Their Virgin Hostage

Page 26

“This isn’t an easy relationship?”

“Given that most of America thinks we kidnapped you, no,” Dominic explained. “I should walk away but I can’t. That should tell you something.”

“His willpower is usually iron,” Law added with a nod.

“But we want you to understand that our sharing you isn’t going to stop. It’s what we do. You could very likely make a play for one of us. Perhaps you could even take him, but he would always miss this.”

“I would never—”

“Even after the people in your life start to tell you it’s wrong?”

“Why is it wrong?” Kinley countered. “We aren’t hurting anyone. If we want to make each other feel good and we share some affection and respect, I really don’t see how our bedroom activities are anyone else’s business.”

Dominic gripped her wrist, stopped the stroke of her palm. Instead, he dragged it to his lips and laid a tender kiss in the center. “It isn’t. Now, lie back. It’s our turn to touch you.”

Kinley practically floated back to the mattress. She looked so warm and feminine lying there. Law covered her breast with his hand, loving its round weight and lush curves.

“Baby, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have talked about other women.”

She smiled. “I asked because I want to know you. You talk about those other women fondly. You didn’t just use them and toss them away. You actually liked them.”

“Mostly,” he admitted. “Sometimes I went along because Dominic or Riley wanted someone, but that’s not the case with you.”

“And I’m certainly not with you simply because Law wants me here.” Dominic settled on his knees. “I’m here because I can’t fucking resist you. And I won’t wait another second to get a real taste.”

As Law kissed his way down her neck, he admitted that he was already completely addicted to her. And now it was Dominic’s turn.

Chapter Eleven

Kinley was drowning in pure sensation. From the soft comforter at her back, to Law’s warm hands on her body, then Dominic’s fingers wrapped around her ankles—all of that combined to overload her senses.

Law kissed his way down to her breasts. She could feel her nipples engorging and beading, straining for his attention.

Dominic spread her legs wide. The cool air stroked her overheated pussy just before he did. “It seems you enjoyed touching us, pet. You’re creamy and wet.”

“I did, Sir.” In fact, she’d loved touching them.

Kinley had been surprised at how silky the skin covering their cocks felt, but the flesh underneath had been rock hard, proof of their desire for her. It had seemed a bit unreal for these two beautiful men to stand still and allow her to explore their bodies. It had been the single most erotic experience of her life.

Until now.

Dominic breathed in her scent like it was an intoxicating perfume. With a firm grip, he lifted her thighs, spreading her open even more.

“And you smell delicious.” His low voice rumbled with passion, with possession.

Kinley doubted that.

The thought had barely cleared her head when Dominic descended, his mouth covering her mound, his tongue delving past her slick folds to her most sensitive, nerve-rich spots. She bucked against the electric jolt of desire that seared her veins and screamed.

Law tightened his grasp on her immediately, holding her down and still. “Don’t move. Dominic is eating your pussy like you’re his favorite dessert, baby. Let him. Don’t interrupt a man who’s enjoying his sweets.”

She couldn’t imagine half the women she knew allowing this. They’d call it dirty. So why did it feel like heaven? Nothing in her life had ever felt as pleasurable as Dominic suckling her clitoris and laving her affectionately with his tongue.

“That’s it, baby,” Law murmured against her skin. “Just lie back and let us have you.”

She was giving herself over to the very men who had kidnapped her. Though that should seem terribly wrong, it felt so perfectly right.

What would people say if she gave her virginity to two of her captors? The press was covering this story. Who knew what they’d dig up and air in the name of journalism and truth?

Kinley forced herself to relax. There would be plenty of time later for self-recrimination, probably a lifetime of it. Now, she wanted pleasure, to feel like a woman, to make her own choices. She wanted to know why her friends blushed when their husbands or lovers entered the room, be able to share in their talk about passion. Because chances were, when her time with these men was over, she’d probably return home alone. There would be no more passion, and she would have to figure out how to be the same old Kinley again—the one who served those around her without much thought to her own wants and needs. What she did today wasn’t anyone’s business but hers.

She set all of her worries aside. For now, there was only the heat and joy of touching Law and Dominic.

Law’s mouth closed over her right nipple in a caress of wet heat while his hand covered her left breast. He licked and tongued her nipple, every now and then giving her a hard nip that sent her eyes rolling to the back of her head with a whimper.

Dominic gently pulled at her labia, parting her pussy for the long slide of his tongue. He licked her everywhere, sucking the petals of her sex into his mouth, then settled over her clit.

Nothing had ever filled her with this much euphoria, not rollercoasters, nor her favorite candy, not the funniest movie she’d ever seen. Not even family holidays when she was a child. This feeling was like pure, breathless happiness tingling through her veins.

Between Dominic’s tongue spearing inside her and Law’s sweet play at her breasts, the tension, the greedy need for more, built toward something, a bigger, more explosive version of what they had given her the day before in the kitchen. That moment had been a revelation, but now they were forcing her higher. She gripped the comforter in her fists, fighting to stay still, but it was so difficult. She wanted to buck against Dominic’s mouth, force him to go faster, harder, deeper.

“Look at me.” Law lifted away from her breast and stared into her eyes. Tell me you like having Dominic eat your pussy.”

“I like it, Law,” she gasped. “I like it so much.”

Helplessly, she looked down her body where Dominic’s dark head was moving as he brought her such amazing pleasure. She arched, digging her heels into the mattress, and cried out.

“You want more?” Law demanded.

Couldn’t he see the answer? Her every muscle had gone tense. She panted. Perspiration broke out across her body. Blood rushed just under her skin. He had to know that she did.


“Look at me, Kinley.” Law pinched her nipple, and she moaned.

“You like that bite of pain?”

She should probably deny it. Lie. But Dominic’s tongue driving her closer and closer to a climax that she so desperately needed didn’t leave any room for coyness. “Yes.”

“Good. I’m going to have your nipples pierced so I can play with them. A little flick here, a little suck there…”

His words made her burn hotter, shoved her closer to the edge of orgasm. She writhed and thrashed, on the brink of pleading for just that little something more.

“I’ll run a chain through the rings,” Law continued thickly. “When you misbehave, I’ll tug on it and bring you back in line. But for now this will have to do. Hold still.”

He twisted her nipple, the pain flaring, snapping her back to attention, hurtling her body into confusion. She sent Law a beseeching glance. His brilliant blue eyes were sharp, fixated on her as he stared with obvious desire. He didn’t look like a man having casual sex. He was connecting with her, trying to build trust with her. This felt like far more than intercourse.

Not only that, Law had mentioned the future—again. He’d seen her naked and he still wanted to talk about sharing a tomorrow? Dominic hadn’t said anything, but the way he ate her intently and kept at her didn’t exactly signal his indifference.

She stared up at Law. God, she had a lover, and it gave her the oddest sense of strength. “I’m sorry. I will. I just…love what Dominic is doing.”

“That’s good to hear, baby.”

“It means so much that you’re here to share it with me.” She fell into Law’s blue eyes.

As Dominic nipped at her clit and another shard of pleasure scraped its way up her spine, Kinley realized that she wanted them all. She didn’t care what that made her. Law, Dominic, and maybe someday Riley, if he would have her. She would do her best to make them happy—like they would undoubtedly make her. Who else’s opinion really mattered except their own?

“I need…” She bunched the sheets in her fists again and tried to focus on staying still, but the lash of Dominic’s tongue kept pushing her harder, higher.

“We know what you need, baby,” Law assured. “I think you should give it to her, Dominic. I want to watch her come.”

With a thick finger, Dominic circled the opening of her pussy, coating her folds. Another joined the first, stretching her wide before sliding inside.

“Hmm, that’s sexy. He’s fucking you with his fingers,” Law said, his voice husky. “But in a minute or two, it will be my cock pressing deep inside you, Kinley. I’m going to take you like a man takes a woman. I’m going to make you scream. Are you ready for that? We’ll go slow if you need.”

Slow? She’d gone about as slow as a woman could go. “No. Now. I want it.”

She couldn’t stand another night passing without knowing how it felt to be taken by these men.

“Give it to her, Dominic, so we can get on with this. I’m fucking dying here.”

Dominic’s head came up briefly. He smiled slyly. “I’m more than ready, brother. So is she.”

He speared his fingers deep inside her, rubbing at a spot that made her arch and shiver and want to climb the walls. Then he sucked her clitoris into his mouth gently.

Sensation rolled over her then crested, tossing her into the raging abyss of pleasure. Kinley merged her stare with Law’s as she came, her body flying higher than before. His eyes darkened, heated, then he captured her mouth and swallowed her cries.

“That’s what I wanted, baby. So gorgeous. But now it’s my turn to make you scream.” He rolled off the bed and walked to where he’d dropped his pants.

Dominic stood tall above Kinley as she tried to drag air into her lungs and recover. She couldn’t stop staring at him in all his glory. Tight muscle roped his body all the way up his arms, across his broad shoulders, down his chiseled chest and that six-pack to die for. She swallowed.

He held out a hand to her. “Let me help you up.”

Why was she leaving the bed? Before she could ask or protest, Dominic gripped her hand and hauled her to her feet. Her whole body was so languid, her legs almost didn’t support her.

Then he eased back on the bed, taking her down with him, her back against his chest. She could feel his hard cock prodding her backside.

She couldn’t help but melt into Dominic’s chest. She was so relaxed…yet she wanted to entice him more, tempt him to touch her. Kinley writhed against him.

It worked. Dominic cupped her breasts as he spoke in her ear. “Hold on to me. It won’t hurt for long. You’re ready, pet. We both want to fuck you. We can’t take your delectable ass tonight, so we’ll each have a turn at your pussy. But you can stop us at any time.”

“I won’t stop.” She wanted them both. Hell, she wanted Riley, too. She yearned to revel in these sensations and share her love. What was so wrong with that?

“Just know that you can. We don’t want you afraid.” She’d never heard Dominic’s voice sound so concerned, tender.

She smiled, then sent him a saucy stare over her shoulder. “That’s not how you felt a couple of days ago.”

His hands tightened on her, bringing her closer as if he was afraid she would run. “Forgive me. I thought I was doing the right thing, pet. I let vengeance blind me. I don’t want you scared. I don’t like knowing you thought I would kill you—even for a moment. You’re precious, and I would never hurt you.”

He might break her heart, but she believed him when he said that he’d never physically harm her. “I know, Sir. I won’t hurt you either.”

And she wouldn’t. Not physically or emotionally. She feared she would fall in love with him and want him forever. But that was her problem, not his.

“You could, you know,” he whispered in her ear. “Hurt me, I mean. I can’t tell you how much that scares me. It’s been a very long time since I’ve allowed myself to be vulnerable to a woman.”

She believed him. Yes, he could be lying, but why? She’d already said that she would help his case against Greg. What else could he want? She’d already said yes to sex, too. Dominic seemed like the most self-possessed man on the planet. He wouldn’t give her any power over him unless it meant something.

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