
Page 30

“I never went out with Shawna – it never got that far.”

“Oh. Ahh,” Understanding flickers her eyes. “You just slept with her.”

“I’ve never actually slept with anyone. But … we did have sex, yes.”

She steps back, moving away from me, forcing me to let go of her.

“I know you told me about what you used to do … with women … and it’s fine, I’m not judging you. Not at all. And I know this is only our first date, and I don’t have a lot of experience in the dating field … well, when it comes to men in general, but I do know one thing … when I’m with someone, I’m with just them. And I want them to be the same with me. I understand if that’s different for you, but if you want to be with other women while we date … then I’m sorry, I’m not the right girl for you.”

Eh? I’m not entirely sure where this is coming from. I thought I’d been very clear about how I feel about her, but obviously not, so she needs to know.

And now.

“Mia, I’ve never really been with anyone to define parameters … I’ve never had a relationship. I’ve never dated anyone. You’re the first person I’ve ever had a real date with.”

She doesn’t say anything, her face blank, and I get this sudden ache in my chest.

I feel like I’m losing her before I’ve even gotten her.

“When I told you about me, the way I was, the way I behaved … the guy who you just got a glimpse of through Shawna, that is who I was. Not who I am now.”

She wraps her arms around herself in a protective manner. I hate that she feels she needs to shield herself from me.

“What changed?” Her voice is quiet, wavering.

“You.” I take the chance and move close to her again, closing my hands around her upper arms. She doesn’t pull away. It gives me hope. “You changed things for me.”

She looks away. “You’ve … changed things for me too.”

“I have?”

She nods, tugging on her lower lip with her thumb and forefinger.

“I see you, Mia. Only you.” My gaze drops to her lips.

She stops tugging on them, her hand falling to her side.

“This Is Love” by starts to filter in the background. The piano medley eases through the crowd toward us. Mia’s eyes lift to mine. My heart starts to kick a beat in my chest. Then the song explodes, like the heat between us, until there’s a bonfire of want flaring all around.

Her breathing falters, coming in quick … her eyes close on one of those sweet, short breaths … her lips part slightly…

And I know.

This is it.

The moment I’ve been waiting for since she walked into the hotel.

I lean into her, cupping her cheek in my hand, more than ready to press my mouth to those sweet lips of hers … and then the noise level around us increases exponentially until my ears are nearly bleeding from the squeals and screams of laughter.

And then I feel the reason for those screams of laughter when paint splatters all over me.

Mia’s eyes flash open, her mouth popping to an O.

Motherfucking paint party.

They couldn’t have waited like, five more fucking minutes before blasting out that shit!

I run my hand through my hair and look down at my palm. It’s streaked with yellow, blue and pink neon paint. Mia’s hand goes to her face. She’s equally as covered with the paint as I imagine I am. Running her fingers over her cheek, then her forehead, she streaks the colors, mixing them together.

She looks even more beautiful, if possible.



And incredibly dangerous to my heart.

She looks up to watch the continuing shower of color, shielding her eyes with her hand, and laughing.

And I can’t wait a fucking second longer.

I take her face in my hands, and I kiss her. Hard.

There’s a tremble in her body. I feel her tense for just a split second, then she relaxes into me and her lips part on a soft moan.

I feel it all the way down to my dick. And let’s just say, he’s pretty fucking happy about it.

Sliding my fingers into her hair, I cup the back of her head. “Is this okay?” I whisper over her lips.

She nods.

It’s the only answer I need.

I kiss her deeper, slipping my tongue into her mouth, needing more of her.

Mia’s hands slide up my arms. I can feel the slick of the paint between my skin and hers, and it makes the sensation of her touch even more intense.

Okay, so maybe they’re onto something with this paint thing.

She inches up on her tiptoes, looping her arms around my neck, gripping my hair with her fingers, keeping me with her.

Not that she needs to because I have no intention of going anywhere right now. If ever. But I like that she wants me closer. That she doesn’t want to let me go.

I wrap my arms around her tiny waist, enveloping her, lifting her small body against mine. She’s so tiny, so fragile, yet so unbreakable.

She’s fucking amazing.

Everything I didn’t know I was looking for.

I know I’m fucked. She has me now. If there were ever a chance of me going back after this one taste of her, it’s gone.

I’m gone for her.

I know she’s meant to be leaving in a little over a week’s time, but I can’t let that happen. I’m going to have to figure out a way to keep her in my life for good. Figure out a way for her to want to stay with me.

Chapter Sixteen


If a moment could be held in time forever, kept there to revisit and cherished, then mine would be last night.

I would box the memory, tie it tight with a ribbon, and keep it safe for always. Keep it there to open whenever I need to be reminded of a moment of wonderful.

I know for most girls, going on a date with a guy, being taken to a nightclub and sprayed with neon paint, might not be their idea of an evening to cherish.

But for me, it is.

Because it was my night. Jordan made everything about me. Focused on me. Cared if I was happy, and if I was having a good time.


It was like complete freedom while with another person.

I could dance how I wanted to dance. Talk to whomever I wanted to. Kiss who I wanted to kiss…


There was no fear. No control. No anger.

Just happiness.

I have never experienced anything like it, but I want to again…

And again…

And again…

It was like the best slice of freedom cake, topped with whipped cream and sprinkles.

And Jordan was the sprinkles.

We stayed at the club, wrapped up in each other. When the night was over, and it was time to leave, Jordan and I went back to the hotel together in his car, and Beth got a ride home from Toni.

He was perfect. It was perfect. And when he walked me to my door, he kissed me goodnight, the sweetest kiss of all. Then he went to his room.

I showered the paint off best I could, and fell into bed in a cloud of contentedness.

Now, I’m lying in bed, wide awake at the butt crack of dawn, unable to go back to sleep. I’m counting the seconds until I can see Jordan again while recounting every moment of last night—barring the bumping into one of Jordan’s previous conquests. I cringe when I think of what she said, and I cringe even worse when I think of what I said to her.

When I hear a knock at my door, I almost leap out of bed in my excitement, not remembering until I’m opening the door that I’m still in my pajamas. I probably look a complete state. I’ve never really been that concerned with how I look, until him. I only ever dressed and looked nice because it was expected of me by Oliver and Forbes

“Morning.” His voice is low and husky. “I didn’t wake you, did I?”

God, he looks gorgeous, even at this early hour.

“No. I’ve been awake a while. Couldn’t sleep.”

“Me either. I’ve had this girl on my mind all night.”

“Anyone I know?” I hold back a smile.

Dozer comes into view at Jordan’s side, all puppy dog eyes at me. Pushing past Jordan, he comes to me.

“Hey, buddy.” I kneel down to stroke him.

“You might know her,” Jordan says, answering my question. “Blonde hair, blue eyes … beautiful. We went out on a date last night as it happens.”

He just called me beautiful.


Composing myself, I look up at Jordan. “Really?” I say, playing along. “So how was the date?”

“Well, that’s the thing…” He crouches down, stroking Dozer who’s positioned between us. His fingertips touch mine. Heat flashes up my arm careening straight for my heart.

“The date was amazing, and I haven’t been able to stop thinking about her … or her gorgeous mouth ever since…” He leans over Dozer. Close to me. I suck in a breath. “And the thing is, I really need to kiss her again.”

Baboom! The sound of my heart … so loud, I’m sure he must hear it.

“I think she needs you to kiss her too,” I breathe.

“You do?” He swipes his lower lip with his tongue.

My insides coil. “Mmm,” I murmur.

I close my eyes as he brings his mouth to mine, more than ready to taste him and feel the explosion his kiss creates inside me.

It’s only when I part my lips against his that I remember I haven’t brushed my teeth.

“Wait,” I say against his mouth, pressing my hand to his chest. “I haven’t brushed my teeth.”

“Shh.” His hand goes to the back of my head … holding me … kissing me deeper. Apparently he has no issue with my morning breath. I should, but I really don’t want to stop kissing him right now.

All thought is lost when he runs his tongue along my lower lip, then slips it into my mouth. I curl my fingers into his shirt.

His kisses are drugging. I could live a contented life being as high as a kite on him all day long.

He gets as close to me as he can with a hundred and sixty pound dog laid on the floor between us, and takes my face in both his hands, taking full control of the kiss. It’s at this exact point that I feel things change between us.


Don’t ask me why or how, they just do, and I know he feels it too because of the look on his face when he parts his mouth from mine on a gasp, eyes staring deep into mine.

I know, in this moment, there’s an unbreakable connection between us. Something tying us together, irrevocably, and no matter what, I’ll never be without him.

“Hi,” I whisper.

“Hi.” He smiles.

Dozer lifts his head between us, nudging Jordan back from me a little.

I chuckle, and stroke Dozer, giving him the attention he wants.

“So, where was I before you distracted me?” He grins, still looking as dazed as I feel.

“You were telling me about the awesome date you had last night.”

“Right, yeah. Well, it was so awesome that I was hoping she’d go on another date with me today.”

“You always could ask her.”

“What do you think she’d say?”

“Hmm…” I press my lips together in thought. “I’m thinking that she’d definitely say yes.”

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