Touch Me

Page 16

“I want to kiss you too,” she said. “Our first kiss.”

He chuckled. “I guess that’s true. You’ve f**ked me and haven’t even kissed me yet. My God, I’m a total slut.”

She chuckled. “I kissed you,” she said. “Just not on the lips.”

She lifted her head and gently brushed her lips against his. That small contact had her heart racing and her sex swelling with unfulfilled desire. She was so glad he wasn't through with her. He might have already enjoyed an explosive orgasm, but she hadn’t, and she was very interested in finding out what being “fucked senseless” entailed.

Owen strained to try to deepen his kiss, but she dropped her head back onto the mattress and continued her new favorite hobby, staring at him.

“There are other things I want to do to you, Owen.”

“There are plenty of things I want to do to you too. Finish untying me.”

“Not yet,” she whispered.

He groaned and dropped his chin to his chest. His soft hair tickled the tip of her nose. She lifted a hand to brush it back and then kissed his forehead.

“It's unfortunate that the pommel blocks most of your chest and belly. I'd really like to touch every inch of your skin.”

“You can as soon as you untie me,” he said.

Her attention focused on his beautiful cock. “But I do see one part of you is fully exposed. I could start there. I really want to get a closer look at that piercing.”

His head jerked up. “Kelly put you up to this, didn't he?”

“He might have planted a seed of thought,” she said. “You can thank him later.”

Caitlyn shifted to the opposite side of the pommel. It pressed against the middle of his chest and his upper abdomen, but lying on her back beneath him, she could see his lower belly, the delightful V of his hipbones, and his suddenly attentive cock. He liked her idea. She could tell by how quickly he was getting hard again. She ran her fingertips down his lower belly and he shuddered, his partially freed arm lowering so he could fist his hand in a tangle of bed sheet. She took her time exploring his flesh—stroking, nibbling and licking his belly and hips, forcing herself not to go for the decorated and engorged prize at the center. She wanted him hard and fully excited before she pleasured him, but she couldn’t take her eyes of his cock. There was something about those two little metallic balls decorating the rim that fascinated her. What would that feel like inside her?

“Touch me,” Owen whispered. “I can't stand it, Caitlyn. Touch me.”

“Touch you where?”

“Where do you think?”

She cradled his balls in one hand, ever so gently massaging. He sucked a breath through his teeth.

“Here?” She didn't wait for his answer. She lifted her head and licked the wrinkled skin of his sac, swirling her tongue in chaotic patterns that caused his breathing to skitter and shake.

“I want to f**k you so bad right now,” he said in a growl of a voice.

She crossed her legs and squeezed them together, pretending his words didn't make her throb with excitement.

“More than you wanted to kiss me?” she asked.

“Mmm,” he murmured. “Please.”

She wanted to touch him, direct his thick hard c**k into her mouth and suck him down her throat, but those little metallic balls gave her pause. Would they get stuck in her throat? There was one trip to the emergency room she’d never live down.

“Are you finished driving me insane?” he asked.

“Not yet. I like playing with you.”

“I want to play too.”

Caitlyn stared up at his cock; its tip was mere inches from her lips. She licked her lips and gnawed on the bottom one, trying to decide if she dared to show him one bedroom skill she was really good at. Her eyes focused on the tattoo that decorated one hip and curved around the top of his thigh.

“What’s with the snake?” she asked. She’d never seen a more realistic tattoo.

“Are you afraid of it? Is that why you’re taking your sweet time untying me?”

Caitlyn traced the bit of art with her fingertips.

“Oh, you mean my tattoo,” he said. “I thought you were talking about the spitting cobra in the center.”

She laughed. “This one?” She lifted her head slightly and flicked her tongue out to tease the sensitive flesh of his c**k head. She worked her way around the tip until her tongue encountered something hard and metallic. She hesitated before squelching her inhibition and suckling his head.

“Damn, woman,” he said breathlessly. “Don’t you want any pleasure for yourself?”

“I like this,” she said. “I can explore your body at my leisure. Do whatever I want to you. But if you really want me to stop…”

“I don’t want you to stop. I want to f**king reciprocate.”

She grinned. “You’ll get your chance.” She rubbed her thumb over the barbell in his piercing and he sucked a sharp breath through his teeth.

“Did it hurt when you got this pierced? Aren’t there a lot of nerve-endings in this area?”

“Fuck yeah, there are, and you’re exciting every one of them.”

She rubbed her tongue over the smaller ball which was situated just above his rim in his sensitive glans. Even though she wasn’t a guy, she imagined having that particular location pierced would be agonizing. She moved her attention to the larger ball just behind his rim. The tang of metal was foreign against her tongue, but she liked it. It reminded her that this wasn’t Charles’s cock. This c**k belonged to someone new and exciting. While she toyed with Owen’s bit of jewelry, she wondered if the two balls were different sizes for a reason other than aesthetics.

He sucked another breath through his teeth when she sucked a kiss over both ends of the barbell and flicked it with her tongue. “The pain wasn’t too bad,” he said shakily. “Took a while to heal. I decided on the dydoe because other c**k piercings make you piss weird. I have a hard enough time aiming for the toilet without an extra exit hole.”

He slipped free of her mouth as Caitlyn chuckled. She absolutely adored how he said anything that popped into his head. Being with him was fun, and when was the last time she’d had fun? The last time she’d laughed this much? The last time she’d enjoyed anyone’s company so much? She couldn’t recall.

“So this type of piercing doesn’t make you pee weird?” she asked.

“No, it doesn’t go through the urethra. Just the rim. If you’ll untie me, I’ll show you the reason I got it done. It’s fun for me and even more fun for you.”

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