We’re right beside you all the way,” Hammer insisted.

“We’re not going to leave you half done,” Liam promised. “You’ve learned that your growth is worth the bits of pain now, haven’t you?”

“Yes.” She bit her lip. “But there’s always that little voice in the back of my head… I’m terrified of failing you two.”

Liam cradled her face in his hands. “The only way you can fail is if you give up.”

“Just keep trying. As long as you keep reaching for us, we’ll be there to hold you.” Hammer rose and headed for her suitcase, plucking up a little red silk robe. He turned with a mischievous smile. “Time for breakfast, precious.”

That was it? They were done picking through her soul? Funny, it hadn’t hurt a bit. But Raine knew they’d only been assessing her mood and progress. No doubt they still had plenty of difficult hurdles for her to overcome. Butterflies in her stomach dipped and fluttered.

“I’m starved!” she admitted.

“I imagine so. You didn’t eat much yesterday.” Hammer helped her to her feet and slid the robe up her arms, settling it over shoulders.

Neither Hammer nor Liam said another word for several long moments, just stared at her as if they expected something Raine didn’t understand. As the uncomfortable silence dragged on, she swung her gaze between them. Liam’s expression all but screamed: Didn’t we just have a lesson about communication?

With a cocked head and a raised brow, he leveled her with a slightly menacing stare. “I assure you, love, Ngaire has a cupboard full of pickles.”

Raine winced. “Ugh, no pickles. You know I hate them.”

“Indeed, I do.” Liam’s voice was cool and told her he expected more of an answer.

With a frown, she stared at the man. What the hell did he want her to say?

“There might be some of that trout leftover from yesterday’s lunch,” Hammer suggested.

“For breakfast? Gross!” Then she understood the game. Not just communication, but complete communication. “I’d really like two eggs over easy with salt and pepper, please. With that, I want one piece of lightly buttered toast, a banana, and a glass of orange juice—without pulp, if you have it—Sirs.”

Hammer chuckled as Liam flashed a broad grin.

“Much better.” Hammer cupped her chin and held her in a passionate gaze before he bent and pressed a hungry kiss to her lips.

Raine longed for him to devour her whole. She shoved away the tinge of disappointment when he released her.

“I’m sure you’ll earn exactly what you want,” Hammer responded as if he could read her mind. “Now hop into the shower and get cleaned up. We’ll meet you in the kitchen.”

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