Touch Me

Page 10

She grabbed a second dildo off the shelf. This one was wide at the tip, flesh-toned and covered with tortuous veins. Owen forced himself not to gag at the sight of it. She held both phalluses to her crotch and simulated thrusting. “I don’t know,” she said. “I’m new to this. Do you think I can control two at once?”

“I can’t control the one I’ve got. I’m not sure how anyone could control two of them.”

She laughed and put both giant dicks back on the shelf. The one she selected to purchase was blissfully small, but not quite invisible.

“For beginners,” she read from the package as they headed for the counter. “Suitable for anal play. Maybe if you like it, we can move up to the Midnight Power Hammer model on our next attempt.”

He smiled. He’d let her have her way the first time but was confident he wouldn’t be the one on the receiving end the rest of the night. Or ever again. He’d try anything once, but that didn’t mean he’d try it twice.

The clerk offered them some complimentary lube at check-out, and then the three of them made their way upstairs to the back of the place, where private rooms were available for rent.

“You could join us, Kelly,” Owen said. “We used to have a great time when we worked together.”

“I’m just here to help her tie you properly. I wouldn’t want her to injure anything permanently.”

“Just temporarily,” Owen said.


Caitlyn clutched her paper bag in both fists, her brown eyes wide as they made their way through the rooms to one near the very end of a labyrinth of hallways. Hopefully it would be a little more private back here; Owen didn’t want anyone to hear him yelling in agony if it came to that. He was pretty sure this was going to hurt like a son of a bitch. Not that he was against a little pain. Not as long as it was followed by plenty of pleasure. He regretted removing the barbells from his ni**les earlier; they could give him pain and pleasure simultaneously.

Kelly unlocked the door and it swung open to reveal a small room. It held a full-sized bed with sterile-looking white bedding, a functional sink, and a basket full of condoms on a side table, but little else. Tony was a stickler for cleanliness and safety in all his clubs. Owen would, however, be using his own condoms. Call him paranoid, but he didn’t trust anyone but himself with the health of his dick.

“I’m going to borrow a pommel,” Kelly said. “Caitlyn, make him naked while I’m gone.”

She saluted him. “I’m on it.”

A pommel? Wow, Kelly was serious about doing this properly.

Kelly closed the door, leaving Owen alone with Caitlyn. Every time he started to feel nervous about what was about to happen, he just had to look at her and the lust he felt chased his concerns away. It was as if he’d found a magic take-out menu and checked off everything he found attractive in a woman, which had resulted in Caitlyn being delivered to his door hot and ready in thirty minutes or less. This woman could do anything she wanted to him and he was not going to protest.

She approached him cautiously. He swallowed hard, forcing himself not to grab her and tumble her to the bed. All his instincts told him to make his move, but he forced himself to remain civilized and not attack her like a wild creature. For now.

“Can I make you naked now?” she asked as her hands slid over the fabric of his shirt.

His chest muscles flexed of their own volition. “Yeah.”

“Are you as nice to look at under those clothes as I imagine you are?”

“Only one way to find out.”

He held very still as she slowly unbuttoned his shirt. Her fingers started at his collar and made their way down, slowly, slowly, toward his waist. He was always self-conscious about his body. It didn’t help that she stared up into his eyes while she worked at the buttons, as if she wasn’t sure if she wanted to see him naked or not. But soon he didn’t care. He was too lost in her gaze to feel anything but desire.

Owen fought his urge to drag her body against his. To kiss her. He fought other urges as well—like talking. He wanted to ask her about herself. To get to know her. He legitimately enjoyed women. He could talk to them for hours. Unfortunately, he’d learned long ago that anonymous sex worked better when he kept a certain distance from his lover. He couldn’t get attached to Caitlyn and so he needed to be careful not to give her the wrong idea. It would be an easy mistake to make. He already liked this woman—those few glimpses he’d seen of her true personality—and he would love to know what made her tick. Maybe he could even convince her that getting to know each other was a good idea.

But it wasn’t a good idea. It was never a good idea. He’d learned from past entanglements that unless he enjoyed getting his heart broken, he shouldn’t throw it into the equation. Ever. And he didn’t enjoy getting his heart broken. He’d allowed it to happen far too many times in his youth. And it always hurt. He was sure a mangled heart hurt far worse than getting it up the ass by a woman with no thrusting experience.

Caitlyn opened his shirt and pushed it off his shoulders. It fell to the floor at his feet. She glanced at his body and drew her tongue over her sensual lips. She made a little sound of pleasure in the back of her throat and then held up a hand to shield her eyes.

“My God, Owen, you’re so gorgeous it hurts my eyes to look at you,” she said. “Do you have a pair of sunglasses I can borrow?”

He laughed. This was one of the main reasons why he found himself liking her more than he cared to admit; she made him laugh. “Fresh out. If my friend Jacob was handy, I’m sure he’d have a spare pair or three. He’s never without his shades.”

“Hmm,” she murmured, looking reflective. “First you, then Kellen, now Jacob. Tell me, is Jacob as attractive as you are? Because you hotties seem to travel in packs.”

“Most would argue he’s better looking than I am,” Owen said. “But I don’t think he’s your type.”

“How do you know my type?”

“Well,” he said, “when I touch you, you show signs of attraction. To me.”

“I do?” she said, her mouth dropping open as if she were shocked by his claim.

He nodded and lifted his hands to her shoulders. He slipped the flimsy wrap from her body, and it fluttered to the floor. She shivered and the darkened tips of her br**sts grew hard beneath the transparent white lace. God, even her ni**les were perfect. He so wanted to nibble them and then suck them raw.

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