Twice in a Blue Moon

Page 8

“I hoped you’d understand,” Tucker said. “I’m sorry I tricked you, Bry. The more we talked, and the things you were saying…I knew you had to come with us. I thought if you came on your own, it would be easier on you, that’s all.”

“Who is that guy, anyway? He acts like he has the right to boss you around.”

Tucker lowered his gaze and pressed his bottom lip between his teeth before he spoke. “Yeah, he kind of does have the right. In a way. I don’t always pay attention, though,” he said, a wry smile tilting up the corners of his mouth.

“What the hell, Tucker, are you trying to be cryptic? Who is he?”

When Tucker crossed his arms and shook his head, Kevin lost patience. “Tucker, I’m getting out of here, and I’m taking you with me, whether you go willingly or not,” Kevin said grimly.

Tucker shook his head. “God, Kevin, what does it take to get through to you? You won’t be able to leave. They won’t let you! In case you haven’t noticed, you’ve been locked naked in a room inside the lodge. How the hell do you think you’re getting out of here? And I’m here because I want to be. You don’t understand. There’s a secret here, but it’s not about any kind of religion or cult. Actually I’m a part of it all, but I-I can’t tell you yet. But I can promise you, I’m all right. I’m in love with Gavin, and he gives me everything I need.”

“What kind of damn secret? What do you mean you’re part of it but you can’t tell me yet? How could you just walk away from everything…your job, your home…your whole damn life, just to be with him? Why is everything such a fucking mystery?”

Looking miserable, Tucker put a hand on his arm. “I will tell you, but not yet. You’ll know everything soon, Kevin.”

“Oh? How is that? Because they’re about to do to me whatever they’ve done to you? You say it’s not brainwashing…well, then what is it? Some kind of drugs? Is it what Richard shot into me?”

“No. I promise you, Kevin, that was only a sedative, and I’m not taking any kind of drugs.” He raised his eyes to the ceiling. “Damn it, this is too hard. I just need to go ahead and tell you.”

The door opened and Richard strode back in. His eyes went straight to Kevin and roamed over him almost possessively before he stopped beside Tucker and put a hand on his shoulder. “I came back to tell you they’re serving dinner downstairs. Would you mind getting Kevin a tray, since you know more about what he likes than I do?”

Tucker nodded. “Sure. Be back in a few minutes.”

“Take your time. I’m not eating anything either of you give me.” Kevin pushed the words through clenched teeth, more for Richard’s benefit than Tucker’s. Casting an accusing glare at Richard, who was standing way too close to Tucker to suit him, he wondered just who he was most jealous of, Tucker or Richard? What the hell was wrong with him, damn it?

Richard regarded him calmly. “You need to eat. You’ll get sick if you don’t.”

“Then I guess I’ll get sick.”

Richard got a stubborn look on his face, and for just a moment, he reminded Kevin of somebody, but he couldn’t put his finger on it. “You’ll eat or I’ll make you eat. Suit yourself.”

“Fuck you,” Kevin said and raised a fist to smash it into that arrogant mouth. “I’d like to see you try.”

“Oh, would you? Go ahead, take your best shot.” Richard stepped forward, seeming ready to take him on, but before they could clash, Tucker was between them, pushing back on Richard’s chest.

“Please stop,” he said, looking up at Richard. He spoke over his shoulder to Kevin. “I told you I wouldn’t drug you, and I won’t. Damn, chill out.”

“Chill out? You invited me to come here, and this guy drugs me with a hypodermic needle and cuffs me naked to a bed. Not exactly chill inspiring.”

Richard growled at him, low in his chest, but Kevin refused to back down. Kevin grabbed Tucker, pushing him aside and squared off to the big man opposite him. Kevin drew back his fist again. “Go ahead, asshole. Do what you need to do.”

“Richard, stand down.” A commanding voice from the open doorway made them all whip their heads around to see Gavin. He strode forward and gently put Tucker behind him before turning to Kevin. “No one will drug you again, Kevin, and you need to eat, though I understand how you must feel. Would you feel better if Tucker tasted everything for you and let you watch him? He can do that for you if you like. We don’t have to resort to drugging your food. You should realize that by now. If we wanted to drug you, we’d just do it, like we did before.”

“Whatever,” Kevin said tiredly, flopping down on the side of the bed. He felt stupid for making such a big deal about it. He didn’t really think the food would be drugged, and he actually did kind of trust Tucker not to hurt him willingly. It was Richard, really. Everything about the damn man set his teeth on edge. He was angry at himself for noticing Richard’s scent as he walked in again, too, a woodsy, subtle cologne mixed with a very male odor. It had assaulted his nose the second he came through the door and he’d had to shift his feet a little to hide his sudden erection. Damn the man. How could he possibly be attracted to him? Besides, Tucker had been about to tell him something when he walked in. Maybe something that would help him figure out how to get out of this mess.

Richard shoved his hands in his pockets and stared moodily at him. “I’ll go then, since I just upset him.” He got to the door and turned, glaring back at Kevin. “I don’t think it does any good to coddle him, though. He needs to learn some manners. Tell him what to do, and I’ll make sure he does it.”

As he left, Kevin muttered, “Yeah, like hell you will. Fuck you,” mostly under his breath, but Gavin heard him. He frowned a bit, but didn’t say anything, just folded his arms over his chest and regarded Kevin quietly.

“Well, I’ll go get that tray,” Tucker said, clearing his throat. “Gavin?”

“I’ll stay here with Detective Bryson until you get back. I’d like to have a word with him.”

Tucker nodded and cast Kevin an anxious glance as he left. Kevin turned to Gavin belligerently. “What the fuck now?”

“I know you’re angry, but you came looking for us, remember? We didn’t come and drag you up here.”

“Like you did with Tucker?”

Gavin made a noise of impatience. “Surely you know Tucker well enough to know he wouldn’t have stood for that. And if I had tried to just overpower him and bring him here against his will, do you really think he’d have gone through a commitment ceremony with me?”

Kevin shrugged. “You played mind games with him. Coerced him somehow, I don’t know.”

Shaking his head, Gavin sighed. “You know better than that. No, I convinced him to stay because I love him, and he loves me. Even after he knew exactly what I am, and what he is too.”

“What you are? What the hell does that mean? More mysteries, I guess.”

“Kevin, this is my home, and the people you saw downstairs are all part of my…family. We call it a pack.”

“A pack?” Kevin said blankly. “Like wolves?”

“Yes, exactly like wolves,” he said eagerly, his dark eyes lighting up. “Wolves feel more comfortable together in a close family unit. Wolves have rankings within the pack. Their leader is the alpha.” He regarded Kevin steadily, maybe checking for his reaction to this drivel. Kevin tried to keep his face blank. He was finally getting some information, no matter how crazy, and he wanted to learn everything he could.

“I’m the alpha of this pack, Kevin. Richard is my beta, or my second in command.”

“Okay,” Kevin said slowly. “And what does that make Tucker?”

“Tucker is my mate. Tucker is related to our pack too, even though his grandparents took him from us when he was only a baby. When we found him again, and explained things to him, he agreed to come here with us and meet everyone, including his father, who’d been searching for him for years. Of course, I wanted him to stay, and I tried my best to convince him. His father did too. In the end, he made his decision, and I think I can safely say he doesn’t regret it.”

“And if he’d decided not to stay? Would you have taken away his clothes and cuffed him to a bed like you did me?”

“Tucker’s situation was different, and I’m not sure what would have happened if he’d decided he didn’t want to stay once he’d seen the compound and knew…all he knew about us. I guess I’m only just realizing what a chance I took with him. I told him before he came that he could leave here if he didn’t want to stay, but I know now I wasn’t telling him the complete truth of the matter. I let my own emotions cloud my judgment. I would have let him go, because I wouldn’t have broken my promise to him, but the others wouldn’t have felt the same way and might have gone after him. No, I took a terrible risk with him, and I’m so relieved it turned out for the best. I’m afraid my luck has run out though, with you, Kevin.”

Kevin felt an icicle of fear spear down his spine. He shifted uncomfortably. “Your luck or mine?”

Gavin glanced up, startled. “No, I didn’t mean it that way. We’d never hurt you, Kevin, any more than we already have. I promise you. What I meant was, we can’t just let you leave. You’ve been a good friend to Tucker over the years, and I owe you honesty at least. You have to be assimilated into our pack, Kevin. I’m afraid that’s the best possible scenario for you now.”

We can’t let you leave. Those words terrified him, but he couldn’t let that show. He stood up and walked to the window, gazing out, trying to calm his nerves. A few people were walking around outside, looking purposeful, as if they were doing some nightly chore. Everything looked so fucking normal. Except that nothing was normal about any of this. Clenching his fists so hard he could feel his nails biting into his palms, he took a couple of steadying breaths. He had to keep his wits about him. Try to play along until he could find a way out. He knew Gavin was waiting for some kind of response.

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