Torn from You

Page 4

“Hang her up there.”

I winced as I opened my eyes again, looking up toward where the voice had come from, but it was dark on the other side of the room, and all I saw was the outline of a man standing near the wall. I was placed on my feet, and instantly they gave out, and I crumpled to the cold tiled floor.

I managed a moan while looking up at the man. “Please. Water.”

His broad face was like the front of a Mac truck, flattened nose, wide cheeks and forehead, and beady green eyes. He stared at me for a second, and then a cruel grin appeared just before he raised his foot and kicked me in the ribs.

I screamed, trying to crawl away, the pain plunging into my chest over and over again as he continued his assault until I rolled up into a ball and tried to protect my chest and stomach from his foot.

“Enough. We don’t need her face accidently bruised.”

The kicking stopped. Flat-faced guy picked me up by the hair, and I scrambled to get to my feet as he yanked hard, my scalp burning.

“What do you want? God, please just let me go.”

My mind was rolling with fear pouring down over my sanity. Were they going to rape me? Beat me to death? Torture me?

I couldn’t let this happen. I wouldn’t. I didn’t want to die like this.

My survival instinct was still strong, and despite knowing that escape may not be possible, I had to fight. Adrenaline pumped through my veins as Logan’s words during self-defense blasted through me, and I reacted.

I swung my elbow backward hard and fast. Jarring pain went through my arm as it made contact with his nose, and I heard the distinct crunch.

“Bitch.” He staggered back holding his bleeding nose. I heard a man shouting in another language as I continued my pursuit and went for flat-faced's eyes. My fingers jammed into them; he shoved me back with one arm. I was so weak and off-balance that I fell to my side, and it took me a second to gain my feet again.

I turned to run past him and banged straight into a hard, unmovable body. The man spun me around so my back was to his chest then locked his arm around my throat and squeezed. I moved my hip back behind his pelvis like Logan had taught me and was about to unlock his hold when the cold metal pressed to my head.

I froze.

“A pity I don’t have time to sample you myself. I enjoy a good fight.” His accented voice sent cold shivers down to my toes. “Alfonzo. Tie her up.” His arm loosened, and I tried to get a glimpse of him, but he shoved me forward into flat-face—who I could only assume was Alfonzo—and walked away.

Alfonzo had blood dripping from his nose, and his eyes were bloodshot. He grabbed my wrists, and I felt the heavy, thick manacles clasp around them.

“You’ll pay for that, bitch,” Alfonzo said beneath his breath as he pulled me in close.

I jerked my knee upward, but he was ready for it and jumped back. I felt the burning pain in my cheek as he slapped me.

“Not the face,” the accented man shouted. “Dios.”

Alfonzo crudely pulled my arms above my head, and I felt pressure on my wrists and heard chains clank. I looked up—the manacles on my wrists were hooked onto a chain dangling from the ceiling.

Oh God. No. Don’t do this. The sobbing began again as I kicked, and my body swayed back and forth, the chains jangling.

“Please. No!” I cried. Tears I thought had dried up now streamed steadily down my cheeks. The man chuckled then strode away, and I heard him talking with the other guy, but I couldn’t understand them.

I was facing a brick fireplace with my feet barely able to touch the floor. Completely helpless.

Fear crept across my skin. What were they doing? Why were they doing this? Who were they?

“Give her water.”

My head jerked up at the word water, and I tried to swing around, but the man grabbed my hair and jerked my head back then started pouring warm water down my throat. I didn’t care if it was the filthiest water in the world, just the sweetness of something gliding down my throat was heaven.

It drizzled out the corners of my mouth, and I choked a few times as he continuously poured. I swallowed as fast as I could, afraid I wouldn’t get any more.

I heard a door creak open then slam shut. Alfonzo shoved my head away from him so hard I swung back and forth on the chains.


“Are you screwing up our deal already, Raul? She is mine. That was non-negotiable. I believe I made myself perfectly clear.”

I broke. Logan’s voice swam into my trembling body and wrapped me in its warmth. I started sobbing, my head falling forward making my arms and shoulders scream in pain as I shook. Logan had come for me. He’s here to take me away. To stop the pain.

“She’s yours when I tell you she is. And lose the attitude or our deal is finished.”

Silence. I could hear the wind whistling through the cracks in the window frames.

“Our deal is solid.”

Logan? What were they talking about? What deal? A deal to get me out of here? I tried to turn around to see him, but I couldn’t get enough of a foothold to swing myself around.

Laughter. Cold. Violent. Sinister. It was like the crackle of fireworks mixed with the screech of tires on wet pavement. “She likes to fight.” His accented tone deepened, and all amusement left it. “You’re lucky I’m allowing this. She’d make a hefty amount on the market. Would you prefer I test that theory?”

“Logan?” I called. “Logan. Please.” Why wasn’t he helping me?

“No. You have what you want, and I have what I want—her. The rest is left alone.”

His voice. It was different. Colder. Logan always exuded coolness, but this change was more than that. Like an anger simmering beneath the surface. Why wasn’t he running to me? Holding me in his arms? How did he find me? Why was he talking to the guy like he knew him? Did he not see me? Maybe he didn’t recognize me?

“Logan! Please.” I fought the manacles again, my wrists raw from the metal cutting into my skin.

“Never call him that!” the man shouted. “He is Master to you now.”

A lash of burning ripped into my back, and I screamed. Intense, throbbing aftershocks tightened my flesh as my body tried to contain the pain.

Oh God. No. Please. No. “Logan!” I shouted.

“Do exactly as you’re told, Emily.” Logan’s words were stiff and controlled. I wasn’t even sure it was Logan. Was my mind playing tricks on me? I couldn’t understand why he wasn’t coming to help me.

I heard the slither of leather sliding across the floor and then the whoosh in the air.

I tensed. Neck tight, eyes closed.

The whip came down hard again and I jerked, arching my back as it struck. My arms took the weight of my body as I hung limp from the chains ... sobbing, chest heaving, tears running down my cheeks.


I heaved in and out, my back raw and feeling like a blow torch had been brushed across it.

“You speak only when you’re told to or you’ll feel the cut of the whip. Understand?”

The whip came down hard on my back again, and I gasped, throwing my head back as my body swayed back and forth. “Yes. Yes, I understand.”

The sound of the guy laughing made my stomach churn, and the water threatened to come back up. I started breathing heavily through my mouth, desperate to keep the precious water in my stomach.

I heard the glide of leather on the tiles. “Please, no more.”

My plea was ignored as the whip crackled and slashed into the back of my legs. I shrieked and tried to get away, yanking on the chains and moving my body back and forth.

Again it came.

Then again.

And again.

I lost count of how many times he whipped me over and over again, my skin searing and throbbing from my shoulders down to my ankles. I swung back and forth on the chains limp and unable to fight anymore. My mind kept crying, but I was silent, afraid to scream, to cry, to do anything that might make them continue hitting me.

Then it stopped.

“We leave in two days. Take her to the transporter’s location. He will crate her and meet—”

“No,” Logan said. “That won’t be necessary.” Inside I was begging him to hold me, take me in his arms and tell me everything was going to be okay. That he was going to take me away from here.

“Do you think I trust you?” I heard the scrape of something heavy sliding over the floor.

“She dies in transport then you have nothing. And I have nothing. The girl stays with me.”


“Very well, but Dave and Jacob will accompany you. Logan ... no mistakes. Compendia?”

Suddenly I felt a body behind me, and I panicked as I smelled the gym-bag scent of Alfonzo. A hand slowly slid down my back over top the welts and then stopped on my stinging ass. He squeezed, and I winced as his fingers cut into the welts. I could feel his body against mine, his hard cock pressed into me.

I moaned and shook violently causing my body to sway on the chains. He laughed in my ear, his breath wafting across my cheek. His hand slid further down, hesitated, then cupped me hard between my legs.

I cried louder, pulling my bonds, blood dripping from my wrists. “Please don’t touch me. Help me ...” I stopped myself from saying Logan’s name, afraid they’d whip me again.

“He won’t help you anymore. No one will,” Alfonzo whispered in my ear. He pushed aside my panties and slipped a finger inside me. A part of me died that moment. It was like all the crying, the thirst, the pain was nothing compared to the violation of my body while Logan stood behind me and did nothing.

“No. Please no. Why are you doing this?”

How could Logan do this? How could he watch another man hurt me? I sobbed quietly while his thick finger pressed in and out, his heavy breathing next to my ear. I heard his clothing rustling as if ... I couldn’t think. My mind was in a haze with disbelief smothering out any hope that Logan was going to stop this.

I heard sharp angered voices behind me. I couldn’t make out what was being said, and really, I no longer cared. I was so hurt and humiliated, and all I wanted to do was curl up and die.

I felt cold. Alone. And unable to stop the predator from violating my body.

Alfonzo made a low groan, stiffened, and then his finger withdrew. He nipped the top of my ear so hard I cried out. “Going to be sweet fucking you for real while you beg for mercy.”

I swallowed the cry in my throat and bit my tongue so hard I could taste iron in my mouth.

He reached up and undid the manacles, and I fell hard to my knees.

It took me a few seconds before I could move past the pain and raise my head. Slowly I turned and looked over my shoulder for Logan.

When I saw him my heart stopped for a few seconds then started beating erratically. It was him, but nothing in his eyes was the man I knew. He was cold and expressionless as he stared down at me. Not a glimmer of sympathy in his eyes. I recognized nothing of the man I had fallen in love with.

Hope died as the realization hit me. He was part of this. He did this to me. I vomited all the water before everything went black.

Chapter 2

Day 3

Devastation overpowered all my other emotions.


Agony of being torn from everything I thought was real.

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