Touch Me

Page 40

“Are you about ready to meet up with the bus?” he asked. “We’ll need to leave soon.”

Did he really expect her to think rationally about anything after what she’d just experienced due to his exceptional, guitarist hands and naughty tongue?


“Did you need to stop by your friend’s house to pick up a change of clothes?”

Would she need clothes? She somehow hoped not, but the rest of the world might not agree.

“I think so,” she said, her thoughts still thick from her release and overwhelmed with fantasy. “Maybe? I dunno.”

Owen tugged her against his body, her br**sts pressed into his bare chest. His hands moved to cup her ass. “Do you know how sexy you are when you’re too delirious to think? You’re making me all hard again.”

He kissed her slowly, gently, and for the first time since they’d been together, she not only felt something for him in her body, she felt something for him in her heart.

Shit, that would never do.

Shaken by the direction of her emotions, she pushed him away and climbed to her feet.

“Yeah, I’d better pick up some clothes. My sweet little sheep panties are pretty dirty thanks to you.”

He laughed and rose to stand beside her. “And I love that about them.”

Riding in a limo was still novel, and Caitlyn checked out every nook and cranny in the back seat. She wondered if traveling in a limo ever became routine. Even Owen enjoyed playing with the stereo.

“You need to get used to loud music for tonight,” he told her as he cranked up the tunes and then tugged her into his arms.

That was probably true, but she wasn’t sure how deep, passionate kisses—the ones they were sharing—were necessary to acclimate her to metal. They did have her horny, however, and feeling brave. Brave enough to whisper her newest fantasy in Owen’s ear. He groaned.

“You should have told me in the hotel, where I was in the position to do something about it.”

“Next time,” she murmured.

He grinned. “Next time,” he agreed. And he sank his hands into her mass of hair so he could pull it, as she’d fantasized, while he suckled and kissed her neck.

The car pulled into Jenna’s driveway, and Caitlyn jerked away from Owen to try to compose herself before she faced the limo driver. She was incredibly grateful that her tweed jacket concealed her aroused ni**les, though it did nothing to hide her kiss-swollen lips or the tousled condition of her hair. But the driver didn’t even spare her a glance as he opened the door. She decided he was used to averting his gaze when couples rode in his car.

Caitlyn left Owen to wait in the back seat while she hurried to collect a few things. He’d insisted that if they wanted to ride on the bus, she’d have to hurry. She was a bit nervous about that, actually. She’d prefer to take the limo to Houston, but assumed the expense would be astronomical. The car and driver had been leased for the band’s use, but only for their stay in San Antonio.

Caitlyn let herself into the house using the key Jenna had given her.

“There you are,” Jenna said. “Out all night getting laid. I’m surprised you can still walk.”

Caitlyn whirled around, her hand over chest, her heart thudding against her palm. She took a deep breath. “You scared the shit out of me. I thought you would have left for work by now.”

“I called in sick. I thought we could go to the salon and have a mani-pedi, grab some margaritas with a side of lunch while you tell me all about the cute guy you spent the night with, then we’ll pick up some dumb romantic comedy that will make Daniel flee from the house in horror and have the place and a gallon of chocolate ice cream all to ourselves.”

Caitlyn’s face fell. “Oh, I sort of told…”

She glanced out at the driveway and at the limo waiting for her. As much as she liked Owen and wanted to spend the day and evening with him, her loyalties had to lie with Jenna. The woman had put up with her during her early college years and all the crazy angst she’d suffered while having an affair with one of her professors. One of her married professors. After trying to talk her out of marrying Charles, Jenna had served as her maid of honor because she’d said she would always be loyal to her friend, even if she didn’t agree with the choices she made.

Caitlyn felt terrible that she even considered spending time with Owen over Jenna.

“I’ll just tell him to go on without me,” Caitlyn said. She couldn’t very well turn down her friend when she’d taken a day off work and made plans to spend it with her.

“Wait,” Jenna said. “He’s here?”

“He’s out waiting in the car. He wanted me to go to Houston with him. But I’d rather spend the day with you.” Caitlyn almost believed her own lie. She would love to spend the day with Jenna, but Owen was new and exciting and as much as she loved Jenna, Jenna was… comfortable.

And suddenly Caitlyn was looking for anything but comfortable.

Jenna ran to the window beside the front door and peered out. “That’s not a car, Caitlyn. It’s a f**king limousine.”

“Yeah, well…” Caitlyn shrugged.

“Who is this guy? Is he rich?”

“I don’t know. He’s some musician.”

“Like a rapper or something?”

Caitlyn snorted on a laugh. “Not quite. He’s in some metal band. They’re called Sole Regret. He had convinced me to ride the tour bus and hang out with him backstage until his concert tonight, but I’d much rather have great nails and watch a dumb romantic comedy with you.”

“I call bullshit, Caitlyn Marie. You’re going.” She smoothed her light brown hair that always looked sleek and salon-styled. “And while you’re collecting your things, I’m going to introduce myself to your rock star. Is he really cute?”

“If you weren’t madly in love with Daniel, I wouldn’t let you within ten feet of Owen.”

Jenna laughed. “It’s not like I’m going to hump his leg or something.”

“I wouldn’t blame you if you did. Do you work tomorrow?”


“Can we do the girl thing then?”

“Of course.” Jenna gave her a quick squeeze. “I’m just so glad to see you smiling again.”

“Am I smiling?”

“Like you’ve been hitting the Prozac a little too hard, honey. Good for you. Why don’t you borrow something from my closet?” Jenna suggested. “You dress like my grandmother.”

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